I attended the SF conference named PenguiCon at 1275 South Huron Street Ypsilanti, Michigan at the Ann Arbor Marriott, Ypsilanti at Eagle Crest from April 26, 2024, to April 28, 2024. I attended the opening ceremonies, three panels, and one author reading. This year’s theme was Open Source.
They held the opening ceremonies in Auditorium 1 with 40 attendees.
Saturday, April 27th at 10 AM
Panel on The Good, The Bad, and The Yikes with Ericka Kahler and Michael W. Lucas:
[insert summary here]
They held the panel in Salon II with 16 attendees.
Saturday, April 27th at 11 AM
Panel on How I Make a Living Writing with Michael W. Lucas:
[insert summary here]
They held the panel in Salon IV with 8 attendees.
Saturday, April 27th at 12 PM
Reading with Author E.M. Anderson:
[Insert summary here]
They held the reading in the Elizabeth Ann A room with 4 attendees.
Saturday, April 27th at 1 PM
Demonstration: Fun With Chemistry with Professor X and Lady Ana
Unfortunately, the presenters couldn’t make it, so the demonstration was canceled. I was looking forward to this demonstration because I’m a Chemist and it sounded fun.
They would have had the demonstration in Conference E room with 10 attendees.
Saturday, April 27th at 5 PM
Panel on Write What You Know with E.M. Anderson:
[insert summary here]
They held the panel in the Conference B room with 17 attendees.
Recommendation – Conclusion
I felt the con went well and enjoyed my attendance. My star of the Con was the author E.M. Anderson. They read two chapters from different novels in their author reading and gave insightful comments on their panel about writing. I was looking forward to attending again in 2025, but I have recently heard that it was canceled.
A Con like PenguiCon is the ConFusion Detroit Con. The links to my review of ConFusion Detroit Con that I have attended follows.
This is my post about the SF conference ConFusion in Detroit, Michigan from January 19 to 21, 2024. The theme was the Labyrinth of ConFusion. My star of the con was Author John Scalzi.
In January 2023, I attended the SF conference ConFusion in Detroit, Michigan. I still want to write a post about that.
I attended the SF conference ConFusion in Detroit, Michigan from January 21 to 23, 2022. The theme was Rising ConFusion. My stars of the con were Guest of Honor author Jim C. Hines and Science Guest of Honor Dr. Jordan Steckloff.
I attended the SF conference ConFusion in Detroit, Michigan from January 16 to 19, 2020. I attended four panels, two readings, and one interview. The con theme was How to Train Your ConFusion, based on the movie, How to Train Your Dragon. My star of the con was John Scalzi. He gave an excellent reading of Chapter Two of his upcoming book, The Last Emperox. My other highlights were Kameron Hurley’s interview and the lecture on Edible Insects and Human Evolution. I’ll be back next year.
I attended the SF conference ConFusion in Detroit, Michigan from January 18 to 20, 2019. The con’s theme was Storming the ConFusion, so they chose the areas with names related to the movie The Princess Bride. I had a great drive to Detroit just before the snowstorm came. My star of the con was John Scalzi. He gave an excellent reading and was engaging in the panel I attended. My other highlights were Ada Palmer’s interview and watching The Princess Bride at the con. I’ll be back next year.
I attended the 39th annual Western Reserve Writers Conference 2024 on March 23, 2024. They held the Conference at the South Euclid-Lyndhurst branch of the Cuyahoga County Public Library at the William N. Skirball writer’s center at the branch. It was a one-day event with an introduction, a keynote speaker, three breakout sessions, and one first-page critique panel.
Deanna R. Adams is the conference coordinator and Laurie Kincer is the librarian in charge of the writer’s center.
Laurie explained how they set up the library, where the three meeting rooms were located, and about the door prizes available at 4 PM. Deanna introduced the keynote speaker, Brandi Larsen.
They held the welcome and conference overview in the meeting room A/B/C with about 100 attendees.
Saturday, March 23rd at 9:45 AM
Keynote Speaker: What’s Best for Your Writing Right Now.
The keynote speaker was Brandi Larsen, the 2024 Cuyahoga County Public Library Writer in Residence. She is a writer, speaker, and a writing coach.
She talked about sharing how to weave in the threads of community, craft, and commerce to bring more joy and inspiration into your writing (and encourage you to approach the writing desk with confidence).
Craft: The big questions. Can you get to the page? Figure out your writing style alignment. What is your why? Can you communicate what you wish? Can you finish what you start?
Community: The world needs your work. We need each other. Find your people. Showing up matters. Books are loved into life.
Commerce: What do you want for your writing? Are you ready for your writing to become a product?
They held the talk in the meeting room A/B/C with about 100 attendees.
Saturday, March 23rd at 11:30 AM
Breakout Session: Self-Editing Tips for Writers of all kinds.
The presenter was Rebecca Ferlotti. She is an editor.
You must self-edit your work first before you even consider sending your work to an editor. So, why do you hate editing? Whatever you do, don’t stop writing to read between the lines. Read the story out loud to change your headspace. Print out the story and cut it to edit it. When you read, keep in mind detail deficits and places to pare down your writing. Also consider continuity issues, word choices and grammatical errors. Final advice: complete your first draft before your first edit.
You can find Rebecca Ferlotti at the following website.
They held the talk in the writer’s center meeting room with about 45 attendees.
Recommendation – Conclusion
I enjoyed attending the Western Reserve Writers Conference 2024. I also attended the conference in 2019, 2022, and 2023 (they canceled the conference in 2020 and 2021 because of COVID-19). My Star of the Con was Rebecca Ferlotti. She had some brilliant advice for writers who want to self-edit their work.
This is my Recap for the Western Reserve Writers Conference on March 26, 2022, where I attended the introduction, a keynote speaker, and two breakout sessions. The Cuyahoga County Public Library held the conference at the South Euclid-Lyndhurst branch.
I attended the 36th annual Western Reserve Writers Conference on April 27, 2019. They held the Conference at the South Euclid-Lyndhurst branch of the Cuyahoga County Public Library at the William N. Skirball writer’s center at the branch. It was a one-day event with an introduction, a keynote speaker, three breakout sessions, and one first-page critique panel. I attended the introduction, a keynote speaker, and two breakout sessions. I thought The Western Reserve Writers Conference was well run, diverse in the presentations offered, and informative. My Star of the Con was Bree Barton. Her presentation was fun, the exercises were useful, and I liked her personality.
I attended the 34th annual Western Reserve Writers Conference on September 23, 2017. I could not attend last year. This is a link to my review of the 2017 conference.
I attended the SF conference called Cleveland ConCoction at 600 North Aurora Road Aurora, Ohio at the Bertram Inn and Conference Center from March 8 to 10, 2024. I also attended Cleveland ConCoction in 2017, 2018, 2019, and 2023. (2020, 2021, and 2022 was canceled due to COVID-19).I attended the opening ceremony, eight panels, two author showcases, and the closing ceremony. This year’s theme was the Neverending dungeon celebrating the 50th anniversary of the release of Dungeons and Dragons game system and the 40th anniversary of the release of the movie The Neverending Story.
History of Computing Before Computers, a panel with D. Mark Hayes.
[insert summary here]
They held the panel in the Hayes A Room with 11 attendees.
Friday, March 8 at 3 PM
Write That Novel, a panel with Becca Lynn Mathis and David Wyatt.
[insert summary here]
They held the panel in the Pegasus Room with 9 attendees.
Friday, March 8 at 5 PM
The Opening Ceremonies.
[insert summary here]
They held the ceremonies in the Pegasus Room with 27 attendees.
Friday, March 8 at 6 PM
Author Showcase with Marie Vibbert, Becca Lynn Mathis, Geoffrey Landis, Mary Turillo, and A.S. Ferguson.
[insert summary here]
They held the showcase in the Grant A Room with 4 attendees.
Saturday, March 9 at 10 AM
The Fermi Paradox – The Silurian Hypothesis, a panel with David Wyatt.
[insert summary here]
They held the panel in the Hayes C & D Room with 16 attendees.
Saturday, March 9 at 12 PM
Now What?!, a panel with Becca Lynn Mathis.
[insert summary here]
They held the panel in the Hayes A Room with 3 attendees.
Saturday, March 9 at 2 PM
Author Showcase with Addie King and Rami Ungar.
[insert summary here]
They held the showcase in the Grant A Room with 10 attendees.
Saturday, March 9 at 3 PM
Research and Authenticity in Fiction, a panel with Marcus Cook, David Balrog. A.J. Mathews, and Shannon Eichorn.
[insert summary here]
They held the panel in the Hayes A Room with 14 attendees.
Sunday, March 10 from 10 AM
Melissa Scott talks about whatever she wants, a panel with Melissa Scott.
[insert summary here]
They held the panel in the Grant A Room with 7 attendees.
Sunday, March 10 from 11:30 AM
The Power of Short Fiction, a panel with Marie Vibbert, Rami Ungar, Geoffrey Landis, Evan Graham, and Addie King.
[insert summary here]
They held the panel in the Pegasus Room with 11 attendees.
Sunday, March 10 from 1 PM
Dreamstates, a panel with the band Dreamstates.
[insert summary here]
They held the panel in the Pegasus Room.
Sunday, March 10 from 2 PM
The Closing Ceremonies
[insert summary here]
They held the ceremonies in the Pegasus Room with 35 attendees
Recommendation – Conclusion
This is my Conference Recap Cleveland ConCoction 2024. I had a great experience at Cleveland ConCoction 2024. The Bertram Conference center is nice. I’m glad to be back. My star of the con was Becca Lynn Mathis. I saw her in two panels and in an author showcase. My other highlights were seeing Marie Vibbert and Geoffrey Landis both in a panel and in an author showcase. I’m planning on attending next year.
This is my recap of the SF conference Cleveland ConCoction 2019 at 600 North Aurora Road Aurora, Ohio at the Bertram Inn and Conference Center from March 1 to 3, 2019. I attended the opening ceremony, four panels, and the closing ceremony. I also volunteered in the Programming Department for four hours and in the ConSuite for four hours. This is a link to my conference recap.
I attended the SF conference Cleveland ConCoction at 600 North Aurora Road Aurora, Ohio at the Bertram Inn and Conference Center from March 9, 2018, to March 11, 2018. The 2019 convention was from March 1 to 3, 2019 and I realized as I was writing a recap for that conference, I had not posted a recap for the 2018 conference. This is a recap for the conference from last year. I attended the opening ceremony, five panels, two author showcases, a performance, and the closing ceremony. I also volunteered in the ConSuite for eight hours.
This is my recap for the SF conference Cleveland ConCoction from 2017. They held it from March 10, 2017, to March 12, 2017. Attended nine activities and volunteered in the ConSuite for twelve hours.
I attended the SF conference named ConFusion at 21111 Haggerty Road Novi, Michigan at the Sheraton Detroit Novi from January 19, 2024, to January 21, 2024. I also attended ConFusion Detroit in 2019, 2020, (2021 was canceled due to COVID-19), 2022, and 2023. The Ann Arbor Science Fiction Association Sponsored ConFusion Detroit 2024. I attended three panels, one author reading, and watched the movie Labyrinth. This year’s theme was Labyrinth of Confusion. Celebrating the 38-year anniversary of the release of the movie Labyrinth (1986).
The Ann Arbor Science Fiction Association sponsors Detroit ConFusion.
This is my badge for ConFusion Detroit 2024.
ConFusion Detroit 2024 Conference Recap
Friday, January 19th at 7 PM
Labyrinth of Confusion Opening Ceremonies with Mark Oshiro, BluRaven C. Houvener, Kurt Erichsen, and Steph Campbell:
Arrived late, missed it.
They held the opening ceremonies in Ballroom D.
Saturday, January 20th at 10 AM
Panel on How to Write a Good Conspiracy Novel with Kelley Skovron, Marie Vibbert, Catherine Stein, and Ken Schraeder:
Marie Vibbert suggested that it is important to let the reader in on the conspiracy and not make it a mystery to the reader. She further commented on saying that it takes a delicate balance to know as a writer when to give up the information and when to not.
Kalley Skovron added that as a writer it is important to reverse engineer the conspiracy so that the writer can set up misdirection.
Ken Schraeder stressed that every character needs a motive to make a well-rounded novel.
They held the panel in the Marquette room with 15 attendees.
Saturday, January 20th at 12 PM
Panel on Wish I Knew When I Started with Catherine Stein, Jim C. Hines, Jean Davis, and Ness Ricci-Thode:
Jean Davis thinks that getting into a writing group helps the beginning author.
Catherine Stein cautions that there are many little steps that need to be taken to get published.
Jim Hines says beware since old advice doesn’t work now. The hardest part is to learn to say no.
Catherine Stein notes that your writing process is unique to you. You can’t practice someone else’s process and be successful for you.
They held the panel in Ballroom B with 20 attendees.
Saturday, January 20th at 1 PM
Reading with Author John Scalzi:
He read three short pieces and then took Q and A questions. He did not read from his new novel coming out in February 2025.
#1 Grizzly Bear Conflict Manager written on the Jo Jo Cruise. He mentioned that he had read this story before, and I remember him reading it. It was very good.
#2 Will Wheaton Croc Hunter also written on the cruise. John Scalzi wrote it about Will Wheaton’s lime green crocs he wore on the cruise. Very funny.
#3 So you want to kill baby Hitler which he wrote that morning. It’s a time travel story trying to explain the issues with time travel.
In the Q and A, he talked about a potential movie or TV show on the novel Old Man’s War. He also talked about the church he bought and converted into an office for him.
John Scalzi readings are always my highlight of the con and this year was no exception.
They held the reading in the Keweenow room with 40 attendees.
Saturday, January 20th at 5 PM
Movie: Labyrinth (1986)
We watched the movie on a TV in the Boardroom. The theme of the con this year was Labyrinth of Confusion. I had never seen the movie before, so I thought this was a great time to watch it. The movie was directed by Jim Henson and featured puppets from his workshop. The star of the movie was David Bowie as the Golbin King and featured Jennifer Connally. I enjoyed it,
I’m glad I watched it.
They showed the movie in the Boardroom film room with 10 attendees.
Saturday, January 20th at 8 PM
Panel on Has the Hype Over Artificial Intelligence (AI) Art and Writing Programs Peaked? With John Scalzi, Lynne Sergent, A. L. Deleon, and Jason Sanford:
Lynne Sergent said that it good that people are more aware of the problem now.
A.L. Deleon is worried about when a helpful tool becomes a predatory one.
John Scalzi notes that it really isn’t A.I., it’s an algorithm that uses published material with no learning involved.
Jason Sanford worries that tech jobs and legal jobs are at risk due to A.I. advances.
They held the panel at Ballroom B with 45 attendees.
Recommendation – Conclusion
I felt the con went well and enjoyed my attendance. My star of the con was author John Scalzi. He read three short stories on his author reading and gave insightful comments on the AI panel. I’m looking forward to attending again in 2025.
In January 2023, I attended the SF conference ConFusion in Detroit, Michigan. I still want to write a post about that.
I attended the SF conference ConFusion in Detroit, Michigan from January 21 to 23, 2022. The theme was Rising ConFusion. My stars of the con were Guest of Honor author Jim C. Hines and Science Guest of Honor Dr. Jordan Steckloff.
I attended the SF conference ConFusion in Detroit, Michigan from January 16 to 19, 2020. I attended four panels, two readings, and one interview. The theme of the con was How to Train Your ConFusion, based on the movie, How to Train Your Dragon. My star of the con was John Scalzi. He gave an excellent reading of Chapter Two of his upcoming book named The Last Emperox. My other highlights were Kameron Hurley’s interview and the lecture on Edible Insects and Human Evolution. I’ll be back next year.
I attended the SF conference ConFusion in Detroit, Michigan from January 18 to 20, 2019. The theme of the con was Storming the ConFusion, so they designated the areas with names related to the movie The Princess Bride. I had a great drive to Detroit just before the snowstorm came. My star of the con was John Scalzi. He gave an excellent reading and was engaging in the panel I attended. My other highlights were Ada Palmer’s interview and watching The Princess Bride at the con. I’ll be back next year.
I attended the Confluence SF Conference Pittsburgh 2022 on July 30, 2022. They held the conference at 1160 Thorn Run Road Coraopolis, PA in the Sheraton Pittsburgh Airport Hotel. I also attended the conference in 2016, 2017, 2018, and 2019. COVID-19 changed the conference to a virtual con named C’monfluence in 2020 which I viewed. The Parsec organization of Pittsburgh runs the literary science fiction, fantasy, and horror conference. The events included panels, readings, interviews, writing workshops, and filk concerts. I attended 3 panels, two readings, an improv comedy show, a concert, and the guest of honor presentation
They held the Confluence SF Conference Pittsburgh at the Sheraton Pittsburgh Airport.
Confluence SF Conference Pittsburgh 2022 Program Guide Cover
Picture of my badge from Confluence SF Conference Pittsburgh 2022
Saturday, July 30th at 11 AM
Reading by Marie Vibbert.
She read three pieces during this half-hour reading.
First was a flash fiction story published in Daily Science Fiction on February 21, 2021. The story was named Things from our kitchen junk drawer that could save this spaceship.
They held the reading in the Solstice Room with 7 attendees.
Saturday, July 30th at 12 PM
Reading Short SF: Why You Should Be Reading Short Fiction, Both Classic and New Panel with Neil Clarke, Michael Swanwick, and Vera Brook.
Vera Brook, an author, was the moderator for the panel and asked questions of the panel. Neil Clarke publishes the Clarkesworld online magazine. Michael Swanwick is an award-winning author.
Why should you read short science fiction? If short fiction speaks to you then reading it can be rewarding. They suggest reading the most recent releases and going backward in time.
What short Science Fiction Authors to you recommend? Cordwainer Smith, Phillip K. Dick, Octavia Butler’s collection Bloodchild, and William Gibson’s collection Burning Chrome. They also recommend the latest year’s best anthologies.
Where do we find it? Print magazines, online magazines, single-author collections, and years’ best anthologies.
For the rest of the panel, they talked about the challenges of finding great short fiction. Suggestions were to read beyond your comfort level, be more international in your reading, and English is the language of translation.
They held the panel in the Commonwealth West Room with 29 attendees.
Saturday, July 30th at 1 PM
It Was Fifty Years Ago Today: The SF and Fantasy Year 1972 panel with Geoffrey Landis, Stephen Fisher, Darrell Schweitzer, and Barbara Doran.
The panel talked about events from 1972. They went over the 1972 Nebula awards and the 1973 Hugo awards. The creators of the genre were still alive then and fans could see them at cons. The past was alive. Dangerous Visions was published in 1972. Ben Bova took over Analog (formerly Astounding) Magazine in 1972 and brought it back to prominence. At that time, they thought that the original anthology would replace print magazines, but it didn’t. Playboy was the top market for SF in 1972. Isaac Asimov returned to SF with the Hugo and Nebula-winning novel, The Gods Themselves. He had been writing non-fiction for a long time before this.
World events from 1972 included; Apollo 17 (the last mission to the moon) and the voting age was lowered from 21 to 18.
They held the panel in the Commonwealth West Room with 14 attendees.
Saturday, July 30th at 3 PM
The Guest of Honor Presentation with Neil Clarke was interviewed by Scott H. Andrews.
Neil Clarke is the editor of Clarkesworld online magazine. His interviewer Scott H. Andrew is the editor of Beneath Ceaseless Skies online magazine. The interviewer asked him many questions and received interesting answers. Some of the highlights follow. He got into SF after a friend dragged him into an SF con when they were in college.
He started editing Clarkesworld magazine part-time, not becoming a full-time editor until 2006. His goal is to pay authors a living wage. All editorial staff at the online magazine are part-time. His goal is to pay a full-time staff. The industry minimum payment for authors is 8 cents a word and he thinks that is too low. He pays 12 cents a word but hopes to increase it to 15 cents per word in the future.
He’s interested in promoting international SF, especially from China and Korea. He hopes the SF community will continue to support his magazine online and through the magazine’s Patreon page. He hopes the magazine will continue when he eventually steps down.
They held the presentation in Ballroom 1 with 60 attendees.
Saturday, July 30th at 4 PM
Reading by Michael Swanwick.
He read his original short story named The Warm Equations. It will be posted on the website named Sunday Morning Transport as a free-to-read story on August 7, 2022. It’s a great story well worth the read.
The story is about when Charles Magnus Osbourne crashed a hopper on Mercury and the aftermath of his accident. He is looking for receiving glory for his solo research mission, but he needs help to survive. Charles learns things about himself that he never expected to learn.
Link to the story named The Warm Equations posted in the Sunday Morning Transport on August 7, 2022.
They held the reading in the Solstice Room with 8 attendees.
Saturday, July 30th at 5 PM
Where to Next? Trends in Recent SF Panel with Marie Vibbert, Lawrence C. Connolly, and Michael Mammay.
The moderator asked questions of the panel.
What new ideas and concepts are you seeing? Answers included climate fiction, VR, and augmented reality. Their advice is don’t try to beat the tech, speak of the moment.
What trends are there in what they read for pleasure? The answers included epic fantasy in a non-European setting, optimistic SF, and AI envisioning better times.
Talk about style versus substance. Unusual POV and tenses such as first person present tense, the first person using sentence fragments, and third person omniscient.
Where is this taking us? Answers included fan fiction, gaming writing, and the rise in popularity of the novella driven by the Tor.com novellas.
The panel ended with audience questions.
They held the panel in the Commonwealth East with 24 attendees.
Saturday, July 30th at 8 PM
Live Comedy: D & D by Knights of the Arcade.
The Knights of the Arcade presented a live improv comedy routine named D & D. Their logo proclaims that they are a Dungeon and Dragons comedy show of epic proportions. On the audience left was the Game Master, in the center were five game players, and to the right was the keyboard player who accented the routine with clever songs. The routines were enhanced by prompts supplied by the audience. At the end of the routine, all members of the troop sang the last song, the I learned song where they reviewed the events of the show. It was a fun and humorous show.
They held the show in Ballroom 1 with 25 attendees.
Saturday, July 30th at 9 PM
Featured Musical Guest Concert with Tim Griffin.
Tim Griffin was the Featured Musical Guest for the Con. He played fifteen songs in a little over an hour. He sang and played acoustic guitar and ukulele. The songs he played supported his mission to present science, math, and history topics in a musical format to engage children in learning. He also played his signature song, Lucy on the Line. It was an enjoyable and sing-along performance.
Link to Tim Griffin Education website. GriffinED’s goal is to provide you with the best kid-friendly STEM/STEAM/folk/filk music site in the universe.
Youtube link to Lucy on the Line.
They held the concert in Ballroom 1 with 27 attendees.
Recommendation – Conclusion
I’m glad I attended the Confluence SF Conference Pittsburgh 2022. My star of the con was Neil Clarke. He had a great Guest of Honor interview and was insightful and memorable in the panel of his that I attended. I attended 3 panels, two readings, an improv comedy show, a concert, and the guest of honor presentation. My other highlights were the improv comedy of the Knights of the Arcade and the concert performed by the Featured Musical Guest, Tim Griffin. I also attended the conference in 2016, 2017, 2018, and 2019. COVID-19 changed the conference to a virtual con named C’monfluence in 2020 which I viewed. I hope to attend Confluence in 2023.
Recap for the Confluence SF Conference Pittsburgh held virtually from 10-02-20 to 10-04-20. I attended the opening ceremony, five panels, three readings, one presentation, the guest of honor presentation, and the conference breakdown.
Recap for the Confluence SF Conference Pittsburgh on July 27 & 28, 20, at the Sheraton Pittsburgh Airport Hotel. I also attended Confluence in ‘16, ‘17, and ‘18. I attended five panels, two fiction writing workshops, and the guest of honor presentation
They held the Confluence Conference from July 27, 2018, to July 29, 2018, at the Sheraton Pittsburgh Airport Hotel. I attended two lectures, two panels, one fiction writing seminar, one author reading, and the guest of honor presentation.
They held the Confluence Conference from August 4 to August 6, 2017, at the Sheraton Pittsburgh Airport Hotel. I attended seven panels, one writing workshop, one author reading, and the guest of honor presentation.
Recap for the Confluence SF Conference on July 30 and July 31, 2016, at the Sheraton Pittsburgh Airport Hotel. I attended 15 panels and the U.S.S. Improvise improv sketch comedy routine.
I attended the SF Conference Marcon Columbus 2022 on May 7, 2022. They held the conference at 350 North High Street Columbus, Ohio 43215 at the Hyatt Regency Columbus. The drive was two-plus hours taken in the morning and back in the evening. I also attended Marcon in 2017, 2018, and 2019. The missing two years were because the conference was canceled those years. The story going around the con this year was that this might be the last Marcon because the coordinating group of this con will no longer do it going forward. Will someone run the con next year? Stay tuned. I attended three panels and one concert at the 2022 conference.
This is a link to the Marcon Conference Facebook account. Their website was down then and still is down.
It was the best of Kynes, it was the worst of Kynes: The new Dune film, a panel with Denver Karchner, Ted Dickinson, Paul Hahn, Emily Lydic, and Sean Mead.
The panel debated what they liked and didn’t like about the Dune (2021) film. The film covered the first part of the novel Dune. They will make a second film covering the rest of the novel and its scheduled release is on October 20, 2023. They compared the current film with the Dune (1984) film and the Sci-Fi Channel series from 2000. The panelists enjoyed the movie but felt that some concepts could have been explained better for non-book readers. They are cautiously optimistic that the second film will answer their questions.
They held the panel in Salon B/C Room with 19 attendees.
Saturday, May 7th at 12:00 PM
The Harp Twins, a concert with Camille Kitt and Kennerly Kitt.
The Harp twins are identical twins that both play electric harps. They arrange their music. They played nine songs in the concert including Nothing Else Matter by Metallica and Fear of the Dark by Iron Maiden. In between songs they engaged in humorous banter between them and introduced each piece before they played them. A very enjoyable concert, not what I expected, but they won me over.
This is a link to their website which has a bio, links to purchase their music, music videos, and a schedule of upcoming performances.
They held the concert in the Buckeye Room with 70 attendees.
Saturday, May 7th at 1:00 PM
Writing for Hire, a discussion with Marie Vibbert.
The discussion was about the author’s experience in taking a writing for-hire job. She says that a lot of mass-market books are ghostwritten. She told us what it’s like writing someone else’s property to a specification. The book is expected to be released on July 12, 2022. The book is named MegaDeath with the name of the author Tory Quinn. The interesting thing is that the book says Tory Quinn with Marie Vibbert. The other two books “written” by Tory Quinn were written by other ghostwriters. Marie said it was an interesting experience. She was given a specific outline that must be followed in writing the book. The business model for the publisher was pitching a movie concept by having a written novel adapted into a screenplay. There wasn’t much room for creativity but the pay was good.
This is the link to the Goodreads page for MegaDeath by Tory Quinn
They held the discussion in the Capital Room with 7 attendees.
Saturday, May 7th at 2:00 PM
Babylon 5: Reborn or Retreaded, a panel with Lee Shamblin, Rachael Thurston, Denver Karshner, Emily Lydic, and Ken Keisel.
The reason for the panel was to discuss the proposed reboot of the series by the original show writer, J. Michael Straczynski. At the time of the panel, the details of the reboot were hazy. What complicates matters is that the CW channel planned to produce it with a projected release in 2023. Nexstar will purchase CW and that might impact the status of the Babylon 5 reboot. The panel questioned what would happen going forward.
They held the panel in Salon B/C with 27 attendees.
Recommendation – Conclusion
I had a great time at Conference Marcon Columbus 2022. My co-stars of the con were The Harp Twins for their concert and the Writing for Hire discussion presented by Marie Vibbert. I also attended Marcon in 2017, 2018, and 2019 and hope the con will return in 2023.
Recap for SF Conference Marcon Columbus on May 11, 2019. They held it at Crowne Plaza – Columbus North. I also attended Marcon in 2017 and 2018. This year I attended four panels, a performance, and an interview.
Recap for SF Conference Marcon Columbus I attended on May 12, 2018, at the Hyatt Regency in Columbus, Ohio. I attended four panels and two game shows.
Recap for SF Conference Marcon Columbus on May 13, 2017. They held the conference at the Hyatt Regency Columbus. I also attended Marcon in 2018 and 2019. I attended five panels at the 2017 conference.
I attended the Ice and Fire Con at Mt. Sterling, Ohio, from April 21 to April 24, 2022. I originally had a ticket for the Ice and Fire Con 2020, but they canceled it because of COVID-19. They focus the conference on the works of George R. R. Martin. Especially the Game of Thrones series, including his other works in the world of Westeros. The HBO series called House of the Dragon is an example and will release starting on August 21, 2022. I attended five panels, one guest of honor lecture, one trivia game, a performance by the Manimals, and the closing ceremonies. This year’s theme was A Dream of Spring. It is the proposed title of the seventh book in the Song of Ice and Fire series. We have been waiting ten years for the sixth book, The Winds of Winter.
This is a link to the Ice and Fire Conference website.
This is my badge for Ice and Fire Con 2022, A Dream of Spring.
Ice and Fire 2022 Conference Recap
Saturday, April 23rd at 10 AM
Significance of the Seven Panel with two panelists:
[insert discussion here]
They held the panel in the Grand Ballroom with about 19 attendees.
Saturday, April 23rd at 11 AM
ASOIAF and the War of the Roses Panel with three panelists:
[insert discussion here]
They held the panel in the Scarlet Oak room with about 35 attendees.
Saturday, April 23rd at 12 PM
Choose Your Own Reading Order Panel with two panelists:
[insert discussion here]
They held the panel in the Grand Ballroom with about 21 attendees.
Saturday, April 23rd at 6 PM
Guest of Honor Lecture with David J. Peterson:
[insert discussion here]
They held the lecture in the Grand Ballroom with about 25 attendees.
Saturday, April 23rd at 8 PM
Trivia of Ice and Fire Game with two moderators:
[insert discussion here]
They held the trivia game in the Grand Ballroom with about 31 attendees.
Saturday, April 23rd at 9 PM
Performance by the Manimals:
[insert discussion here]
They held the performance in the Grand Ballroom with too many attendees to count.
Sunday, April 24th at 12 PM
House of the Dragon is Coming! Panel with four panelists:
[insert discussion here]
They held the panel in the Grand Ballroom with about 30 attendees.
Sunday, April 24th at 1 PM
After the Snow Panel with two panelists:
[insert discussion here]
They held the panel in the Grand Ballroom with about 41 attendees.
Sunday, April 24th at 1 PM
Closing Ceremonies with the con runners and guests:
[insert discussion here]
They held the ceremonies in the Grand Ballroom with about 60 attendees.
Recommendation – Conclusion
[Insert Recommendation Here]
ConFusion Detroit was a con I attended this year that is like the Ice and Fire Con. I attended the SF conference named ConFusion at 21111 Haggerty Road Novi, Michigan at the Sheraton Detroit Novi from January 21, 2022, to January 23, 2020. ConFusion Detroit 2020 was the last in-person con I attended. I have attended only virtual cons in the last two years. ConFusion 2022 was my next in-person con after that. The Ann Arbor Science Fiction Association sponsored ConFusion Detroit 2022. I attended the opening ceremonies, three panels, two lectures, one reading, and one interview. This year’s theme was rising confusion. Like the phoenix rising from the ashes, the con returned from a two-year absence.
The last in-person conference I attended before Confusion Detroit 2022 was Confusion Detroit 2020. They canceled the con in 2021. They held it in the same place in 2022, with strict masks and vaccination policies in effect. I felt the con went well and enjoyed my attendance. I have two stars of the con. Author Guest of Honor Jim C. Hines gave a spirited reading of his short story, The Creature in Your Neighborhood, and an insightful interview by Black Gate Magazine. My other star of the con was Dr. Jordan Steckloff for the two lectures and the panel I attended he participated in.
I attended the 37th annual Western Reserve Writers Conference on March 26, 2022. They held the Conference at the South Euclid-Lyndhurst branch of the Cuyahoga County Public Library at the William N. Skirball writer’s center at the branch. It was a one-day event with an introduction, a keynote speaker, three breakout sessions, and one first-page critique panel.
Deanna R. Adams is the conference coordinator and Laurie Kincer is the librarian in charge of the writer’s center.
Laurie explained how they set up the library, where the three meeting rooms were located, and about the door prizes available at 4 PM. Deanna introduced the keynote speaker, Erin Hosier.
They held the welcome and conference overview in the meeting room A/B/C with about 90 attendees.
Saturday, March 26th at 9:40 AM
Keynote Speaker: The Who, What, When, Where, and Why of Literary Agents.
The keynote speaker was Erin Hosier. She is a veteran agent and author.
Erin specializes in representing non-fiction biographies, memoirs, and contemporary fiction. She gave an example of one of the books that she sold from submission to publication. Self Care by Leigh Stein is a contemporary fiction novel. It was pitched to 25 editors in March 2019. 23 responded and they held an auction three weeks later. The winner was Penguin books which published the novel on June 30, 2020.
In a Query Letter, it is important to get the comp titles correct and make them recently published.
She went over the steps for a book proposal for non-fiction works.
An editor accepted her proposal for her memoir, Don’t Let me Down: A Memoir. It took her seven years to write it.
She gets about 50 proposals a month and accepts about five per year.
They held the talk in the meeting room A/B/C with about 90 attendees.
Saturday, March 26th at 10:30 AM
Breakout Session: What Authors Should Know About the Law: Publishing Law 101.
The presenter was Jacqueline Lipton. She is a literary attorney and literary agent.
Jacqui wanted to write a book about explaining legal matters simply for writers because that book was not on the market.
She went over copywriting basics.
Trademarks are a tricky concept. She explained it this way. Trademarks (commercial) versus patent (ideas) versus Copywrite (also ideas).
Goodreads link to Jacqui’s book: Law and Authors: A Legal Handbook for Writers
Jacqui is the founder of the Raven Quill Agency found at this web address.
They held the talk in the meeting room A/B/C with about 40 attendees.
Saturday, March 26th at 3:00 PM
Breakout Session: Writing and Submitting Short Stories.
The presenter was Marie Vibbert. She has sold over 70 short stories and her debut novel, Galactic Hellcats.
What is a short story? She describes it this way. It is a complete story of about one thousand to eight thousand words. A short story is enjoyable and impacts the reader emotionally. It has at least four ideas covering character, place, a problem, and a theme.
Her advice is to know and read in your genre. Every genre has its own conventions which you learn by reading. She writes science fiction almost exclusively. Fantasy doesn’t work for her.
Beginnings are crucial. Figure out the beginning of the story to fit with the ending.
So, you have a draft. What now? Here are three ways to find markets to sell.
For Science Fiction stories, you can submit them to any of the SFWA qualifying markets.
They held the talk at the Homework Center with about 30 attendees.
Recommendation – Conclusion
The Western Reserve Writers Conference 2022 returned well. I attended the conference in 2019, but they canceled the conference in 2020 and 2021 because of COVID-19. I’m glad they held the conference, and it seems as well attended as before the pandemic. My Star of the Con was Marie Vibbert. She had some brilliant advice for aspiring short story writers. I saw her speak at the virtual conference, Cleveland Inkubator 2021 and her presentation was great then too.
I attended the 36th annual Western Reserve Writers Conference on April 27, 2019. They held the Conference at the South Euclid-Lyndhurst branch of the Cuyahoga County Public Library at the William N. Skirball writer’s center at the branch. It was a one-day event with an introduction, a keynote speaker, three breakout sessions, and one first-page critique panel. I attended the introduction, a keynote speaker, and two breakout sessions. I thought The Western Reserve Writers Conference was well run, diverse in the presentations offered, and informative. My Star of the Con was Bree Barton. Her presentation was fun, the exercises were useful, and I liked her personality.
I attended the 34th annual Western Reserve Writers Conference on September 23, 2017. I could not attend last year. This is a link to my review of the 2017 conference.
I attended the SF conference named ConFusion at 21111 Haggerty Road Novi, Michigan at the Sheraton Detroit Novi from January 21, 2022, to January 23, 2020. ConFusion Detroit 2020 was the last in-person con I attended. I have attended only virtual cons in the last two years. ConFusion 2022 was my next in-person con after that.The Ann Arbor Science Fiction Association sponsored ConFusion Detroit 2022. I attended the opening ceremonies, three panels, two lectures, one reading, and one interview. This year’s theme was rising confusion. Like the phoenix rising from the ashes, the con returned from a two-year absence.
The Ann Arbor Science Fiction Association sponsors Detroit ConFusion.
The 2022 Logo for ConFusion Detroit 2022.
ConFusion Detroit 2022 Program Guide Cover
This is my badge for ConFusion Detroit 2022.
ConFusion Detroit 2022 Conference Recap
Friday, January 21st at 7 PM
Rising Confusion Opening Ceremonies with Jim C. Hines, Dr. Jordan Steckloff, Rachael Quinlan, and Anna Carey:
[insert discussion here]
They held the opening ceremonies in Ballroom D with about 60 attendees.
Saturday, January 22nd at 11 AM
Panel on the Wheel of Time Geekfest with presenter E.D.E. Bell:
[insert discussion here]
They held the panel in the Marquette room with 4 attendees.
Saturday, January 22nd at 2 PM
Reading with Author Guest of Honor Jim C. Hines:
[insert discussion here]
They held the reading at Ballroom D with 18 attendees.
Saturday, January 22nd at 3 PM
Lecture with Science Guest of Honor Dr. Jordan Steckloff, the Risks of Space-Borne Pathogens:
[insert discussion here]
They held the lecture at Ballroom D with 35 attendees.
Saturday, January 22nd at 5 PM
Panel on Space Station in Sci-Fi with Jason Sanford, Anthony W. Eichenlaub, and Patrick S. Tomlinson:
[insert discussion here]
They held the panel at the Marquette room with 16 attendees.
Saturday, January 22nd at 6 PM
Black Gate interview with Author Guest of Honor Jim C. Hines:
[insert discussion here]
They interviewed at the Marquette room with 16 attendees.
Sunday, January 23rd at 12 PM
Lecture with Science Guest of Honor Dr. Jordan Steckloff, Apocalyptic Impacts in Reality and Hollywood:
[insert discussion here]
They held the lecture at Ballroom D with 16 attendees.
Sunday, January 23rd at 1 PM
Panel on The Expanse with Dennis Tabaczewski, Dr. Jordan Steckloff, and D. Mark Haynes:
[insert discussion here]
They held the panel in the Marquette room with 9 attendees.
Recommendation – Conclusion
The last in-person conference I attended before Confusion Detroit 2022 was Confusion Detroit 2020. They canceled the con in 2021. They held it in the same place in 2022, with strict masks and vaccination policies in effect. I felt the con went well and enjoyed my attendance. I have two stars of the con. Author Guest of Honor Jim C. Hines gave a spirited reading of his short story, The Creature in Your Neighborhood, and an insightful interview by Black Gate Magazine. My other star of the con was Dr. Jordan Steckloff for the two lectures and the panel I attended he participated in.
I attended the SF conference ConFusion in Detroit, Michigan from January 16 to 19, 2020. I attended four panels, two readings, and one interview. The theme of the con was How to Train Your ConFusion, based on the movie, How to Train Your Dragon. My star of the con was John Scalzi. He gave an excellent reading of Chapter Two of his upcoming book named The Last Emperox. My other highlights were Kameron Hurley’s interview and the lecture on Edible Insects and Human Evolution. I’ll be back next year.
I attended the SF conference ConFusion in Detroit, Michigan from January 18 to 20, 2019. The theme of the con was Storming the ConFusion, so they designated the areas with names related to the movie The Princess Bride. I had a great drive to Detroit just before the snowstorm came. My star of the con was John Scalzi. He gave an excellent reading and was engaging in the panel I attended. My other highlights were Ada Palmer’s interview and watching The Princess Bride at the con. I’ll be back next year.
They normally hold the Cleveland Inkubator Writing Conference at the Louis Stokes Wing of the Cleveland Public Library, 525 Superior Avenue Cleveland, Ohio 44115. This year they presented a virtual event using Zoom between July 11, 2021, to July 25, 2021, for the Cleveland Inkubator Writing Conference 2021. Over the two weeks, they presented forty-two workshops, panels, and special events. I attended two panels, one craft talk, and one workshop (which was held over two days).
Literary Cleveland sponsored the event. Literary Cleveland’s mission is to create and nurture a vibrant literary arts community in Northeast Ohio. The group sponsors writing workshops, author interviews, and a monthly group meeting mixer.
I attended two panels, one craft talk, and one workshop (which was held over two days). I will summarize the four events I attended in the next four sections.
Workshop with D.M. Pulley
They split this workshop into two days, Wednesday, July 14, 2021, from 4 PM to 5 PM, and Wednesday, July 21, 2021, from 4 PM to 5 PM. The topic was Writing Multiple Storylines. She taught the workshop using a PowerPoint presentation. The conference coordinator distributed a copy of the presentation to the participants after the workshop. I have noted the four most important ideas I learned in the workshop in the following paragraphs.
She talked about five structures used in multiple storyline novels and gave an example for each. All the Light We Cannot See by Anthony Doerr uses a Dual Narrative Structure. It features two protagonists on the same timeline. The Girls by Emma Cline uses a Dual Timeline Structure. It features a single protagonist with an early and later timeline.
The Dollhouse by Fiona Davis uses a Dual Narrative and Dual Timeline Structure. It features two protagonists each with an early and later timeline. A Visit from the Goon Squad by Jennifer Egan uses a linked Short Story or Novella Structure. It features many characters and many timelines with linked narratives. Slaughterhouse-Five by Kurt Vonnegut uses a Gestalt Timeline. It features one protagonist with many scattered timelines. There are other examples.
Writing Exercise #1 was to describe what your story is about. Writing Exercise #2 was to figure out whose story your work is about.
She gave examples of the guideposts, transitions, and plotting from the five novels listed above.
Writing Exercise #4 was to draw a three-point plot arc for your story. Writing Exercise #4 was to storyboard your story.
D.M. Pulley is a historical mystery writer with four published novels. No One’s Home is her most recently published novel. I linked the Goodreads page to No One’s Home below.
This craft talk was on Wednesday, July 14, from 7 PM to 8:30 PM. The topic was So You Wrote a Short Story-Now What? She presented her talk using a PowerPoint presentation. The conference coordinator distributed a copy of the presentation to the participants after the talk. I have noted the three most important ideas I learned in the talk in the following paragraphs.
When submitting a short story, follow the submission guidelines posted on each website of the magazine where the submission is going. Each magazine has specific requirements, if not followed will diminish the possibility of a sale. Submissions should follow the Shunn format rules linked here. https://www.shunn.net/format/classic/
She presented a live demonstration of submitting a story. She tracks her submissions at the Submission Grinder website. https://thegrinder.diabolicalplots.com/ Each author has a password-protected account. The website is a submission tracker and a market database. The website search engine helps the author find suitable markets to submit each unique story. She submitted one of her completed but unsold stories to the Clarkesworld Magazine in the demonstration. http://clarkesworldmagazine.com/
She says to expect a lot of rejections. On Submission Grinder she has tracked her submissions for the last six years. She has over 900 submissions with 73 accepted stories. The highest number of rejections for her for a story before it sold was 42. She is an accomplished author, and it was instructive to see her record of submissions.
Marie Vibbert is a science fiction short story writer. On the Internet Speculative Fiction Database (isfdb.org) she has 43 short stories listed. They published her first novel Galactic Hellcats this year. I linked the Goodreads page for Galactic Hellcats below.
From Dream to Reality: A Panel with Four Debut Authors
They held this panel from 10 AM to 11:30 AM on Saturday, July 17, 2001. The four authors in the panel published their debut novels in early 2021. The novels were The Kindest Lie by Nancy Johnson, Bride of the Sea by Eman Quotah, On Fragile Waves by E. Lily Yu, and Body of Stars by Laura Maylene Walter. Laura Maylene Walter was the moderator and posed questions for the panel to answer. Each author started by repeating the elevator pitch for her novel. I have included one question and answer I thought insightful from each author.
What was the most challenging part of writing your novel? E. Lily Yu answered learning Persian was necessary to complete the novel.
Explain your experience of the agent side of publishing. Nancy Johnson answered the key was an excellent query letter. She used the phase Hook-Book-Cook to describe what you need in your query. The Hook is your elevator pitch; the Book is a brief summary of your book (only add your most interesting points), and the Cook is adding any works published and workshops attended.
Explain how you write a novel with a day job, and how do you keep your motivation up? Laura Maylene Walter answered she gets up before work to write, she takes unpaid weeks off work to write. She doesn’t have kids, so that helps. Her goal is 1000 words per day, or she uses a time goal like a certain number of words per half hour.
What surprises you about the writing and publication business? Eman Quotah answered pay attention to the small successes you achieve. A handwritten card from a beta reader can be the best validation you can receive. Don’t get caught up in other writers’ successes.
Eyes of the Editor: A Panel with Four Editors
They held this panel from 7 PM to 8:30 PM on Wednesday, July 21, 2021. The four editors on the panel were Angela Kim (Berkley, romance), Kate Napolitano (Dey Street, non-fiction), Nadxieli Nieto (Flatiron Books, cross-genre), and Shannon Jamison-Vazquez (Little, Brown, mystery/thriller/suspense). The moderator was Brandi Larson. After the panelists introduced themselves, the moderator posed questions to the panel. I have included one question and answer I thought insightful from each editor.
What is your impression of someone trying to get a job in publishing today? Kate Napolitano answered that publishing is an apprenticeship industry. Earning an MFA is not the only way to get in.
What is a must-have for a query (fiction) or a proposal (Non-fiction)? Nadxieli Nieto answered that for commercial fiction, understand your placement in the marketplace and the relation of your work to the current trends.
What are the hot trends? Shannon Jamison-Vazquez answered you can’t write to trends. The most important thing is to use your voice. That is what is unique about you and will sell your novel.
What do you look for in the opening paragraphs? Angela Kim answered momentum is important. Don’t put too much info in at once. Be active with witty dialog. Use an active voice and a distinctive voice.
Before the panel, attendees volunteered to send in the first paragraphs of their novels. They picked six author paragraphs at random, and the panel read and discussed each.
The panel ended with final thoughts and advice.
I enjoyed the programs that I attended at the Cleveland Inkubator Writing Conference 2021 and plan to attend in person in 2022. My highlights were D.M. Pulley’s Writing Multiple Stories Workshop and Marie Vibbert’s talk about submitting short stories. I thought using Zoom worked well. At the in-person conference, you must pick one of four talks in three different time slots on the Saturday of the conference. Being spread over two weeks enabled me to pick the talks that I wanted to see. I appreciated the flexibility but will like to go back to the in-person conference next year.
I attended the Cleveland Inkubator on August 4, 2018, at the Louis Stokes Wing of the Cleveland Public Library, 525 Superior Avenue Cleveland, Ohio 44115. Literary Cleveland sponsored the event. Literary Cleveland’s mission is to create and nurture a vibrant literary arts community in Northeast Ohio. I enjoyed the programs that I attended at the Cleveland Inkubator and plan to attend next year.
They held the Cleveland Inkubator on July 29, 2017, at the Louis Stokes Wing of the Cleveland Public Library, 525 Superior Avenue Cleveland, Ohio 44115. Literary Cleveland sponsored the event. Literary Cleveland’s mission is to create and nurture a vibrant literary arts community in Northeast Ohio. I enjoyed the programs that I attended at the Cleveland Inkubator and plan to attend next year.