The Wisdom of Crowds by Joe Abercrombie, Age of Madness Trilogy Book #3
The Wisdom of Crowds by Joe Abercrombie is the third book of the Age of Madness Trilogy, a follow-up trilogy of the First Law World Trilogy. The Trilogy occurs thirty years after the First Law Trilogy. This Trilogy follows an additional set of characters; some are the children of characters from the First Law books. First Law characters also appear in secondary roles in this series. At the end of The Trouble with Peace, the second book of the Age of Madness Trilogy, they defeated a rebellion, but all is not well in the Union. Will the wisdom of crowds start a revolution and bring down the Union once and for all?

Summary – Part One
The Wisdom of Crowds by Joe Abercrombie features seven points of view characters from both sides of the Angland and Midderland conflicts. The characters meet and part in this complex narrative which concludes the plot arcs of this generation of characters.
Orso dan Luthar, the first character, is the King of the Union. He is coming back to Adua after his great victory on the battlefield. But the Change has come to the Union, and he must find his place in it or die.
Savine dan Glokta, the second character, is the daughter of Sand dan Glokta, the head of the King’s Closed Council and the head of the Inquisition. Her money and her power are gone and she must find a new way to live.
Leo dan Brock, the third character, has lost his chance for greatness, his dignity, and his health. He must reinvent himself to continue.
Summary – Part Two
Victarine (Vic) dan Teufel, the fourth character, was an undercover agent for the Inquisition of the Union. Her mission has taken her to the city of Valbeck which has fallen to the People’s Army. The Great Change is headed for Adua. She must discover Superior Pike’s role in The Great Change and decide what is the best plan for her future.
Gunner “Bull” Broad, the fifth character, worked for Savine dan Glotka. He had helped Savine in Valbeck and she was grateful, so she employed him. His conflict is with the sort of tasks that Savine requires him to perform. Now he is imprisoned for his crimes and despairs about ever returning to his family. The Great Change will change his fortunes and he must make a difficult decision to achieve his goals.
Rikke, the sixth character, is the Dogman’s daughter. The Dogman was the chieftain of the city of Uffrith and leader of the Protectorate, Angland’s ally in the North. Rikke inherited his leadership. She has the Long Eye, a way of seeing images from the past or the future. She must come to terms with her gift or face going insane like many with the gift have done so before her. Rikke defeated Stour Nightfall, King of the North, and holds his seat at Carleon. She must find a way to hold onto her power or face destruction.
Jonas “Clover” Steepfield, the seventh character, was the advisor of Stour Nightfall, the King of the North. Clover was once a famous warrior but is now an observer of the Northmen’s court. He now serves Rikke and must decide what is the best course for his future.
The Wisdom of Crowds by Joe Abercrombie concludes the Age of Madness Trilogy well. The action builds and the plot shifts land hard. Most chapters follow either a single viewpoint or two sequential viewpoints of the seven main characters.
The two exceptions are the chapter titled The Little People, where a series of people react to a devastating event in Adua. And a chapter also titled The Little People, where a series of people react to the climactic battle in Carleon, the capital of the North. In the Carleon chapter, one character observes and then encounters the next character, and then that character takes on the narrative. It continues in the chapter, creating a kaleidoscope where the events build to a greater whole.
Those chapters were my highlight of the book. It was a brilliant book. I liked the love triangle arc of Leo, Savine, and Orso. I wanted more and hope the author will return to this setting in the future.
This is the link to the Goodreads page of The Wisdom of Crowds by Joe Abercrombie, Age of Madness Series Book #3
This is the link to my book review of The Trouble with Peace by Joe Abercrombie, Age of Madness Series Book #2
Peace comes after the wars in the previous novel. Intrigues occur. Will the peace prove more deadly than the wars that came before?
This is the link to my book review of A Little Hatred by Joe Abercrombie, Age of Madness Series Book #1
Northmen invade Angland, the northern province of the Union. The Industrial Revolution arrived in the Union and civil unrest increased following unfair labor practices. The city of Valbeck is the center of the unrest. It features seven characters from both sides of the conflict. Will they destroy Angland and Valbeck, or will they survive?