Gathering Storm by Robert Jordan

Gathering Storm by Robert Jordan and Brandon Sanderson, Book Twelve of the Wheel of Time series.


Gathering Storm by Robert Jordan and Brandon Sanderson is the twelfth book of The Wheel of Time series. The novel follows five main plot arcs. Rand, Mat, Perrin, Egwene, and Gawyn. All five characters face hard choices and must grow so they can complete the challenges they encounter. Will the forces of Light be destroyed by the Gathering Storm?

Gathering Storm by Robert Jordan

Summary – Prologue

The prologue has six point-of-view characters, and each point of view sets up a plot arc.

Renald is a farmer in the Borderlands. He and his neighbors feel a storm coming between the forces of the Dark and the Light and must decide what to do about it.

Falendre must deliver a message from Rand to the Daughter of the Nine Moons about having a meeting to discuss a truce.

Seanchan Banner-General Tylee Khirgan’s forces are ambushed by hundreds of Trollocs only a day’s march from Ebou Dar.

Graendal is summoned by Moridin to discuss what she should do about Rand in Arad Doman.

Rodel Ituralde springs his trap on the Seanchan forces in Arad Doman.

Masema tries to regroup his forces after his defeat in Malden. Faile has something to say about that.

Summary–Main Plot Arcs

Gathering Storm by Robert Jordan and Brandon Sanderson has five main arcs.

Rand continues to pursue his truce with the Seanchan so they can both focus on defeating the forces of the Dark One rather than each other. He also hunts for Graendal.

Mat continues his journey with the Band to escape into Andor. He also searches for the woman he learns is looking for him.

Perrin marched the refugees from the defeat of the Shaido at Malden to safety in the Two Rivers.

Egwene continues her rebellion from within the Tower.

Gawyn learns that Egwene is captured inside the White Tower and wants to rescue her.

Summary–Best Chapters

[Insert Best Chapters here]


[Insert Recommendation here]


This is the link to the Goodreads page of Gathering Storm by Robert Jordan and Brandon Sanderson.

Review of Knife of Dreams by Robert Jordan. Rand, Mat, Perrin, Elayne, and Egwene get closer to their goals in this novel.

Review of Crossroads of Twilight by Robert Jordan. Rand, Mat, Perrin, and Egwene get closer to their goals in this novel.

Winters Heart by Robert Jordan has some brilliant scenes but misses conclusions to the plot arcs explored

Review of Path of Daggers by Robert Jordan. When Rand fights the Seanchan, will they defeat him, or will he win across the Path of Daggers?

This is the link to my review of Crown of Swords by Robert Jordan. When Rand forces the hand of one of the Forsaken, will the Forsaken defeat him or will he earn a Crown of Swords?

This is the link to my review of Lord of Chaos by Robert Jordan, Book Six of the Wheel of Time. Chaos reigns in the Westlands. They push Rand to the edge of insanity. Will he survive the box?

This is the link to my review of Fires of Heaven by Robert Jordan, Book Five of the Wheel of Time.

This is the link to my review of Shadow Rising by Robert Jordan, Book Four of the Wheel of Time.

This is the link to my review of Dragon Reborn by Robert Jordan, Book three of the Wheel of Time.

This is the link to my review of Great Hunt by Robert Jordan, Book Two of the Wheel of Time.

This is the link to my review of Eye of the World by Robert Jordan, Book One of the Wheel of Time.

Tress of the Emerald Sea by Brandon Sanderson


Tress of the Emerald Sea by Brandon Sanderson is Book #1 of the Secret Books of 2023. Tress barely survives on an island set on a sea that is not a sea of water. It is a sea of deadly spores. When her close friend Charlie takes a trip and goes missing, she must face deadly perils to rescue him from certain death. Will Tress succeed in her quest or perish herself?   

Tress of the Emerald Sea by Brandon Sanderson
Tress of the Emerald Sea by Brandon Sanderson


[Insert Summary Here]


Tress of the Emerald Sea by Brandon Sanderson is a wonderful and sweet book. I loved the idea of twisting the Princess Bride. What if Buttercup as Tress must rescue Westly as Charlie? That’s the question posed by this novel. Tress must face pirates and environmental catastrophes to rescue her one true love.


This is the link to the Goodreads page of Tress of the Emerald Sea by Brandon Sanderson.

My review of Lost Metal by Brandon Sanderson. Wax and Wayne must foil a plot started by the terrorist group called the Set to destroy their home and people.

My review of Dawnshard by Brandon Sanderson. In book 3.5 of the Stormlight Archive, Rysn and Lopen must uncover the secrets of the lost island of Akinah, or it will doom Roshar.

My review of Rhythm of War by Brandon Sanderson. In book four of the Stormlight Archive, the war between humans and Voidbringers intensifies.

My review of Oathbringer by Brandon Sanderson. In book three of the Stormlight Archive, Dalinar learns the truth of his past through his flashbacks.

My review of Arcanum Unbounded by Brandon Sanderson, a collection with nine stories that are part of the cosmere universe. An overarching plot, which he calls the cosmere interrelated many of the author’s works. He set the stories of the cosmere on a group of worlds that are connected through magical means. He set six stories on the worlds of his published novels, and three stories are about worlds that have not had a novel-length story treatment. All the stories in this collection are excellent.

Lost Metal by Brandon Sanderson

Lost Metal by Brandon Sanderson, Book #7 of the Mistborn Saga.


Lost Metal by Brandon Sanderson is Book #7 of the Mistborn Saga. It is also the four and final novel featuring the characters Wax and Wayne. Wax and Wayne must foil a plot started by the terrorist group called the Set to destroy their home and people.

[insert image here]


[Insert Summary Here]


Lost Metal by Brandon Sanderson is a rousing conclusion to the series of novels about Wax and Wayne. He wrapped all the evil plots from the previous novels up in one huge plot to destroy the world. This novel contains many connections to the greater story in the Cosmere than any novel that Sanderson has published up to now. The Cosmere is the overarching narrative that connects most of his works. I enjoyed the way he wrapped this series up. It was a satisfying ending. I’m looking forward to the next section of Mistborn novels.


This is the link to the Goodreads page of Lost Metal by Brandon Sanderson.

My review of Dawnshard by Brandon Sanderson. In book 3.5 of the Stormlight Archive, Rysn and Lopen must uncover the secrets of the lost island of Akinah, or it will doom Roshar.

My review of Rhythm of War by Brandon Sanderson. In book four of the Stormlight Archive, the war between humans and Voidbringers intensifies.

My review of Oathbringer by Brandon Sanderson. In book three of the Stormlight Archive, Dalinar learns the truth of his past through his flashbacks.

My review of Arcanum Unbounded by Brandon Sanderson, a collection with nine stories that are part of the cosmere universe. An overarching plot, which he calls the cosmere interrelated many of the author’s works. He set the stories of the cosmere on a group of worlds that are connected through magical means. He set six stories on the worlds of his published novels, and three stories are about worlds that have not had a novel-length story treatment. All the stories in this collection are excellent.

Dawnshard by Brandon Sanderson

Dawnshard by Brandon Sanderson

Dawnshard by Brandon Sanderson, Book #3.5 of the Stormlight Archive


Dawnshard by Brandon Sanderson is a long novella set in between Oathbringer (Book 3 of the Stormlight Archive) and Rhythm of War (Book 4 of the Stormlight Archive). The novella follows the mission of shipowner Rysn Ftori and Windrunner Lopen which was not detailed in either novel. Rysn and Lopen must uncover the secrets of the lost island of Akinah or it will doom Roshar.

Dawnshard by Brandon Sanderson


Dawnshard by Brandon Sanderson has two viewpoint characters, Rysn and Lopen. They are minor characters from the series that get a starring role in this novella. In the prologue of the book, a ghost ship appears off the coast of Aimia. Something odd is going on in those waters.

Rysn is a shipowner. She was paralyzed from the waist down and uses a wheelchair. Her pet is Chiri-Chiri who is a larkin, a type of flying crustacean. Chiri-Chiri is sick and Rysn learns that the larkin must return to its home, Akinah, an island off the coast of Aimia, to be healed. Rysn meets with Queen Navani Kholin to arrange an expedition to the lost city of Akinah. Queen Navani agrees because she thinks there is an unknown oathgate in the lost city that would help them in the war effort against the Voidbringers.

Lopen is part of the group that Kaladin assembles to go on the expedition to Akinah with Rysn. Lopen is an original member of the Bridge Four crew and is Herdazian. He is an optimist, always looking for the positive in life and he uses humor to lighten the mood of any group he is in. He lost his left arm, so he understands the challenges Rysn faces overcoming her disability. Lopen became a Windrunner and regrew his arm using his new powers.

Kaladin also assigns to the expedition: Huio, Lopen’s reserved cousin who Kaladin hopes will balance Lopen’s exuberance; Cord, the Horneater daughter of Rock, and she is also a cook like him; and Rushu, an ardent who is researching using fabrials on a ship.

They sail on the ship Wondersail to discover the secrets of the lost city of Akinah.


Dawnshard by Brandon Sanderson has two minor characters from The Stormlight Archive shine with their own story. It was fun to see Rysn and Lopen lead an expedition and solve problems. The action in the story was swift and the plot was complete. I liked the development of the secondary characters’ interrelationships. Huio, Cord, and Rushu have their moments. I wanted more but this story was not novel length and I appreciate the story as written.


This is the link to the Goodreads page of Dawnshard by Brandon Sanderson.

My review of Rhythm of War by Brandon Sanderson. In book four of the Stormlight Archive, the war between humans and Voidbringers intensifies.

My review of Oathbringer by Brandon Sanderson. In book three of the Stormlight Archive, Dalinar learns the truth of his past through his flashbacks.

My review of Arcanum Unbounded by Brandon Sanderson, a collection with nine stories that are part of the cosmere universe. An overarching plot, which he calls the cosmere interrelated many of the author’s works. He set the stories of the cosmere on a group of worlds that are connected by magical means. He set six stories on the worlds of his published novels, and three stories are about worlds that have not had a novel-length story treatment. All the stories in this collection are excellent.

Rhythm of War by Brandon Sanderson

Rhythm of War by Brandon Sanderson

Rhythm of War by Brandon Sanderson, Book #4 of the Stormlight Archive


In Rhythm of War by Brandon Sanderson, the war continues between the human forces of the Stormfather and the Voidbringer forces of Odium. The Voidbringers have taken the kingdom of Alethkar, and the humans have retreated to the stronghold of Urithru. Dalinar Kholin leads humans and must decide where he should attack. Their strength is fading, and he must make the right decision or fail, leading to their destruction. Kaladin faces PTSD and must conquer great physical challenges to save them all. Will the forces of the Stormfather succeed or perish?

Rhythm of War by Brandon Sanderson

Summary–Six Viewpoints

There are six main viewpoint characters in this novel, including one viewpoint in flashback. The viewpoints are all about equal in importance. The viewpoints are Kaladin, Shallan, Dalinar, Navani, Venli, and Eshonai.

Summary – Flashbacks

Kaladin’s flashbacks were in Book 1. He suffers from PTSD incurred from the events of the last novel. In this novel, he struggles to heal himself and to protect Urithru. Kaladin is the leader of the Knights Radiant order of Windrunners.

Shallan’s flashbacks were in Book 2. Her struggle is with dealing with her other personalities, which are taking over more and more of her life. She created these personalities to cope with the terrible things that have happened to her in her life. The personality Radiant trains with the Shardblade and is the ideal Knight Radiant. The personality Veil pretends to be worldlier than Shallan and associates with the underground gang called the Ghostbloods. Shallan also has trouble figuring out her relationship with her fiancé, Adolin, who is Dalinar’s elder son. Shallan’s talents are creating illusions and creating items by surgebinding of stormlight. She is a member of the Knights Radiant Order of Lightweavers.

Dalinar’s flashbacks were in Book 3. His flashback chapters in Book 3 detailed why he does not remember his wife and what happened up to the time that he lost his memories. He becomes a Bondsmith (a Knights Radiant Order) and the leader of the humans at Urithru.

The flashbacks for Book 4 come from both Eshonai and Vendi. The flashbacks explain how Eshondi became the leader of the Parshendi war effort and how Vendi learned to use other forms to bring back the Voidbringers. Eshonai is only seen in flashbacks, while Venli has viewpoint chapters in flashbacks and in the current time.

Summary–Voidbringers and Parshmen

The Voidbringers took Kholinar, the Alethi capital. The humans gathered at Urithiru, the former city of the Knights Radiant, send a flying barge to rescue the residents of Hearthstone. Kaladin, Navani, and Dalinar take part in the rescue mission.

The Parshmen are a non-human race that has been the slaves of the humans and have been in a state that is called dull form, which decreases their intelligence.  The Alethi have been fighting the Parshendi on the Shattered Plain since the Parshendi had Dalinar’s brother, Alethi King Gavilar, assassinated by the assassin in white. The secret they discover is that the Parshmen are Parshendi in the dull form. Some Parshendi, called the singers, have brought the Everstorm back and have awaked the Parshmen out of dull form. The Everstorm brings the Voidbringers who are called the Fused. The Fused are singers melded with ancient powerful spirits of Parshendi trapped by the Heralds in another plane. The Fused seek to overthrow the humans and retake Roshar as their own. The original Knights Radiant had discovered a secret about the Parshendi and had forsaken their vows.

Summary–Rhythm of War

Kaladin, Dalinar, and Navani take a flying barge to rescue the citizens of Hearthstone. Their homeland, Alethkar, has been taken by the Voidbringers and the only safe place to take the refugees is the ancient city of Urithru.

They send Shallan and Andolin on a special mission to Shadesmar to enlist the aid of the Honorspren.

Dalinar takes the coalition army to Emul to defeat the Voidbringer forces gathered there.

Kaladin and Navani protect Urithru from a Voidbringer attack. Venli is part of the Voidbringer attack but doesn’t have the same goals as the Voidbringers.


Rhythm of War by Brandon Sanders is another outstanding book in the Stormlight Archive series. The book expands on the first three books and intensifies the conflict. The reader learns more about how Eshonai became the leader of the Parshendi and how Venli learned new forms which lead to the coming of the Voidbringers. Dalinar becomes a supreme war leader. Kaladin faces his biggest challenges yet. Navani faces an interesting dilemma concerning if you should help your captor if the help you provide could prove your downfall. Shallan deals with her multiple personalities and her relationship with Adolin.

The flashback character for book 5 is for Szeth-son-son-Vallano, and that should prove interesting. Books one to five are a division of the series, and a significant event should occur at the end of the next book. This series continues to amaze me, and I look forward to reading the next book and the following group of five volumes in the coming years.


This is the link to the Goodreads page of Rhythm of War by Brandon Sanderson.

My review of Oathbringer by Brandon Sanderson. In book three of the Stormlight Archive, Dalinar learns the truth of his past through his flashbacks.

My review of Arcanum Unbounded by Brandon Sanderson, a collection with nine stories that are part of the cosmere universe. Many of the author’s works are interrelated by an overarching plot, which he calls the cosmere. He sets the stories of the cosmere on a group of worlds that can be traveled to by magical means. Six stories are set on the worlds of his published novels, and three stories are about worlds that have not had a novel-length story treatment. All the stories in this collection are excellent.

Arcanum Unbounded by Brandon Sanderson

Arcanum Unbounded by Brandon Sanderson

Arcanum Unbounded by Brandon Sanderson, The Cosmere Collection (The Stormlight Archive 2.5)


Arcanum Unbounded by Brandon Sanderson is a collection that has nine stories that are part of the cosmere universe. Many of the author’s works are interrelated by an overarching plot which he calls the cosmere. The stories of the cosmere are set on a group of worlds that can be traveled to through magical means. Six stories are set on the worlds of his published novels and three stories are about worlds that have not had a novel-length story treatment. All the stories in this collection are excellent, but I will comment on each story starting with the one that I like the most.

The Emperor’s Soul Summary and Recommendation

  1. The Emperor’s Soul is set on the planet Sel which is the setting of the novel Elantris, but the stories do not share any of the same characters. Shai is a master of the magic of soul stamps and she is called a Forger. She can use her soul stamps to rewrite the history of an object so that the object becomes the item that she wants it to become. Gaotona is an arbiter for the emperor and he has a problem where he needs a Forger to create a difficult Forgery. What he asks Shai to do will change them both. The story won the 2013 Hugo award for best novella.

Shai and Gaotona both have clear motivations and both must face an impossible decision. The story is perfectly constructed and it is no wonder that it earned an award. It is one of the three stories included in this collection that persuaded me to buy it. I had heard about this story before 2017 and was delighted that it was included in this collection.

Edgedancer Summary and Recommendation

  1. Edgedancer is set on the planet Roshar which is the setting of the Stormlight Archive series. The story tells the story of a character named Lift. The events occur between Words of Radiance (Book #2) and Oathbringer (Book #3). Lift is a young girl who starts to display the powers of a Knight Radiant. A man who she calls Darkness is hunting her. She is protected by the Azish king but is bored. When Darkness starts hunting other potential Knights Radiant, Lift must decide to stay safe in Azir or to fight Darkness to help others like her.

Lift is a fun and whimsical character. She turns energy from food into her powers which she calls being awesome. She is always hungry and relates everything in her life to eating. I liked reading about another corner of Roshar that we haven’t seen before in this story. This long novella was only available in this collection at the time that it was released, just before Oathbringer was released. I wanted to read this story before Oathbringer came out so this was the main reason that I purchased this collection. I read this story as soon as a received the book and read the rest of the collection later. The decision to purchase it was easy because The Emperor’s Soul and Mistborn: Secret History were also in this collection They were both stories that I wanted to read.

Mistborn: Secret History Summary and Recommendation

  1. Mistborn: Secret History is set on the planet Scadrial which is the setting for the Mistborn series. This story is set on the edges of the Mistborn trilogy. Telling any more about the plot is a major spoiler for the Mistborn series so I will not explain anything further here. This story includes references to all three books so it should be read after reading them first.

I remember almost buying the e-book for this story when it came out on January 26, 2016. When I heard about Arcanum Unbounded collection, I learned that this story was included. I decided to wait until the collection was released on November 22, 2016, and bought it on December 26, 2016.

Shadows for Silence in the Forests of Hell Summary and Recommendation

  1. Shadows for Silence in the Forests of Hell is the only story set on the planet Threnody. The main character is a woman named Silence. She runs an inn and trading post in the middle of a haunted forest. The dangers of the forest are real, shades and an elusive bounty hunter called the White Fox. Silence must protect herself and her daughter from the dangers of the forest.

I liked the story of Silence. There were a number of twists at the end that made the story great. I remember first reading this story in the anthology called Dangerous Women. It was just as good on the second reading. I borrowed the book to read The Princess and the Queen by George R. R. Martin but was glad that I decided to read this story also.

Sixth of Dusk Summary and Recommendation

  1. Sixth of Dusk is the only story set on the planet called First of the Sun. Dusk’s people are the caretakers of the islands in his world. He is a trapper who brings sentient bird-like creatures called Aviars for sale to a more technically advanced people. In the story, Dusk arrives at the dangerous island of Patji. Dusk’s skill is that he can visualize his many possible deaths on the island and can avoid that fate. The technologically advanced people come to the island and threaten his way of life. Dusk must discover the hidden truths about the island to drive away the invaders.

This was another very good story. Dusk was an interesting character. His inner dialogue makes him different. Some of his attitudes are based on Polynesian culture. The solution to what was going on the island was a good twist. The ending might have been too easy.

White Sand Summary and Recommendation

  1. White Sand is the only story set on the planet Taldain. Kenton is the son of Praxton, Lord Mastrell of the sand masters. He wants to be accepted into the Diem, the group that teaches the magical art of sand mastery. Kenton is weak in the art but is accepted. He learns what he can and is ready to face a test which will determine if he can join the group as a full member or will be banished.

First, there is an excerpt from the graphic novel. It visually depicts the test well. The prologue and first chapter of the unpublished novel follows. It is interesting to compare the graphic novel and the written novel. I can see why the story is best told with a graphic novel. The plot is very visual.

Allomancer Jak and the Pits of Elantia Summary and Reccomendation

  1. Allomancer Jak and the Pits of Elantia is set on the planet Scadrial like the other stories of the Mistborn series. Jak gives his first-person account of his adventures. The story has been transcribed and annotated by his faithful steward Handerwym. Jak must defeat the koloss, find the lost treasure of the survivor, and save the fair Elizandra.

This story reads like an adventure pulp magazine account. That was the intent and it delivers. It was used in the role-playing game supplement to the Mistborn series based on the novel Alloy of Law (Mistborn Book #4). A fun but silly read.

The Eleventh Metal Summary and Recommendation

  1. The Eleventh Metal is set on the planet Scadrial like the other stories of the Mistborn series. Kelsier learns allomancy from his teacher Gemmel in this story set before Mistborn: The Final Empire (Mistborn #1).

It was interesting to see how Kelsier learned his craft but the story was short. It was first published for a role-playing game based on the Mistborn trilogy.

The Hope of Elantris Summary and Recommendation

  1. The Hope of Elantris is set on the planet Sel which is the setting of the novel Elantris. Matisse must protect the children when the Dakhor attacked Elantris.

This story clears up a question about the novel Elantris. What happened to the children when Elantris was attacked? The question was answered but that was all.


Arcanum Unbounded by Brandon Sanderson.

This is the link to the Goodreads page of Arcanum Unbounded by Brandon Sanderson.

Link to my review of Oathbringer by Brandon Sanderson. The story Edgedancer in this collection tells the story of a character named Lift. The events of the story occur between Words of Radiance, Stormlight Archive Book #2 and Oathbringer, Stormlight Archive Book #3.

Oathbringer by Brandon Sanderson

Oathbringer by Brandon Sanderson

Oathbringer by Brandon Sanderson, Book #3 of the Stormlight Archive


The former city of the Knights Radiant, Urithiru, has been discovered and the order of the Knights Radiant has been revived. The Everstorm has returned along with the Voidbringers, called the Fused. Dalinar Kholin, the Uncle of the Alethi King Elhokar must try to unite all humans to fight the Voidbringers. His memories are coming back which complicates his problems. War has come to the world of Roshar and Dalinar is the only one who can win the war for the humans.


Summary – Three Viewpoints

There are three main viewpoint characters in this long novel. Dalinar is the novel’s main character. He has the flashback chapters which detail why he does not remember his wife and what happened up to the time that he lost his memories. Kaladin is the leader of his bodyguard and is the first member of the Knights Radiant order of windrunners. Kaladin’s flashbacks were in Book 1. His focus in this novel is to discover what the Voidbringers are planning.

Shallan’s flashbacks were in Book 2. Her struggle is with dealing with her other personalities which are taking over more and more of her life. She created these personalities to cope with the terrible things that have happened to her in her life. The personality Radiant trains with the Shardblade and is the ideal Knight Radiant. The personality Veil pretends to be worldlier than Shallan and associates with the underground gang called the Ghostbloods. Shallan also has trouble figuring out her relationship with her fiancé Adolin, who is Dalinar’s elder son. Shallan’s talents are creating illusions and creating items by surgebinding of stormlight. She is a member of the Knights Radiant Order of Lightweavers.

Summary – Voidbringers and Parshmen

The Voidbringers attack Kholinar, the Alethi capital, and the people gathered at Urithiru lose contact with them. Dalinar sends Kaladin to find out what is going on there. Kaladin first stops by at his hometown to make sure that his parents are well. He discovers that the Parshmen have been awakened.

The Parshmen are a non-human race that have been the slaves of the humans and have been in a state that is called dull form which decreases their intelligence.  The Alethi have been fighting the Parshendi on the Shattered Plain since the Parshendi had Dalinar’s brother, Alethi King Gavilar, assassinated by the assassin in white. The secret they discover is that the Parshmen are actually Parshendi in the dull form. Some Parshendi, called the singers, have brought the Everstorm back and have awaked the Parshmen out of dull form. The Everstorm brings the Voidbringers who are called the Fused. The Fused are singers melded with ancient powerful spirits of Parshendi trapped by the Heralds in another plane. The Fused seek to overthrow the humans and retake Roshar as their own. The original Knights Radiant had discovered a secret about the Parshendi and had forsaken their vows.

Summary – Dalinar’s Visions

Dalinar has visions of the past which are brought to him by the Storm Father. The Storm Father is a Spren. Spren are creatures that are bonded to Knights Radiant and serve to focus their use of Stormlight. Kaladin’s spren is Sly, Shallan’s is Pattern, and Dalinar’s is the Storm Father. Dalinar is a Bondsmith and discovering the nature of his powers is important to his struggle. Dalinar hears the words unite them in his visions and he interprets that to mean that he must unite all the countries that have Oathgates.

Oathgates are used by Knights Radiant to teleport people and things from one Oathgate to another. The first two Oathgates that they control are at the Shattered Plains and at Urithiru. There is a total of ten Oathgates that circle the main Oathgate at Urithiru. Dalinar knows of other gates at Kholinar in Alethkar, Azir in Azir, Vedenar in Ja Kaved, and Thaylen City in Thaylenah. He brings the rulers of the countries to Urithiru to convince them to help him defeat the Voidbringers.

Dalinar sends a group to Kholinar to find out what happened there. The group includes Kaladin, Shallan, Adolin, and Elhokar. They face many trials and discover the secret behind the fate of Kholinar suffering tragedy along the way.

A climatic battle looms at Thaylen city where Dalinar has gathered his allies and awaits the coming of the Voidbringers. Dalinar must face his past and suffer unexpected disappointments in his mission to save the human race on Roshar.


This is a great book. It expands on the first two books and intensifies the conflict. The reader learns more about the lore of the Heralds, the desolations, the Voidbringers, and the Everstorm. Dalinar’s loss of memory is explained in full and Dalinar shines as a conflicted hero. Kaladin is the true hero of this series and learns more about himself and his abilities. Shallan fights her other personalities and finds a way to be happy about herself.

Oathbringer was Dalinar’s shardblade until he gave it up to Sadeas to save Kaladin’s bridge four crew. Sadeas is dead now and Dalinar has the shardblade back. Oathbringer the shardblade played an important part in the flashbacks that occurred before Dalinar’s loss of memory.


In my opinion, about the only misstep of Oathbringer by Brandon Sanderson is the handling of Adolin. He was the fourth main character in the first two books. He doesn’t appear as a viewpoint character until halfway through this book and is reduced to having only commentary about his clothes and looks. I expected a little more than that from Adolin.

A pleasant surprise is the development of Szeth-son-son-Vallano, the assassin in white. I think that he has an important part to play in the next two novels of the series and I am looking forward to understanding his role in this series. I wonder how Shallan will continue to deal with her multiple personalities and her relationship with Adolin. The flashback character for book 4 is Eshonai and book 5 is for Szeth. This series continues to amaze and I look forward to reading the next two volumes and the next group of five volumes in the coming years.


This is the link to the Goodreads page of Oathbringer by Brandon Sanderson.

Link to my review of Promise of Blood (Book #1 of the Powder Mage Trilogy) by Brian McClellan. The Powder Mage Trilogy has an interesting magic system like The Stormlight Archive series. The system uses gunpowder as the magic element.

Link to my review of Black Prism (Book #1 of the Lightbringer Series) by Brent Weeks. The Lightbringer series has an interesting magic system like The Stormlight Archive series. The system uses turning light into luxin as the magic element.