The Cayn Trilogy Book #2
As the novel opens, Jasper enters the domain of the white circle, a guild of mages, looking for a clue to the cure of the plague introduced in the first book of the Cayn trilogy, Son of Cayn. Xandor and his crew follow the caravan that holds the plague to the former human city of Cherigov, now held by orcs. Jasper must find the cure and Xandor must defeat the orcs or the world faces devastation by the wide release of the plague.

The first book of the trilogy set up this world and began the plague storyline. The main characters in this novel are Jasper the mage, Sehraine the elf magician, Xandor the ranger, Chert the dwarf priest, Yana the wind rider, Grendel the half-orc, and Sacha the conflicted princess. They head to Cherigov to discover the truth about the plague wars of around twenty years ago. Their opponents are Marko the knight-prince, Sacha’s brother, and the orc king. This novel moves quickly with a clear goal in sight. It is a fitting bridge novel by building up the story while setting up a rousing climax in the third volume of the trilogy.
I enjoyed this novel and am looking forward to reading the concluding volume of this trilogy, Blood of Cayn, due out soon.
Link to Goodreads page for City of Cayn
This is a link to my book review of Son of Cayn, Book #1 of the Cayn Trilogy