Gathering Storm by Robert Jordan and Brandon Sanderson, Book Twelve of the Wheel of Time series.
Gathering Storm by Robert Jordan and Brandon Sanderson is the twelfth book of The Wheel of Time series. The novel follows five main plot arcs. Rand, Mat, Perrin, Egwene, and Gawyn. All five characters face hard choices and must grow so they can complete the challenges they encounter. Will the forces of Light be destroyed by the Gathering Storm?

Summary – Prologue
The prologue has six point-of-view characters, and each point of view sets up a plot arc.
Renald is a farmer in the Borderlands. He and his neighbors feel a storm coming between the forces of the Dark and the Light and must decide what to do about it.
Falendre must deliver a message from Rand to the Daughter of the Nine Moons about having a meeting to discuss a truce.
Seanchan Banner-General Tylee Khirgan’s forces are ambushed by hundreds of Trollocs only a day’s march from Ebou Dar.
Graendal is summoned by Moridin to discuss what she should do about Rand in Arad Doman.
Rodel Ituralde springs his trap on the Seanchan forces in Arad Doman.
Masema tries to regroup his forces after his defeat in Malden. Faile has something to say about that.
Summary–Main Plot Arcs
Gathering Storm by Robert Jordan and Brandon Sanderson has five main arcs.
Rand continues to pursue his truce with the Seanchan so they can both focus on defeating the forces of the Dark One rather than each other. He also hunts for Graendal.
Mat continues his journey with the Band to escape into Andor. He also searches for the woman he learns is looking for him.
Perrin marched the refugees from the defeat of the Shaido at Malden to safety in the Two Rivers.
Egwene continues her rebellion from within the Tower.
Gawyn learns that Egwene is captured inside the White Tower and wants to rescue her.
Summary–Best Chapters
[Insert Best Chapters here]
[Insert Recommendation here]
This is the link to the Goodreads page of Gathering Storm by Robert Jordan and Brandon Sanderson.
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