Plot and Structure by James Scott Bell

Plot and Structure by James Scott Bell


Plot and Structure by James Scott Bell is a book in the five-book Write Great Fiction series published by Writers Digest Books. The subtitle of this book is techniques and exercises for crafting a plot that grips readers from start to finish. The author did not become a novelist until he learned how to create plots for his novels. A plot is a design for a novel. In the book, the author gives his advice about how to develop a satisfying plot for your novel.



I will detail my top three points raised in this book.

In chapter one, the LOCK system is how the plot is made simple.  L means create a compelling Lead. O means create a compelling Objective that the character wants or desires. C means your lead needs Confrontation from an opposition. K means it is necessary for the book’s ending to create a satisfying Knockout for the reader.

In chapter seven, scenes are the essential building blocks of the plot. There are four chords or beats in writing a scene. The chords are action, reaction, setup, and deepening. The chords are mixed to create the scene.

In chapter nine, the character arc is what deepens the plot. The plot causes the character to change, and that change is what the reader desires. Change attacks the character’s core self. The layers of self are beliefs, values, dominant attitudes, and opinions. The deeper the change, the more profound the difference.

Each chapter ends with suggested exercises to expand on the chapter’s lessons. Appendix A has a helpful checklist of the critical points raised in the book. The sections are about plot, structure, plot ideas, beginnings, middles, endings, scenes, complexity, plotting systems, and revision.


Plot and Structure by James Scott Bell is a useful book about writing. It is short and easy to read. I found three points that were the most interesting to me. The checklist in Appendix A is also helpful. His advice is sound but like other books I have read. The author has many books on the craft of writing and I plan to read more of them.


This is the link to the Goodreads page of Plot and Structure by James Scott Bell—plot-structure

Worlds of Wonder by David Gerrold is his non-fiction book on the craft of writing, subtitled how to write science fiction and fantasy. Where should you start as a new writer? Use this book.

Save the Cat Writes a Novel by Jessica Brody takes the books of Blake Snyder and applies his teachings to writing novels. She presents complete beat sheets and genre breakdowns of current and past novels. This is the link to my review.

Another similar book on writing is How to Write Best Selling Fiction by Dean Koontz. This is the link to my review. The book from 1981, but the advice is still great.