What’s in a Name? Picking a Website Title.
What’s in a Name? Picking a Website Title. The title that I chose for my website has come a long way from conception to execution. In this post, I will examine the way that I arrived at my website title. Originally, in 2012, I was debating if I wanted to start a blog. I began to think about what topics I would cover in this proposed blog.
The topics that I most wanted to blog about were writing, reading, listening to music, and watching movies. I made a note of what I wanted to call the blog on 05-24-12. It read, “A weekly blog called Watch (movies), Listen (music), and Write (reading); a play on the phrase watch, listen and learn.” I will break down that initial blog idea and lead up to my final choice for a website name.
Watch, Listen, and Learn
Watch, Listen, and Write is most similar to Watch, Listen, and Learn. This youtube video teaches children their alphabet by using phonics. (Note: They do not use the Oxford Comma in the video.)
Stop, Look, and Listen
I was also inspired by the phrase Stop, Look, and Listen. I remember that as a kid, learning about road safety. We used it for crossing the road.

Stop, Drop, and Roll
Another phrase is Stop, Drop, and Roll. This phrase is used in fire safety drills. If you are on fire, stop, drop, and roll to put it out.

Duck and Cover
As crazy as it may seem now, back in the cold war, we used the drill Duck and Cover. In the case of a nuclear attack, we were supposed to hide under our desks at school. I remember the drill when I was a kid. Like we wouldn’t be killed by the radiation after the explosion. We did it anyway. There is a Civil Defense film from 1951 called Duck and Cover with Bret the Turtle which I have added below.
Stop, Wait, and Listen
Being from the Cleveland, Ohio area there is another short phrase that reminds me of my proposed blog title. That is the song by the band named Circus called Stop, Wait, and Listen. Check it out below.
So, there are five phrases that might have inspired me to make a blog title called Watch, Listen, and Write. I revisited the idea of creating a blog when I decided to start a website featuring a blog in August of 2016. There was the phrase Read, Watch, Listen Makes Write on 08-10-16, but that seemed too silly. I decided that this blog would feature only book reviews, my writing progress reports, and other writing-related posts.
What’s in a Name? Picking a Website Title. The final answer is Gary David Gillen: Writer of Adventures in SF and Fantasy. I think that sums up what I am trying to do here perfectly. The only change I will make is that I will change the word writer to the author after I have published one of my stories. That would be my motivation for the accomplishment of publishing a story.
This is the link to my Goodreads page.
This is a link to my review of The Land That Time Forgot by Edgar Rice Burroughs, which is a fun quickly-paced science fiction/fantasy adventure story. It has the lost world theme and an interesting method of alternative evolution included in this world. It is just the perfect story for that pre-teen boy to read.