Dawnshard by Brandon Sanderson
Dawnshard by Brandon Sanderson, Book #3.5 of the Stormlight Archive
Dawnshard by Brandon Sanderson is a long novella set in between Oathbringer (Book 3 of the Stormlight Archive) and Rhythm of War (Book 4 of the Stormlight Archive). The novella follows the mission of shipowner Rysn Ftori and Windrunner Lopen which was not detailed in either novel. Rysn and Lopen must uncover the secrets of the lost island of Akinah or it will doom Roshar.

Dawnshard by Brandon Sanderson has two viewpoint characters, Rysn and Lopen. They are minor characters from the series that get a starring role in this novella. In the prologue of the book, a ghost ship appears off the coast of Aimia. Something odd is going on in those waters.
Rysn is a shipowner. She was paralyzed from the waist down and uses a wheelchair. Her pet is Chiri-Chiri who is a larkin, a type of flying crustacean. Chiri-Chiri is sick and Rysn learns that the larkin must return to its home, Akinah, an island off the coast of Aimia, to be healed. Rysn meets with Queen Navani Kholin to arrange an expedition to the lost city of Akinah. Queen Navani agrees because she thinks there is an unknown oathgate in the lost city that would help them in the war effort against the Voidbringers.
Lopen is part of the group that Kaladin assembles to go on the expedition to Akinah with Rysn. Lopen is an original member of the Bridge Four crew and is Herdazian. He is an optimist, always looking for the positive in life and he uses humor to lighten the mood of any group he is in. He lost his left arm, so he understands the challenges Rysn faces overcoming her disability. Lopen became a Windrunner and regrew his arm using his new powers.
Kaladin also assigns to the expedition: Huio, Lopen’s reserved cousin who Kaladin hopes will balance Lopen’s exuberance; Cord, the Horneater daughter of Rock, and she is also a cook like him; and Rushu, an ardent who is researching using fabrials on a ship.
They sail on the ship Wondersail to discover the secrets of the lost city of Akinah.
Dawnshard by Brandon Sanderson has two minor characters from The Stormlight Archive shine with their own story. It was fun to see Rysn and Lopen lead an expedition and solve problems. The action in the story was swift and the plot was complete. I liked the development of the secondary characters’ interrelationships. Huio, Cord, and Rushu have their moments. I wanted more but this story was not novel length and I appreciate the story as written.
This is the link to the Goodreads page of Dawnshard by Brandon Sanderson.
My review of Rhythm of War by Brandon Sanderson. In book four of the Stormlight Archive, the war between humans and Voidbringers intensifies.
My review of Oathbringer by Brandon Sanderson. In book three of the Stormlight Archive, Dalinar learns the truth of his past through his flashbacks.
My review of Arcanum Unbounded by Brandon Sanderson, a collection with nine stories that are part of the cosmere universe. An overarching plot, which he calls the cosmere interrelated many of the author’s works. He set the stories of the cosmere on a group of worlds that are connected by magical means. He set six stories on the worlds of his published novels, and three stories are about worlds that have not had a novel-length story treatment. All the stories in this collection are excellent.