ConFusion Detroit 2025 Conference

ConFusion Detroit 2025 Conference Recap


I attended the ConFusion Detroit 2025 Conference at 21111 Haggerty Road Novi, Michigan at the Sheraton Detroit Novi from January 24, 2025, to January 26, 2025. I also attended ConFusion Detroit in 2019, 2020, (2021 was canceled due to COVID-19), 2022, 2023, and 2024. The Ann Arbor Science Fiction Association Sponsored the conference. I attended the opening ceremonies, the guests of honor dessert reception, three panels, a concert, and two author readings. This year’s theme was Monumental Confusion celebrating the fiftieth time they have put on the conference.

This is a link to the ConFusion website.

The Ann Arbor Science Fiction Association sponsors Detroit ConFusion.

This is my badge for ConFusion Detroit 2024.

[insert badge here]


ConFusion Detroit 2025 Conference Recap

[insert summary here]

Recommendation – Conclusion

[insert recommendation here.]


This is my post about the SF conference ConFusion in Detroit, Michigan from January 19 to 21, 2024. The theme was the Labyrinth of ConFusion. My star of the con was Author John Scalzi.

In January 2023, I attended the SF conference ConFusion in Detroit, Michigan. I still want to write a post about that.

I attended the SF conference ConFusion in Detroit, Michigan from January 21 to 23, 2022. The theme was Rising ConFusion. My stars of the con were Guest of Honor author Jim C. Hines and Science Guest of Honor Dr. Jordan Steckloff.

I attended the SF conference ConFusion in Detroit, Michigan from January 16 to 19, 2020. I attended four panels, two readings, and one interview. The con theme was How to Train Your ConFusion, based on the movie, How to Train Your Dragon. My star of the con was John Scalzi. He gave an excellent reading of Chapter Two of his upcoming book named The Last Emperox. My other highlights were Kameron Hurley’s interview and the lecture on Edible Insects and Human Evolution. I’ll be back next year.

I attended the SF conference ConFusion in Detroit, Michigan from January 18 to 20, 2019. The con’s theme was Storming the ConFusion, so they chose the areas with names related to the movie The Princess Bride. I had a great drive to Detroit just before the snowstorm came. My star of the con was John Scalzi. He gave an excellent reading and was engaging in the panel I attended. My other highlights were Ada Palmer’s interview and watching The Princess Bride at the Con. I’ll be back next year.

ConFusion Detroit 2024 Conference Recap

ConFusion Detroit 2024 Conference Recap


I attended the SF conference named ConFusion at 21111 Haggerty Road Novi, Michigan at the Sheraton Detroit Novi from January 19, 2024, to January 21, 2024. I also attended ConFusion Detroit in 2019, 2020, (2021 was canceled due to COVID-19), 2022, and 2023. The Ann Arbor Science Fiction Association Sponsored ConFusion Detroit 2024. I attended three panels, one author reading, and watched the movie Labyrinth. This year’s theme was Labyrinth of Confusion. Celebrating the 38-year anniversary of the release of the movie Labyrinth (1986).

This is a link to the ConFusion website.

The Ann Arbor Science Fiction Association sponsors Detroit ConFusion.

This is my badge for ConFusion Detroit 2024.

ConFusion Detroit 2024 Conference


ConFusion Detroit 2024 Conference Recap

Friday, January 19th at 7 PM

Labyrinth of Confusion Opening Ceremonies with Mark Oshiro, BluRaven C. Houvener, Kurt Erichsen, and Steph Campbell:

Arrived late, missed it.

They held the opening ceremonies in Ballroom D.

Saturday, January 20th at 10 AM

Panel on How to Write a Good Conspiracy Novel with Kelley Skovron, Marie Vibbert, Catherine Stein, and Ken Schraeder:

Marie Vibbert suggested that it is important to let the reader in on the conspiracy and not make it a mystery to the reader. She further commented on saying that it takes a delicate balance to know as a writer when to give up the information and when to not.

Kalley Skovron added that as a writer it is important to reverse engineer the conspiracy so that the writer can set up misdirection.

Ken Schraeder stressed that every character needs a motive to make a well-rounded novel.

They held the panel in the Marquette room with 15 attendees.

Saturday, January 20th at 12 PM

Panel on Wish I Knew When I Started with Catherine Stein, Jim C. Hines, Jean Davis, and Ness Ricci-Thode:

Jean Davis thinks that getting into a writing group helps the beginning author.

Catherine Stein cautions that there are many little steps that need to be taken to get published.

Jim Hines says beware since old advice doesn’t work now. The hardest part is to learn to say no.

Catherine Stein notes that your writing process is unique to you. You can’t practice someone else’s process and be successful for you.

They held the panel in Ballroom B with 20 attendees.

Saturday, January 20th at 1 PM

Reading with Author John Scalzi:

He read three short pieces and then took Q and A questions. He did not read from his new novel coming out in February 2025.

#1 Grizzly Bear Conflict Manager written on the Jo Jo Cruise. He mentioned that he had read this story before, and I remember him reading it. It was very good.

He posted it on his website at this link

#2 Will Wheaton Croc Hunter also written on the cruise. John Scalzi wrote it about Will Wheaton’s lime green crocs he wore on the cruise. Very funny.

#3 So you want to kill baby Hitler which he wrote that morning. It’s a time travel story trying to explain the issues with time travel.

In the Q and A, he talked about a potential movie or TV show on the novel Old Man’s War. He also talked about the church he bought and converted into an office for him.

John Scalzi readings are always my highlight of the con and this year was no exception.  

They held the reading in the Keweenow room with 40 attendees.

Saturday, January 20th at 5 PM

Movie: Labyrinth (1986)

We watched the movie on a TV in the Boardroom. The theme of the con this year was Labyrinth of Confusion. I had never seen the movie before, so I thought this was a great time to watch it. The movie was directed by Jim Henson and featured puppets from his workshop. The star of the movie was David Bowie as the Golbin King and featured Jennifer Connally. I enjoyed it,

I’m glad I watched it.

They showed the movie in the Boardroom film room with 10 attendees.

Saturday, January 20th at 8 PM

Panel on Has the Hype Over Artificial Intelligence (AI) Art and Writing Programs Peaked? With John Scalzi, Lynne Sergent, A. L. Deleon, and Jason Sanford:

Lynne Sergent said that it good that people are more aware of the problem now.

A.L. Deleon is worried about when a helpful tool becomes a predatory one.

John Scalzi notes that it really isn’t A.I., it’s an algorithm that uses published material with no learning involved.

Jason Sanford worries that tech jobs and legal jobs are at risk due to A.I. advances.

They held the panel at Ballroom B with 45 attendees.

Recommendation – Conclusion

I felt the con went well and enjoyed my attendance. My star of the con was author John Scalzi. He read three short stories on his author reading and gave insightful comments on the AI panel. I’m looking forward to attending again in 2025.


In January 2023, I attended the SF conference ConFusion in Detroit, Michigan. I still want to write a post about that.

I attended the SF conference ConFusion in Detroit, Michigan from January 21 to 23, 2022. The theme was Rising ConFusion. My stars of the con were Guest of Honor author Jim C. Hines and Science Guest of Honor Dr. Jordan Steckloff.

I attended the SF conference ConFusion in Detroit, Michigan from January 16 to 19, 2020. I attended four panels, two readings, and one interview. The theme of the con was How to Train Your ConFusion, based on the movie, How to Train Your Dragon. My star of the con was John Scalzi. He gave an excellent reading of Chapter Two of his upcoming book named The Last Emperox. My other highlights were Kameron Hurley’s interview and the lecture on Edible Insects and Human Evolution. I’ll be back next year.

I attended the SF conference ConFusion in Detroit, Michigan from January 18 to 20, 2019. The theme of the con was Storming the ConFusion, so they designated the areas with names related to the movie The Princess Bride. I had a great drive to Detroit just before the snowstorm came. My star of the con was John Scalzi. He gave an excellent reading and was engaging in the panel I attended. My other highlights were Ada Palmer’s interview and watching The Princess Bride at the con. I’ll be back next year.

ConFusion Detroit 2022 Conference Recap

ConFusion Detroit 2022 Conference Recap


I attended the SF conference named ConFusion at 21111 Haggerty Road Novi, Michigan at the Sheraton Detroit Novi from January 21, 2022, to January 23, 2020. ConFusion Detroit 2020 was the last in-person con I attended. I have attended only virtual cons in the last two years. ConFusion 2022 was my next in-person con after that.The Ann Arbor Science Fiction Association sponsored ConFusion Detroit 2022. I attended the opening ceremonies, three panels, two lectures, one reading, and one interview. This year’s theme was rising confusion. Like the phoenix rising from the ashes, the con returned from a two-year absence.

This is a link to the ConFusion website.

The Ann Arbor Science Fiction Association sponsors Detroit ConFusion.

The 2022 Logo for ConFusion Detroit 2022.

ConFusion Detroit 2022 Program Guide Cover

ConFusion Detroit 2022 Conference Recap

This is my badge for ConFusion Detroit 2022.

ConFusion Detroit 2022 Conference Recap


ConFusion Detroit 2022 Conference Recap

Friday, January 21st at 7 PM

Rising Confusion Opening Ceremonies with Jim C. Hines, Dr. Jordan Steckloff, Rachael Quinlan, and Anna Carey:

[insert discussion here]

They held the opening ceremonies in Ballroom D with about 60 attendees.

Saturday, January 22nd at 11 AM

Panel on the Wheel of Time Geekfest with presenter E.D.E. Bell:

[insert discussion here]

They held the panel in the Marquette room with 4 attendees.

Saturday, January 22nd at 2 PM

Reading with Author Guest of Honor Jim C. Hines:

[insert discussion here]

They held the reading at Ballroom D with 18 attendees.

Saturday, January 22nd at 3 PM

Lecture with Science Guest of Honor Dr. Jordan Steckloff, the Risks of Space-Borne Pathogens:

[insert discussion here]

They held the lecture at Ballroom D with 35 attendees.

Saturday, January 22nd at 5 PM

Panel on Space Station in Sci-Fi with Jason Sanford, Anthony W. Eichenlaub, and Patrick S. Tomlinson:

[insert discussion here]

They held the panel at the Marquette room with 16 attendees.

Saturday, January 22nd at 6 PM

Black Gate interview with Author Guest of Honor Jim C. Hines:

[insert discussion here]

They interviewed at the Marquette room with 16 attendees.

Sunday, January 23rd at 12 PM

Lecture with Science Guest of Honor Dr. Jordan Steckloff, Apocalyptic Impacts in Reality and Hollywood:

[insert discussion here]

They held the lecture at Ballroom D with 16 attendees.

Sunday, January 23rd at 1 PM

Panel on The Expanse with Dennis Tabaczewski, Dr. Jordan Steckloff, and D. Mark Haynes:

[insert discussion here]

They held the panel in the Marquette room with 9 attendees.

Recommendation – Conclusion

The last in-person conference I attended before Confusion Detroit 2022 was Confusion Detroit 2020. They canceled the con in 2021. They held it in the same place in 2022, with strict masks and vaccination policies in effect. I felt the con went well and enjoyed my attendance. I have two stars of the con. Author Guest of Honor Jim C. Hines gave a spirited reading of his short story, The Creature in Your Neighborhood, and an insightful interview by Black Gate Magazine. My other star of the con was Dr. Jordan Steckloff for the two lectures and the panel I attended he participated in.


I attended the SF conference ConFusion in Detroit, Michigan from January 16 to 19, 2020. I attended four panels, two readings, and one interview. The theme of the con was How to Train Your ConFusion, based on the movie, How to Train Your Dragon. My star of the con was John Scalzi. He gave an excellent reading of Chapter Two of his upcoming book named The Last Emperox. My other highlights were Kameron Hurley’s interview and the lecture on Edible Insects and Human Evolution. I’ll be back next year.

I attended the SF conference ConFusion in Detroit, Michigan from January 18 to 20, 2019. The theme of the con was Storming the ConFusion, so they designated the areas with names related to the movie The Princess Bride. I had a great drive to Detroit just before the snowstorm came. My star of the con was John Scalzi. He gave an excellent reading and was engaging in the panel I attended. My other highlights were Ada Palmer’s interview and watching The Princess Bride at the con. I’ll be back next year.