Conference Recap Cleveland ConCoction 2024
I attended the SF conference called Cleveland ConCoction at 600 North Aurora Road Aurora, Ohio at the Bertram Inn and Conference Center from March 8 to 10, 2024. I also attended Cleveland ConCoction in 2017, 2018, 2019, and 2023. (2020, 2021, and 2022 was canceled due to COVID-19).I attended the opening ceremony, eight panels, two author showcases, and the closing ceremony. This year’s theme was the Neverending dungeon celebrating the 50th anniversary of the release of Dungeons and Dragons game system and the 40th anniversary of the release of the movie The Neverending Story.
ConCoction 2024 Banner

ConCoction 2024 Program Guide Cover
[insert program cover]
ConCoction 2024 Badge
[insert badge]
The link to the ConCoction website.
Bertram Inn and Conference Center

Friday, March 8 at 2 PM
History of Computing Before Computers, a panel with D. Mark Hayes.
[insert summary here]
They held the panel in the Hayes A Room with 11 attendees.
Friday, March 8 at 3 PM
Write That Novel, a panel with Becca Lynn Mathis and David Wyatt.
[insert summary here]
They held the panel in the Pegasus Room with 9 attendees.
Friday, March 8 at 5 PM
The Opening Ceremonies.
[insert summary here]
They held the ceremonies in the Pegasus Room with 27 attendees.
Friday, March 8 at 6 PM
Author Showcase with Marie Vibbert, Becca Lynn Mathis, Geoffrey Landis, Mary Turillo, and A.S. Ferguson.
[insert summary here]
They held the showcase in the Grant A Room with 4 attendees.
Saturday, March 9 at 10 AM
The Fermi Paradox – The Silurian Hypothesis, a panel with David Wyatt.
[insert summary here]
They held the panel in the Hayes C & D Room with 16 attendees.
Saturday, March 9 at 12 PM
Now What?!, a panel with Becca Lynn Mathis.
[insert summary here]
They held the panel in the Hayes A Room with 3 attendees.
Saturday, March 9 at 2 PM
Author Showcase with Addie King and Rami Ungar.
[insert summary here]
They held the showcase in the Grant A Room with 10 attendees.
Saturday, March 9 at 3 PM
Research and Authenticity in Fiction, a panel with Marcus Cook, David Balrog. A.J. Mathews, and Shannon Eichorn.
[insert summary here]
They held the panel in the Hayes A Room with 14 attendees.
Sunday, March 10 from 10 AM
Melissa Scott talks about whatever she wants, a panel with Melissa Scott.
[insert summary here]
They held the panel in the Grant A Room with 7 attendees.
Sunday, March 10 from 11:30 AM
The Power of Short Fiction, a panel with Marie Vibbert, Rami Ungar, Geoffrey Landis, Evan Graham, and Addie King.
[insert summary here]
They held the panel in the Pegasus Room with 11 attendees.
Sunday, March 10 from 1 PM
Dreamstates, a panel with the band Dreamstates.
[insert summary here]
They held the panel in the Pegasus Room.
Sunday, March 10 from 2 PM
The Closing Ceremonies
[insert summary here]
They held the ceremonies in the Pegasus Room with 35 attendees
Recommendation – Conclusion
This is my Conference Recap Cleveland ConCoction 2024. I had a great experience at Cleveland ConCoction 2024. The Bertram Conference center is nice. I’m glad to be back. My star of the con was Becca Lynn Mathis. I saw her in two panels and in an author showcase. My other highlights were seeing Marie Vibbert and Geoffrey Landis both in a panel and in an author showcase. I’m planning on attending next year.
This is my recap of the SF conference Cleveland ConCoction 2019 at 600 North Aurora Road Aurora, Ohio at the Bertram Inn and Conference Center from March 1 to 3, 2019. I attended the opening ceremony, four panels, and the closing ceremony. I also volunteered in the Programming Department for four hours and in the ConSuite for four hours. This is a link to my conference recap.
I attended the SF conference Cleveland ConCoction at 600 North Aurora Road Aurora, Ohio at the Bertram Inn and Conference Center from March 9, 2018, to March 11, 2018. The 2019 convention was from March 1 to 3, 2019 and I realized as I was writing a recap for that conference, I had not posted a recap for the 2018 conference. This is a recap for the conference from last year. I attended the opening ceremony, five panels, two author showcases, a performance, and the closing ceremony. I also volunteered in the ConSuite for eight hours.
This is my recap for the SF conference Cleveland ConCoction from 2017. They held it from March 10, 2017, to March 12, 2017. Attended nine activities and volunteered in the ConSuite for twelve hours.