Dragon Reborn by Robert Jordan. Book three of the Wheel of Time series.
Dragon Reborn by Robert Jordan is the third book of The Wheel of Time series. Perrin and Moraine follow Rand to Tear. Mat, Egwene, Nyneave, and Elyane follow the Black Ajah to Tear. They meet at the Stone of Tear and Rand meets his destiny with the sword that is not a sword named Callendor. Can Rand wield Callendor to prove he is the Dragon Reborn and defeat Ba’alzamon?

Dragon Reborn by Robert Jordan begins soon after Great Hunt by Robert Jordan ended. The battle at Falme is over and Rand unfurls the Dragon Banner. The Dragon banner group hides in the hills considering their next move. Moiraine, the Aes Sedai, and her warder Lan protect the group. Perrin, the wolf brother and Min, the lady of prophecy, and Loial, the Oglier are members of the group. Something unexpected happens and Rand leaves the protecting hills and the group follows him but is one step behind him on their way to Tear. Callendor, the sword that is not a sword, is found in Tear. The prophecy is that the Stone of Tear will fall and the one who can wield Callendor is the Dragon Reborn.
Meanwhile, the rest of the cast is in Tar Volan. Egwene, Nynaeve, and Elayne are training under the tutelage of the Aes Sedai. They have brought Mat, the trickster, to Tar Volan for the Aes Sedai to heal him. They hope the most powerful of the Aes Sedai can heal Mat from the curse of the dagger he took from Shadar Logoth. The Black Ajah makes its presence known. The members of the Black Ajah are Aes Sedai who follows the dark one. Egwene, Nynaeve, and Elayne head to Tear to fight the Black Ajah.
Both groups travel to Tear and Rand proves his worth.
The Dragon Reborn is another great novel in the Wheel of Time series. It was a great idea to limit Rand’s POV chapters and having him as a mysterious force that the group follows. Bringing almost everyone in the cast to Tear worked well. I enjoyed Mat’s story the best. His story feels like a spy thriller. Perrin faces his main dilemma of whether to take up the blacksmith hammer and a non-combat role or the war ax and a combat role. The best moment of the novel comes at the end when Rand responds to the climax of the novel. It is a perfect reaction and Moraine states the truth that will propel Rand, Perrin, and Mat in the novels that follow. I am looking forward to watching the first season of the Amazon Prime Video adaption of the first two novels of the series in 2020.
This is the link to the Goodreads page of Dragon Reborn by Robert Jordan.
This is the link to my review of Great Hunt by Robert Jordan, Book two of the Wheel of Time.
This is the link to my review of Eye of the World by Robert Jordan, Book one of the Wheel of Time.