Self-Editing for Fiction Writers
Self-Editing for Fiction Writers by Renni Browne and Dave King shows authors how to edit yourself into print. Their goal is to teach the writer the craft of editing because self-editing gets your manuscript closer to its potential and more likely to get published. Editing takes a different mindset than writing. They suggest editing only after you complete your first draft. What editing techniques will help you improve your writing?

The book has twelve chapters. Each chapter has three sections. A lesson comes first then a checklist of important points. They complete the chapter with exercises that highlight the points of the chapter. Examples of chapter titles are: Show and Tell, Point of View, and Voice. The first appendix has the answers for the exercises and the second appendix has suggestions for further reading.
Self-Editing for Fiction Writers is a great writing book. The exercises help pinpoint common problems of beginning writers. It is worth the effort to complete the exercises. I read this book from February 21, 2018, to February 25, 2018. I completed the exercises back then but did not write a review. Since I am at the self-editing process in writing my first novel, I picked up the book again and reviewed the author’s advice.
This is the link to the Goodreads page of Self-Editing for Fiction Writers by Renni Browne and Dave King
A similar book on writing is Self-Publishing Boot Camp by Carla King. This is the link to my review. It has everything you want to know about Self-Publishing.
Another similar book on writing is How to Write Best Selling Fiction by Dean Koontz. This is the link to my review. It’s from 1981, but the advice is still great.