Gathering Storm by Robert Jordan

Gathering Storm by Robert Jordan and Brandon Sanderson, Book Twelve of the Wheel of Time series.


Gathering Storm by Robert Jordan and Brandon Sanderson is the twelfth book of The Wheel of Time series. The novel follows five main plot arcs. Rand, Mat, Perrin, Egwene, and Gawyn. All five characters face hard choices and must grow so they can complete the challenges they encounter. Will the forces of Light be destroyed by the Gathering Storm?

Gathering Storm by Robert Jordan

Summary – Prologue

The prologue has six point-of-view characters, and each point of view sets up a plot arc.

Renald is a farmer in the Borderlands. He and his neighbors feel a storm coming between the forces of the Dark and the Light and must decide what to do about it.

Falendre must deliver a message from Rand to the Daughter of the Nine Moons about having a meeting to discuss a truce.

Seanchan Banner-General Tylee Khirgan’s forces are ambushed by hundreds of Trollocs only a day’s march from Ebou Dar.

Graendal is summoned by Moridin to discuss what she should do about Rand in Arad Doman.

Rodel Ituralde springs his trap on the Seanchan forces in Arad Doman.

Masema tries to regroup his forces after his defeat in Malden. Faile has something to say about that.

Summary–Main Plot Arcs

Gathering Storm by Robert Jordan and Brandon Sanderson has five main arcs.

Rand continues to pursue his truce with the Seanchan so they can both focus on defeating the forces of the Dark One rather than each other. He also hunts for Graendal.

Mat continues his journey with the Band to escape into Andor. He also searches for the woman he learns is looking for him.

Perrin marched the refugees from the defeat of the Shaido at Malden to safety in the Two Rivers.

Egwene continues her rebellion from within the Tower.

Gawyn learns that Egwene is captured inside the White Tower and wants to rescue her.

Summary–Best Chapters

[Insert Best Chapters here]


[Insert Recommendation here]


This is the link to the Goodreads page of Gathering Storm by Robert Jordan and Brandon Sanderson.

Review of Knife of Dreams by Robert Jordan. Rand, Mat, Perrin, Elayne, and Egwene get closer to their goals in this novel.

Review of Crossroads of Twilight by Robert Jordan. Rand, Mat, Perrin, and Egwene get closer to their goals in this novel.

Winters Heart by Robert Jordan has some brilliant scenes but misses conclusions to the plot arcs explored

Review of Path of Daggers by Robert Jordan. When Rand fights the Seanchan, will they defeat him, or will he win across the Path of Daggers?

This is the link to my review of Crown of Swords by Robert Jordan. When Rand forces the hand of one of the Forsaken, will the Forsaken defeat him or will he earn a Crown of Swords?

This is the link to my review of Lord of Chaos by Robert Jordan, Book Six of the Wheel of Time. Chaos reigns in the Westlands. They push Rand to the edge of insanity. Will he survive the box?

This is the link to my review of Fires of Heaven by Robert Jordan, Book Five of the Wheel of Time.

This is the link to my review of Shadow Rising by Robert Jordan, Book Four of the Wheel of Time.

This is the link to my review of Dragon Reborn by Robert Jordan, Book three of the Wheel of Time.

This is the link to my review of Great Hunt by Robert Jordan, Book Two of the Wheel of Time.

This is the link to my review of Eye of the World by Robert Jordan, Book One of the Wheel of Time.

Knife of Dreams by Robert Jordan

Knife of Dreams by Robert Jordan, Book Eleven of the Wheel of Time series.


Knife of Dreams by Robert Jordan is the eleventh book of The Wheel of Time series. The novel follows five main plot arcs. Rand, Mat, Perrin, Elayne, and Egwene. All five characters face hard choices and must grow so they can complete the challenges put before them. Will the forces of Light be cut down by the Knife of Dreams?

Knife of Dreams by Robert Jordan

Summary – Prologue

The prologue has seven point-of-view characters, and each point of view sets up a plot arc.

Galad is a member of the White Cloaks who duels Eamon Valda for the command of the Children of the Light.

Rodel Ituralde is a general of Amon Domain who fights the Seanchan and sets up a trap for them.

Lady Suroth is Tuon’s subordinate who learns something from a Forsaken that will change the Seanchan situation.

Pevara is a White Tower Aes Sedai charged with discovering any Black Ajah hiding there.

Alvarin is a White Tower Aes Sedai that is working against the order.

Galina is an Aes Sedai enslaved by the Saido at Malden who is trying to escape with Faile’s help.

Egwene was captured by the White Tower Aes Sedai and has been reduced to an Accepted in the order. She has plans to help the rebel Aes Sedai who are sieging the city.

Summary–Groups of characters

Crossroads of Twilight by Robert Jordan has five main plots.

Rand continues to pursue his truce with the Seanchan so they can both focus on defeating the forces of the Dark One rather than each other.

Mat’s group leaves the traveling circus headed to Murandy. He continues to court Tuon. He finds part of the Band of the Red Hand and attacks the Seanchan nearby.

Perrin”s forces attack the Shaido at Malden to free Faile and the other captives.

Elayne continues her siege of Caemlyn and worries about what the Borderland armies camped near the city will do.

Egwene’s rebel forces continue to siege Tar Valon. The White Tower has captured her, and she starts a rebellion from within the Tower.

Summary–Best Plot Points

Nine Chapters stand out in Knife of Dreams by Robert Jordan. (There’s so many, It’s a great novel)

At the Garden is Chapter 3 where most of the Forsaken meet and vow to kill Perrin and Mat.

A Village in Shiota is Chapter 10 where the people in Mat’s caravan see ghosts. Thom gives Mat a letter from Moraine that changes everything.

A Hell in Maderin is Chapter 11 where Tuon wants Mat to take her to a rowdy bar. Interesting things happen there and after.

The Golden Crane is Chapter 20 which is split into three parts. The first part is about Rand but the rest is about Nynaeve and Lan. Nynaeve is great here.

Honey in the Tea is Chapter 24 where Egwene starts her war from within at the White Tower. This odd thing is that this is Egwene’s only viewpoint chapter in this novel, though she is features in a part of the prolouge. It’s a great chapter.

A Plain Wodden Box is Chapter 27 which is a split chapter though both section are great. First, Rand goes to a meeting with the Seanchan leader, but unexpected events occur. Then, Mat displays his awesomeness in commanding his army.

Outside the Gates is Chapter 30 where Perrin and Faile’s arc comes to a long simmering conclusion.

The House on Full Moon Street is Chapter 31 where Elayne finds out what Mellar has been up to and tries to do something about it, but faces unexpected consequences.

Prince of Ravens is Chapter 37 where Mat’s plans come to fruition.


Knife of Dreams by Robert Jordan resolves several plot arcs that were set up in Winter’s Heart and Crossroads of Twilight. There are big endings with the Perrin, Mat, and Elayne arcs. Rand is still pursuing his truce with the Seanchan and Egwene pursues her siege of the White Tower from within. It’s great to see some of these plots completed. Robert Jordan must have seen the end to the series here. This was the last novel he completed before his untimely death. Brandon Sanderson took Jordan’s notes and some completed scenes to write the three novels that complete the Wheel of Time series. I see Knife of Dreams as a turning point to the endgame coming at the Last Battle, Tarmon Gai’don


This is the link to the Goodreads page of Knife of Dreams by Robert Jordan.

Review of Crossroads of Twilight by Robert Jordan. Rand, Mat, Perrin, and Egwene get closer to their goals in this novel.

Winters Heart by Robert Jordan has some brilliant scenes but misses conclusions to the plot arcs explored

Review of Path of Daggers by Robert Jordan. When Rand fights the Seanchan, will they defeat him, or will he win across the Path of Daggers?

This is the link to my review of Crown of Swords by Robert Jordan. When Rand forces the hand of one of the Forsaken, will the Forsaken defeat him or will he earn a Crown of Swords?

This is the link to my review of Lord of Chaos by Robert Jordan, Book Six of the Wheel of Time. Chaos reigns in the Westlands. They push Rand to the edge of insanity. Will he survive the box?

This is the link to my review of Fires of Heaven by Robert Jordan, Book Five of the Wheel of Time.

This is the link to my review of Shadow Rising by Robert Jordan, Book Four of the Wheel of Time.

This is the link to my review of Dragon Reborn by Robert Jordan, Book three of the Wheel of Time.

This is the link to my review of Great Hunt by Robert Jordan, Book two of the Wheel of Time.

This is the link to my review of Eye of the World by Robert Jordan, Book one of the Wheel of Time.

Crossroads of Twilight by Robert Jordan

Crossroads of Twilight by Robert Jordan, Book Ten of the Wheel of Time series.


Crossroads of Twilight by Robert Jordan is the tenth book of The Wheel of Time series. The novel follows four main plot arcs. Rand, Mat, Perrin, and Elayne. All four characters face hard choices and must grow so they can complete the challenges put before them in future novels. Will the forces of Light be stopped at the Crossroads of Twilight?

Crossroads of Twilight

Summary – Prologue

The prologue has seven point-of-view characters, and each point of view sets up a plot arc.

Ritel Ituralde is a general of Amon Domain who knows the Seanchan will attack him soon and makes plans to defeat them.

Eamon Valda is a leader of the White Cloaks who face battles with the Seanchan and the Aes Sedai.

Gabrelle is warder-bonded to Logain at the Black Tower. She tries to figure out what move the Ahsa’man will take next.

Yukiki searches for the Black Ajah at the White Tower.

Gawyn oversees the Younglings and wonders what to do next.

Davram Bashere commands a unit in Elayne’s army that is sieging Caemalyn, trying to win her the crown of Andor.

Samitsu is overseeing Cairhien by Cadsuane’s request. She must find out who and why someone attempted to assassinate Dobraine.

Summary–Groups of characters

Crossroads of Twilight by Robert Jordan has four main plots.

Rand wants to make a truce with the Seanchan so they can both focus on defeating the forces of the Dark One rather than each other.

Mat leaves Ebou Dar with the cover of the traveling circus to escape to Murandy. He courts Tuon but is clueless about the ways of the Seanchan.

Perrin discovers the Shaido confines Faile in their winter quarters in Malden. The Shaido are too strong to attack. Perrin looks for supplies and faces a difficult decision.

Egwene brought her rebels forces to siege Tar Valon. She faces a set back at the end of the novel which might jeopardize her ability to take Tar Valon.

Summary–Best Plot Points

Three Chapters stand out in Crossroads of Twilight by Robert Jordan.

Traps is Chapter 9 where Faile is punished by the Shaido but is comforted by Rolan.

A Mark is Chapter 21 where Alvarin is worried that she will be found out at the White Tower as part of the Black Ajah.

What must be done is Chapter 31 where Perrin must make a hard choice. Perrin’s conflict in the series has been between the hammer and the axe. For him the hammer means the blacksmith profession and resolving issues by words. The axe means war and battle. Perrin faces a situation where he must choose between the axe and the hammer.


Crossroads of Twilight by Robert Jordan has some brilliant scenes, but the plot arcs begun in Winter’s Heart are still not competed in this novel. This novel functions to set up the events resolved in the next novel in the series, Knife of Dreams. This novel didn’t have a big ending like the ones that occurred in most of the other novels of the series. I see Winter’s Heart, Crossroads of Twilight, and Knife of Dreams as a sort of a trilogy set inside the series.


This is the link to the Goodreads page of Crossroads of Twilight by Robert Jordan.

Winters Heart by Robert Jordan has some brilliant scenes but misses conclusions to the plot arcs explored

Review of Path of Daggers by Robert Jordan. When Rand fights the Seanchan, will they defeat him, or will he win across the Path of Daggers?

This is the link to my review of Crown of Swords by Robert Jordan. When Rand forces the hand of one of the Forsaken, will the Forsaken defeat him or will he earn a Crown of Swords?

This is the link to my review of Lord of Chaos by Robert Jordan, Book Six of the Wheel of Time. Chaos reigns in the Westlands. They push Rand to the edge of insanity. Will he survive the box?

This is the link to my review of Fires of Heaven by Robert Jordan, Book Five of the Wheel of Time.

This is the link to my review of Shadow Rising by Robert Jordan, Book Four of the Wheel of Time.

This is the link to my review of Dragon Reborn by Robert Jordan, Book Three of the Wheel of Time.

This is the link to my review of Great Hunt by Robert Jordan, Book Two of the Wheel of Time.

This is the link to my review of Eye of the World by Robert Jordan, Book one of the Wheel of Time.

New Spring by Robert Jordan

New Spring by Robert Jordan is a prequel to the Wheel of Time series.


New Spring by Robert Jordan is the prequel to The Wheel of Time series. The novel shows the prophecy of the birth of the Dragon Reborn which drove Moiraine to seek the Dragon Reborn. It also shows how Moraine and Lan meet and join forces. And it sets up the events before the first book of the series, The Eye of the World. Will Moiraine find the Dragon Reborn before the Minions of the Dark One find him and will she save him to defeat the Dark One in the Final Battle?

New Spring by Robert Jordan


Moiraine and Siuan witness the Aes Sedai Keeper foretell that the Dragon has been Reborn. Moiraine and Siuan are friends and young Aes Sedai Accepted. The Amyrlin Seat of that time sends them on a mission to find the Dragon Reborn. When Moiraine becomes a full Aes Sedai, she continues her search.

At the end of the Aiel War, Lan and his crew learn that some people want to restore the destroyed kingdom of Malkier. Lan would have been the last king of Malkier, but doesn’t want to follow that path. They head toward a city close to where Malkier was located.

Moiraine and Lan meet on the road, but are suspicious of each others motivations. They continue to the city together.

At the city Moiraine searches for a potential Dragon Reborn while Lan tries to defuse the attempt to make him the King of Malkier. Their goals intersect in complicated ways and they help each other out. The novel concludes with them coming to a new understanding.


New Spring by Robert Jordan started as a 140-page novella (short novel) in the anthology named Legends, edited by Robert Silverberg. The novel expands on the story, but I feel that the ending was still rushed. The best thing about the novel is getting viewpoints from Moiraine and especially Lan. The novella did not have chapters while the novel had 26 chapters and an epilogue. I thought that was an improvement. My highlights of the novel are the foretelling of the Dragon Reborn, the first meeting of Moiraine and Lan, and when Morraine bonds Lan as her Warder. It was worth learning more about the events leading to the first novel of the Wheel of Time series.


This is the link to the Goodreads page of New Spring by Robert Jordan.

This is the link to the Goodreads page of Legends, edited by Robert Silverberg where the first shorter version of New Spring by Robert Jordan was published.

Review of Path of Daggers by Robert Jordan. When Rand fights the Seanchan, will they defeat him, or will he win across the Path of Daggers?

This is the link to my review of Crown of Swords by Robert Jordan. When Rand forces the hand of one of the Forsaken, will the Forsaken defeat him or will he earn a Crown of Swords?

This is the link to my review of Lord of Chaos by Robert Jordan, Book Six of the Wheel of Time. Chaos reigns in the Westlands. They push Rand to the edge of insanity. Will he survive the box?

This is the link to my review of Fires of Heaven by Robert Jordan, Book Five of the Wheel of Time.

This is the link to my review of Shadow Rising by Robert Jordan, Book Four of the Wheel of Time.

This is the link to my review of Dragon Reborn by Robert Jordan, Book three of the Wheel of Time.

This is the link to my review of Great Hunt by Robert Jordan, Book two of the Wheel of Time.

This is the link to my review of Eye of the World by Robert Jordan, Book one of the Wheel of Time.

Winters Heart by Robert Jordan

Winters Heart by Robert Jordan, Book Nine of the Wheel of Time series.


Winters Heart by Robert Jordan is the ninth book of The Wheel of Time series. The novel follows four main plot arcs. Rand tracks the assassins who tried to kill him in the previous novel. Mat seeks to escape the Seanchan in Ebou Dar. Perrin must return Masema to face Rand, but he finds out that the Shaido captured Faile. Elayne takes over Andor, but the Borderlander’s armies besiege her. Rand’s chapters were the best ones of this novel.

Winters Heart by Robert Jordan

Summary – Prologue

The prologue has four point-of-view characters, and each point of view sets up a plot arc for the novel.

Seaine is an Aes Sedai in the White Tower. Seaine with the help of Pevara and others are tasked with discovering the members of the Black Ajah. This is the Black Ajah Hunter Arc.

Elayne is the Queen of Andor and must protect her realm from within and without. This is the Andor Arc.

Toveine Gazal and about 50 other Aes Sedai were sent by Elaida to capture the Black Tower and gentle the Aha’man found there. They don’t succeed. This is the Black Tower Arc. Rand is on the hunt for revenge against the channelers that attacked him in Cairhien at the end of the previous novel. This is Rand’s Revenge Arc

Summary–Groups of characters

Winters Heart by Robert Jordan has four main plots.

Rand bonds with Elayne, Aviendha, and Min. He has a special night with Elayne. He tracks the assassins too Far Madding tries to kill them. Rand and Nynaeve accomplish something with far reaching consequences.

Mat seeks to escape from Ebou Dar. The plot involves freeing Aes Sedai trapped as damane by the Seanchan. He captures Tuon but realizes that she is the Daughter of the Nine Moons and will become his wife so he takes her with him.

Perrin starts bringing Masema back to Cairhein to see Rand, but he finds out that the Shaido have taken Faile.

Elayne maneuvers herself to rule Andor. She faces the threat of the Borderlander’s armies besieging Caemlyn.

Summary–Best Chapters

Four Chapters stand out in Winters Heart by Robert Jordan.

Chapter 12 A Lily in Winter. This is the chapter where Elayne, Avienda, and Min bond with Rand. Then Rand and Elyane have their special moment.

Chapter 22 Out of Thin Air. This is the chapter where Rand tracks the Asha’man assassins to Far Madding. At the end of the chapter the reader learns more about Isam.

Chapter 33 Blue Carp Street. Rand gets a clue to the assassins location. He thinks it is a trap and brings along Lan. There is a fight. Lan and Rand have an awesome moment.

Chapter 35 With the Choedan Kal. Rand and Nynaeve do something awesome and a dozen characters reflects on that action.


Winters Heart by Robert Jordan has some brilliant scenes but misses conclusions to many of the plot arcs explored. There are two exceptions, and they are the best parts of the novel. Both involve Rand. Rand tracks down the Asha’man assassins that tried to kill him at the end of the last novel. Rand and Nynaeve do something awesome. The reflections of a dozen characters in the last chapter were excellent.


This is the link to the Goodreads page of Winters Heart by Robert Jordan.

Review of Path of Daggers by Robert Jordan. When Rand fights the Seanchan, will they defeat him, or will he win across the Path of Daggers?

This is the link to my review of Crown of Swords by Robert Jordan. When Rand forces the hand of one of the Forsaken, will the Forsaken defeat him or will he earn a Crown of Swords?

This is the link to my review of Lord of Chaos by Robert Jordan, Book Six of the Wheel of Time. Chaos reigns in the Westlands. They push Rand to the edge of insanity. Will he survive the box?

This is the link to my review of Fires of Heaven by Robert Jordan, Book Five of the Wheel of Time.

This is the link to my review of Shadow Rising by Robert Jordan, Book Four of the Wheel of Time.

This is the link to my review of Dragon Reborn by Robert Jordan, Book three of the Wheel of Time.

This is the link to my review of Great Hunt by Robert Jordan, Book two of the Wheel of Time.

This is the link to my review of Eye of the World by Robert Jordan, Book one of the Wheel of Time.

Path of Daggers by Robert Jordan

Path of Daggers by Robert Jordan, Book Eight of the Wheel of Time series.


Path of Daggers by Robert Jordan is the eighth book of The Wheel of Time series. The novel follows four main plot arcs. Elayne, with the help of the Kin and the Sea Folk, seeks to use the Bowl of the Winds to stop the hot weather created by the Forsaken. Perrin and Faile seek to bring the Prophet back to Rand in Cairhein. Egwene seeks to bring her army to Tar Valon. Rand fights the Seanchan near Ebou Dar and talks with Min in Cairhein. When Rand fights the Seanchan, will they defeat him, or will he win across the Path of Daggers?

Path of Daggers by Robert Jordan

Summary – Prologue

The prologue has three point-of-view characters, and each point of view sets up a plot arc.

Queen Ethenielle of Kandor is the first viewpoint character in the prologue. She attends a meeting of the four leaders of the Borderland kingdoms. The other leaders are Queen Tenobia of Saldea, King Paitar of Arafel, and King Easar of Shienar. They want to meet the Dragon Reborn and decide if they want to follow him.

Verin Mathwin is the second viewpoint character. She finishes up the plot of the aftermath of what happened at the end of the last book at Dumai Wells.

Moridin of the Forsaken (Chosen by their reckoning) plots against Rand, the Dragon Reborn.

Summary–Groups of characters

Path of Daggers by Robert Jordan has four main plots.

Elayne, Aviendha, and Brigitte are in Ebou Dar. They plan to use the Bowl of the Winds to cancel the heat wave that the Forsaken has unleashed on the land. They have the Kin and the Sea Folk help them. The Seanchan invade Ebou Dar and compromise their escape.

Perrin brings the army Rand has given to him to Ghealdan looking for Masema, the Prophet of the Dragon. The army is made up of the Winged Guards of Mayene, Aiel, and the people of the Two Rivers. Rand wants Perrin to bring Masema back to him in Cairhein. Perrin tries to convince Masema to come with him and Faile has other ideas.

Egwene seeks to bring her army to siege and capture Tar Valon. Her army is in Murandy. She must negotiate with the nobles of Murandy, build up her army’s strength, and find a way through Andor to achieve her objective.

Rand prepares his army in Ilian to stop a potential Seanchan invasion from Ebou Dar. He fights the Seanchan and must live with the aftermath of the battle.

Summary–Best Plot Points

Three Plot Points stand out in Path of Daggers by Robert Jordan.

Chapter 6, Threads is the chapter where the Bowl of the Winds plotline resolves.

Chapter 23, Fog of War, Storm of Battle, and Chapter 24, A Time for Iron detail the battle between Rand’s army and the Seanchan. The multiple viewpoints in these chapters show the complications caused by the fog of war.

Chapter 26, The Extra Bit covers two initiatives of Elaida of the White Tower. First is the effort of a group of Aes Sedai to uncover the Black Ajah at the White Tower. Second is the group sent to defeat The Black Tower, the home of the Asha’man, men who can channel.


Path of Daggers by Robert Jordan has some brilliant scenes but misses conclusions to the plot arcs explored.


This is the link to the Goodreads page of Path of Daggers by Robert Jordan.

This is the link to my review of Crown of Swords by Robert Jordan. When Rand forces the hand of one of the Forsaken, will the Forsaken defeat him or will he earn a Crown of Swords?

This is the link to my review of Lord of Chaos by Robert Jordan, Book Six of the Wheel of Time. Chaos reigns in the Westlands. They push Rand to the edge of insanity. Will he survive the box?

This is the link to my review of Fires of Heaven by Robert Jordan, Book Five of the Wheel of Time.

This is the link to my review of Shadow Rising by Robert Jordan, Book Four of the Wheel of Time.

This is the link to my review of Dragon Reborn by Robert Jordan, Book three of the Wheel of Time.

This is the link to my review of Great Hunt by Robert Jordan, Book two of the Wheel of Time.

This is the link to my review of Eye of the World by Robert Jordan, Book one of the Wheel of Time.

Crown of Swords by Robert Jordan

Crown of Swords by Robert Jordan

Crown of Swords by Robert Jordan, Book Seven of the Wheel of Time series.


Crown of Swords by Robert Jordan is the seventh book of The Wheel of Time series. The novel follows nine main points of view and many short alternate points of view. The prologue deals with the aftermath of the situation at Dumai Wells from the ending of the previous novel, The Lord of Chaos. Perrin observes Rand at Dumai Wells and accompanies him back to Cairhein and they meet up with Min. Egwene takes her rebel Aes Sedai forces toward Caemlyn on their way to besiege Tar Valon. Nynaeve, Elayne, Aviendha, and Mat search for the Bowl of the Winds in Ebor Dar. Morgase learns more about the situation with the Children of Light. When Rand forces the hand of one of the Forsaken, will the Forsaken defeat him or will he earn a Crown of Swords?

Crown of Swords by Robert Jordan

Summary – Prologue

The prologue of the novel covers six different points of view.

Elaida is in Tar Valon. She gets reports about Rand’s situation and the situation in Ebou Dar. She sends Alviarin to enact her plan to deal with the Black Tower. Eladia thinks about how she will break Egwene’s army.

Sevanna of the Shaido clan of the Aiel is at Dumai Wells during the events from the end of the previous novel. This is an alternate viewpoint and flashback scene.

Alviaran leaves Elaida in Tar Valon and confers with Mesaana, the Forsaken. They talk about the Black Tower plan’s likelihood of success.

Pedran Niall of the Whitecloaks is in Amador with Morgase Trakand. She is trying to get his backing for Andor. Omerna arrives and Morgase leaves.

Eamon Vlada of the Whitecloaks is also in Amador. He puts plans in motion.

Gawyn Trakand is also at Dumai Wells and gives an alternate viewpoint to the White Tower Loyalists. He leads his group of Younglings in the retreat back to Tar Valon.

Summary–Groups of characters

Crown of Swords by Robert Jordan follows five plot arcs.

Perrin comes back from Dumai Wells and goes to Cairhein to meet with Rand and Min. Perrin makes sure that Faile is alright. Rand has a special mission for Perrin.

Egwene brings her army that she wants to use to capture Tar Valon to the border between Altara and Murandy. She must find a way to gain strength and get through Murandy to get to Tar Valon.

Mat was sent to Enou Dar by Rand to get Elayne to go to Andor to take the throne of Andor. He is not very successful in that quest. He agrees to help Elayne and Nynaeve find a cache of powerful artifacts that may help the forces of Light in their battle with the darkness. Meanwhile, Mat must deal with the sexual advances of Queen Tylin of Altara.

Elayne and Nynaeve enlist the aid of the Kin and Matt to find the artifacts hidden in Ebou Dar.

Rand must deal with the situation in Cairhein. He comes up with a way to strike back at the Forsaken.

Summary–Best Plot Points

Three Plot Points stand out in Path of Daggers by Robert Jordan.

In Chapter 31, Mashiara, Lan, and Nynaeve have a long-delayed and important meeting.

Mat showcases his awesomeness in Chapter 38, Six Stories. An important artifact is found and a powerful enemy is encountered.

In the novel’s last chapter, Chapter 41, a Crown of Swords, Rand’s plans come to fruition. It’s worth the effort to get to this point and an iconic image is delivered at the end of the chapter.


Crown of Swords by Robert Jordan ends with a series of climaxes that match the other novels of the series. Three plot points stand out for me. Lan’s meeting with Nynaeve, what Mat finds in addition to the Bowl of the Winds, and Rand’s encounter with a Forsaken. There are two plot points I’m having trouble with. The Morgase subplot is short but takes up valuable space from the other plots. The relationship between Mat and Tylin seems icky at best. Otherwise, this novel fits well with the rest of the series for me.


This is the link to the Goodreads page of Crown of Swords by Robert Jordan.

This is the link to my review of Lord of Chaos by Robert Jordan, Book Six of the Wheel of Time. Chaos reigns in the Westlands. They push Rand to the edge of insanity. Will he survive the box?

This is the link to my review of Fires of Heaven by Robert Jordan, Book Five of the Wheel of Time.

This is the link to my review of Shadow Rising by Robert Jordan, Book Four of the Wheel of Time.

This is the link to my review of Dragon Reborn by Robert Jordan, Book three of the Wheel of Time.

This is the link to my review of Great Hunt by Robert Jordan, Book two of the Wheel of Time.

This is the link to my review of Eye of the World by Robert Jordan, Book one of the Wheel of Time.

Lord of Chaos by Robert Jordan

Lord of Chaos by Robert Jordan

Lord of Chaos by Robert Jordan, Book Six of the Wheel of Time series.


Lord of Chaos by Robert Jordan is the sixth book of The Wheel of Time series. The novel follows eight storylines for the forces of Light. The Forsaken also plot to pit the forces of Light against each other. Rand travels by portal between Cairhien and Caemlyn, trying to merge his power and planning for Elayne to become the queen of both countries. Mat is at the head of the Band of the Red Hand and Rand points his forces at the Forsaken Sammuel in Ilian.

Perrin feels the ta’veren pull and heads to Caemlyn to help Rand. Egwene learns from the Wise Ones and faces her destiny. Nynaeve and Elayne are part of the Salidar Aes Sedai. Min travels to Caemlyn to convince Rand to support the Salidar Aes Sedai. When the Forsaken plot pushes Rand to the edge, will the Lord of Chaos rule or will Rand succeed?

Lord of Chaos by Robert Jordan

Summary – Prologue

Lord of Chaos by Robert Jordan follows eight characters and features various Forsaken.

The prologue of the novel is 72 pages in the paperback and covers eleven different points of view.

Forsaken Demandred hatches the Lord of Chaos Plot with other Forsaken. There were a total of Thirteen Forsaken who swerved the Dark One during the Age of Legends. Though Rand and others have killed a few. (or have they?)

Nynaeve and Elayne are part of the Salidar Aes Sedai in the town of Salidar in Altara. The Salidar six rule the Salidar Aes Sedai. They want to elect their Amyrlin Seat to reclaim the White Tower from Elaida, the White Tower Aes Sedai Amyrlin Seat.

Perrin and Faile rule the Two Rivers in Andor. Perrin feels the pull of ta’veren to aide Rand.

Summary-Prologue Continued

Gawyn Trakand (Elayne’s brother) leads the Younglings (former Warders in Training) serving the White Tower Aes Sedai of the Amyrlin Seat Elaida in Tar Valon.

Katherine Alruddin Aes Sedai is part of the White Tower Embassy to Rand. She is part of the Black Ajah and conspires with a noblewoman from Cairhein against Rand.

Sevanna of the Shaido Clan of the Aiel plans her revenge against Rand.

Morgase Trakand (Elayne’s and Gawyn’s mother and the rightful queen of Andor) had fled Andor to enlist the aid of the Whitecloaks (in Amador) to regain her throne. (The Forsaken Ravin had taken her kingdom. Rand eliminated Ravin, but no one knows Morgase is still alive.)

Lord Captain Commander Pedron Naill of the Children of the Light (the Whitecloaks) offers Morgase a price for his aid to help her retake Andor. It is a price that Morgase is reluctant to pay.

Forsaken Mesaana converses with Forsaken Semirhage and Forsaken Demandred.

Forsaken Osan’gar and Forsaken Aran’gar are reborn at Shayol Ghul.

Summary–Groups of characters

Lord of Chaos by Robert Jordan follows three groups of characters. The first group is the ta’veren; Rand, Perrin, and Mat, all from the Two Rivers. The ta’veren are agents of Light for the Wheel of Time. Rand is the Dragon Reborn, the main hero for the Light in the Wheel of Time. He is fated to face the Dark One and the forces of darkness at the Last Battle. Rand has the backing of the Aiel clans from the Waste (except for the Shaido clan). He has brought the clans to the Westlands. His coalition includes Tear, Cairhein, and Andor.

Mat is his best general, in charge of the Band of the Red Hand. Rand sends Mat with the Band toward Tear to occupy the thoughts of the Forsaken Sammuel who rules Ilian. Perrin rules the Two Rivers, but the pull of the ta’veren causes him to seek out Rand.

Summary–Groups of characters Continued

The second group of characters is the Two Rivers Aes Sedai; Egwene, Nynaeve, and Elayne. The Aes Sedai use the female part of the One Power. Egwene studies with the Wise Ones, Aiel who use the One Power. She came with Rand and the Aiel to Cairhein. She will face her destiny with the Salidar Aes Sedai. Elayne and Nynaeve are Accepted with the Salidar Aes Sedai.

The third group of characters is Rand’s girlfriends. The three women vie for Rand’s attention.  Elayne has professed her love to him, but they have been apart for a long time. Aviendha is the Aiel assigned by the Wise Ones to watch Rand, but they have a romantic relationship. The complication to their relationship is that Aviendha knows Elayne’s love for Rand and doesn’t want to take his affection for her from him. Min is from the mountains near the Two Rivers and has the gift of foresight. She loves Rand but doesn’t know if he returns her love. She comes with the Salidar Aes Sedai embassy to Rand. Min wants to see where her relationship with Rand can go. 

Summary–Best Plot Points

Three Plot Points stand out in Lord of Chaos by Robert Jordan.

Nynaeve and Elayne are Accepted (the level above Novice but below full Aes Sedai) with the Salidar Aes Sedai. They get knowledge about the Age of Legends from their captive Forsaken. Nynaeve has been contemplating how to use the One Power in a way that no one expects can work. This action has been foreshadowed since early in the series. She tries the action in Chapter 29, Fire and Spirit, and in Chapter 30, To Heal Again. These are two great chapters.

Egwene trains with the Aiel Wise Ones. She follows Rand and the Aiel to Carhien. She must figure out how she fits with the Salidar Aes Sedai. Chapter 37 When the Battle Begins covers the character’s reaction to the event that ends the previous chapter. The chapter has six points of view of characters who react to that pivotal event. The interplay between their reactions is excellent.

This whole novel, all 1011 paperback pages, leads up to what happens at Dumai’s Wells. Step-by-step Rand is boxed into a corner. What he does and the aftermath of his actions are epic and worth the page count.


Lord of Chaos by Robert Jordan ends with an epic climax at Dumai’s Wells. I thought three plot points were excellent. Nynaeve’s triumphant use of the One Power, Egwene’s fate with the Salidar Aes Sedai, and Rand’s brush with the insanity that led to the epic conclusion at Dumai’s Wells. But it took too long to get to those plot points. About half the chapters before Chapter 29 could have been shortened or cut and the storyline would not have been affected. The Morgase subplot is not furthered or completed in this novel and could have been dropped here. (For example, Perrin did not appear at all in The Fires of Heaven.) The best parts make reading the rest worth it.

The first season of the Amazon Prime Video will adapt the first novel of the series in 2021. I will be interested to see how the showrunners adapt this novel in a few years.


This is the link to the Goodreads page of Lord of Chaos by Robert Jordan.

This is the link to my review of Fires of Heaven by Robert Jordan, Book Five of the Wheel of Time.

This is the link to my review of Shadow Rising by Robert Jordan, Book Four of the Wheel of Time.

This is the link to my review of Dragon Reborn by Robert Jordan, Book three of the Wheel of Time.

This is the link to my review of Great Hunt by Robert Jordan, Book two of the Wheel of Time.

This is the link to my review of Eye of the World by Robert Jordan, Book one of the Wheel of Time.

Fires of Heaven by Robert Jordan

Fires of Heaven by Robert Jordan

Fires of Heaven by Robert Jordan, Book Five of the Wheel of Time series.


Fires of Heaven by Robert Jordan is the fifth book of The Wheel of Time series. Four groups appear in the novel. Rand brings the Aiel clans out of the waste, looking for the false chief of chiefs, and Matt struggles to step out of Rand’s shadow. Nynaeve and Elayne try to avoid attracting the Black Ajah and the Forsaken. Min and Siuan search for the rebel Aes Sedai. Gareth Bryne tracks Min and Siuan down. When the Forsaken drive Rand to desperation, will he be able to control the Fires of Heaven at his disposal or destroy the world?

Fires of Heaven


Fires of Heaven by Robert Jordan follows four groups of characters, featuring Rand, Nynaeve, Min, and Gareth Bryne.

The first chapter of the book serves as a prologue, covering three different points of view of the antagonists of this novel.

Rand must track down the false chief of chiefs to establishing himself as the ruler of the Aiel. He brings the Aiel loyal to him out of the waste through the Jangai Pass leading to warfare in Cairhein. Moraine and Egwene face a dilemma involving the Forsaken. Matt tries to leave, but his Ta’veren power leads him to establish his destiny beyond Rand. Rand battles the Forsaken at Cairhein and is hard-pressed to bring down the Fires of Heaven on them when he travels to the realm of dreams, Tel’aran’rhiod.

Nynaeve and Elayne escape Tanchico and plan to report back to the Aes Sedai in Tar Valon, but are thwarted in their attempts. They travel through Amadicia on their way to Ghealdan. They join a circus, meet a prophet, and learn more about Tel’aran’rhiod. Their journey leads to the rebel Aes Sedai and a confrontation with a Forsaken.

Siuan Sanche and Min leave Tar Valon and search for the rebel Aes Sedai. On the way to Andor, they meet Gareth Bryan.

Gareth Bryan becomes enamored with Siuan and searches for her.

Rand’s group reaches their climax at Cairhien and the rest search for the rebel Aes Sedai.


Fires of Heaven by Robert Jordan is a great novel, but something is missing compared to the previous novel, Shadow Rising. The best storyline from Shadow Rising was Perrin’s triumph in the Two Rivers. Perrin does not appear in this novel, and he is missed.  The Rand and Matt storylines progressed well and their endings were satisfying. It seems like the rest of the storylines were slow going and setting up a big climax in the next novel. I wish something more had happened in this novel. The ending for Nynaeve was good, but a continuation of her interrupted ending for Shadow Rising. The stuff in between at the circus and Samara was interesting but could have been skipped.

The two best parts of the novel were Rand’s battle in Tel’aran’rhiod with a Forsaken and the crazy ending that readers are still debating about even after the end of the series. You will know what I’m talking about after reading one page of the last chapter, Chapter 56, Glowing Embers.

The first season of the Amazon Prime Video will adapt the first novel of the series in 2021. I will be interested to see how the showrunners adapt this novel in a few years.


This is the link to the Goodreads page of Fires of Heaven by Robert Jordan.

This is the link to my review of Shadow Rising by Robert Jordan, Book Four of the Wheel of Time.

This is the link to my review of Dragon Reborn by Robert Jordan, Book three of the Wheel of Time.

This is the link to my review of Great Hunt by Robert Jordan, Book two of the Wheel of Time.

This is the link to my review of Eye of the World by Robert Jordan, Book one of the Wheel of Time.

Shadow Rising by Robert Jordan

Shadow Rising by Robert Jordan

Shadow Rising by Robert Jordan, Book Four of the Wheel of Time series.


Shadow Rising by Robert Jordan is the fourth book of The Wheel of Time series. Our heroes leave the city of Tear and split into groups. Min learns about the volatile situation at the White Tower of the Aes Sedai at Tar Valon. Perrin, Faile, and Loial travel to liberate Emond’s Field. Nyneave and Elayne follow the Black Ajah to Tanchico. Rand, Mat, and Egwene head to the Aiel Waste to confront their destinies. Can Rand learn enough about his powers in time to defeat the Shadow Rising?



Shadow Rising by Robert Jordan begins soon after the Dragon Reborn by Robert Jordan ended. Tear has been taken and Rand wields the sword that is not a sword, Callendor. The first chapter of the book serves as a prologue, covering four different points of view.

Chapter One starts with Min arriving at the White Tower of Tar Valon. During the Dragon Reborn novel, Moiraine sent Min to explain the events that occurred in Falme to Siuan Sache, the Amyrlin Seat, the leader of the Aes Sedai. This introduces the reader to one of the four main plots of this novel, the volatile political situation of the Aes Sedai.

Chapter One continues with short scenes introducing three of the opposition characters in this book. Elaida is from the Red Ajah of the Aes Sedai. She is located at the White Tower in Tar Valon. Dain Bornhald is a Whitecloak. He is at Taren Ferry in the Two Rivers near Emond’s Field. High Lady Suroth is a leader of the Seanchan. She regrouped the Seanchan at Cantorin Harbor after their defeat at Falme.

Three groups leave Tear at different times. Perrin, Faile, and Loial follow the Ways to liberate Emond’s Field from Shadowspawn and Whitecloaks We meet the citizens of Emond’s Field for the first time since book one. Nyneave and Elayne take a Sea Folk ship to get to Tanchico to search for the Black Ajah. They meet a Seanchan ship’s captain named Egeanin, who is different than she seems. Rand, Mat, and Egwene head to the Aiel Waste to confront their destinies.

The four stories each conclude, setting up the events for the next novel in the series, The Fires of Heaven.


Shadow Rising by Robert Jordon is a great novel, but it is different than the first three novels in the series. The first three novels all ended with most of the main characters achieving success together in a specific location. Eye of the World ended at the Eye of the World, The Great Hunt ended at Falme, and Dragon Reborn ended at Tear. This novel is like the breaking of the Fellowship of the Ring by J. R. R. Tolkien. There are four groups followed in this novel and each group comes to a climax at the end of the novel, but they will remain apart to pursue their individual goals in the coming novels. That is disappointing but necessary to tell the greater story. This world is big and now the readers will see more of it by following multiple storylines.

There are two parts of this novel I thought were brilliant. The whole series of chapters about Perrin’s journey and struggle against the Shadowspawn and the Whitecloaks at Edmond’s Field come to a satisfying conclusion. Chapters 25 and 26 cover the Aiel Ancestor History Sequence. The stories were complicated and resonated.

The first season of the Amazon Prime Video will adapt the first two novels of the series in 2020 or 2021. I will be interested to see how they adapt this novel in a few years.


This is the link to the Goodreads page of Shadow Rising by Robert Jordan.

This is the link to my review of Dragon Reborn by Robert Jordan, Book three of the Wheel of Time.

This is the link to my review of Great Hunt by Robert Jordan, Book two of the Wheel of Time.

This is the link to my review of Eye of the World by Robert Jordan, Book one of the Wheel of Time.