Cain X 3 by James M. Cain
An Anthology of The Postman Always Rings Twice, Mildred Pierce, and Double Indemnity.
The Cain X 3 by James M. Cain collection brings together James M. Cain’s three most popular novels. All three novels were made into successful movies in the 40s and were remade successfully more recently. Those original movies are the definition of film noir and Cain was championed as one of the founders of that style of writing. Cain didn’t believe that his novels were written as hard-boiled, but that is the category they are most put in. All three novels have characters that are pushed by love, ambition, and money to commit extreme actions. The writing is raw, sexual, and desperate. It was considered to be too sensational at the time but proved to be very popular. These stories are not about conflicted detectives, weary private eyes, or amateur sleuths. They are about people that commit crimes and about how they are morally destroyed by those crimes.

Summary – The Postman Always Rings Twice
The first novel is called The Postman Always Rings Twice. Frank Chambers is a drifter who drops by the Twin Oaks Tavern in a town outside Los Angeles, California. The tavern is run by Nick who is Greek and his wife Cora. The chemistry between Frank and Cora is undeniable. They decide to try to kill Nick so that they could be together. The story twists and turns leading to its dramatic conclusion. Cain is brilliant with his prose with lines such as Bite me, It was like a church, and Rip me. The novel oozes passion more than eighty years after its publication.
Summary – Mildred Pierce
The second novel is Mildred Pierce. It is an entirely different kind of novel, but just as powerful. Mildred Pierce is separated from her husband and has a young daughter to support. She takes a job as a waitress, creates a successful business, and longs for the support of her daughter. She suffers many setbacks through the years, but always finds a way to continue on. Mildred Pierce is a symbol of persevering despite misfortune.
Summary – Double Indemnity
The third novel is Double Indemnity. Walter Huff is an insurance agent and he has a scheme that he has spent many hours dreaming about. There is a possible clause in an insurance policy that pays out double if the insured has an accident on a train that leads to the insured death. He needs an accomplice that will take out the policy and help him murder the insured and make it look like an accident so the policy can be cashed in. Walter finds that accomplice in Phyllis Nirdlinger. He falls hard for her and puts this plan into action to kill her husband. Letting the events occur even though he realizes that the events are getting away from him. Barton Keyes is the insurance company claims manager who is suspicious of them. His pursuit of the truth leads to the conclusion.
I bought this book from the Mystery Guild Book Club more than 30 years ago. I came across it recently and decided that I wanted to read it. Reading these novels inspired me to watch the HBO series from 2011 on Mildred Pierce. It was excellent and was similar to the novel, unlike the original movie. I liked all three novels in this collection. It could be called noir or hard-boiled, but I would probably categorize it as fictionalized true crime.
This is the link to the Goodreads page of Cain X 3 by James M. Cain.
This is the link to my review of Somethin’ for Nuthin’ by M. T. Bass. It is a historical thriller adventure. A mystery, but different in tone than James M. Cain’s stories.