There are six websites that I frequent daily. I detail why I have picked these six and what information I am looking for on each site.
Daily Break

The reason that I check out daily break every day is that it is a place where I can get what’s happening currently in a fun fashion. A half dozen or so posts are created every day. The posts can be a quiz on weekly events, matching puzzles, interesting pictures, or lists about some topics. You can earn points by reading a whole post, you can earn points by spinning for points up to five times a day, and you can also earn points by completing breaker badges.
The points are used in sweepstakes for prizes or for items in the daily break store. I have used points on sweepstakes but have not won any. I have also received an Amazon gift card. The breaker badge that I have not received, but really want is the 15000 points for the grand slam, which is earned by coming back to the site for 365 straight days. I have missed only a few days since the site went to this format a year and a half ago. I’m at 97 days right now and 41417 total points earned.
The Plain Dealer

I subscribe to The Plain Dealer and read the paper daily online. It is the only paper for Cleveland, Ohio and covers the sports teams in town. I get my Cavs, Indians, and Browns news from the paper. My favorite column is written by Terry Pluto in the Sunday Paper called Terry’s Talking… He goes over the latest news of the sports teams in his column.
Eleven Warriors
Eleven Warriors covers all sports at the Ohio State University. I especially like their coverage of the football team. They write about recruiting (the daily Hurry Up feature is impressive), game day features, and commentary about the team.
The Wertzone
The Wertzone is the blog of Adam Whitehead. He covers Science Fiction and Fantasy in Print and on Screen. Adam posts on current SF and F news as it happens. He comments on upcoming SF and F books, movies, and TV shows. There is also a large backlist of his reviews available on the site. I respect his opinions and have picked books and shows based on his recommendations.
Winter is Coming

Winter is coming is my go to site for news about Game of Thrones books and the HBO Show.
Blizzard Watch
I go to Blizzard watch for my World of Warcraft news.
This was my post on which websites do I frequent daily? My next post in this series will be: Which websites do I frequent weekly?
This is the link to my Goodreads page.
This is a link to my review of The Land That Time Forgot by Edgar Rice Burroughs, which is a fun quickly-paced science fiction/fantasy adventure story. It has the lost world theme and an interesting method of alternative evolution included in this world. It is just the perfect story for that pre-teen boy to read.