Caliban’s War by James SA Corey, Book #2 of The Expanse Series.
In Caliban’s War by James SA Corey, the action moves to the moon of Ganymede. Someone captures a girl with a rare disease, they set loose a monster, and the moon base is under attack. James Holden is back and, with the help of new allies, must discover who is behind these attacks and how they can defeat them.
The first novel in the series only had two main viewpoint characters, James Holden and Joe Miller. Caliban’s War by James SA Corey expands the list to four, which gives more opportunities to see the same events from different viewpoints. Miller is not back and the reason is eventually explained. In the prologue, Mei is kidnapped, and that sets the main plot into motion.
The first viewpoint character is Bobbie Draper. She is a Martian Marine stationed on Ganymede, watching the UN troops also stationed there. She becomes the lone survivor when a monster single-handedly destroys both units.
The second viewpoint character is Holden and he is sent by his benefactor, Fred Johnson, to find out what is happening on Ganymede.
The third viewpoint character is Prax. He is Mei’s father and is desperate to find her. He eventually teams up with Holden. The last viewpoint character is Chrisjen Avasarala, the assistant to the undersecretary of executive administration of the UN. Bobbie ends up on Earth and teams with Avasarala. The two groups face challenges, discover the truth, and then head to confront Mei’s kidnappers.
Caliban’s War by James SA Corey is a great sequel to Leviathan Wakes. It expands the setting and ratchet ups the stakes. My only quibble is that the villains seem too similar to the group from the previous novel. I am planning to read the next adventure of Holden and his crew of the Rocinante in Abbadon’s Gate. Note that the Syfy series introduces Avasarala in season 1 of the expanse. Season two of the show will cover the end of the first novel and part of this novel.
This is the link to the Goodreads page of Caliban’s War by James SA Corey.
Leviathan Wakes by James SA Corey, book #1 of The Expanse, is a space opera set in the near future when the solar system is settled. Jim Holden becomes the captain of the Rocinante and Detective Miller is on a missing person case. Their paths cross and the fate of the solar system lies in their hands. This is a link to my review.
Abner Marsh is a river steamboat captain on the Mississippi River in 1857. He receives an intriguing proposal by Joshua York who suggests that they enter into a business relationship where Joshua finances Abner’s dream steamboat called the Fevre Dream. The only stipulation is that the first journey of the steamboat is to follow the Mississippi to New Orleans. Abner notices that Joshua keeps unusual hours, has unusual associates, and displays unusual traits.
The opposition, Damon Julian, is introduced in an early chapter as an isolated point of view where it becomes clear that he and his band are vampires. Abner investigates Joshua to satisfy his curiosity about his unusual behavior. Joshua eventually reveals that he and his group are vampire hunters searching for Damon. These vampires are not the traditional ones of legend. They display some aspects of vampires such as extreme sensitivity to light, superhuman strength, superhuman regeneration of injuries, and a thirst for blood that builds until it reaches what is called the red thirst. They also display aspects of werewolves such as the cyclical change in personality that leads to the red thirst. The novel follows Joshua’s gradual reveal of the whole truth to Abner and their confrontation with Damon.
This novel takes a refreshing look at vampires through a science fictional framework. The reader learns who these creatures are and why they do what they do. The novel comes to a logical and satisfying conclusion. Highly recommended.
This is the link to the Goodreads page of Fevre Dream by George RR Martin.
A similar novel in the fantasy genre is the Promise of Blood by Brian McClellan. Adamat, Tamas, and Taniel fight gods and men in this gunpowder fantasy. This is a link to my review of the novel.
The Long Way to A Small, Angry Planet by Becky Chambers.
The Long Way to A Small, Angry Planet by Becky Chambers, Book #1 of The Wayfarers series.
In The Long Way to A Small, Angry Planet by Becky Chambers, Rosemary Harper takes a job on the starship Wayfarer to get away from the memories from her home. She meets and bonds with the crew of the starship. They are about to take a long journey where each crew member must confront their fears and make the mission a success.
The mission of their starship is to punch wormholes between the stars to create fast travel. The problem is that the ship must make the first trip without the benefit of the wormhole, so it will take over one standard year to arrive at the destination. There are eight crewmembers, Rosemary, Corbin, Ashby, Dr. Chef, Jenks, Kizzy, Ohan, and Sissix. Each has a story and each must come to a resolution.
This novel reads like an episodic TV show. We go to Kizzy’s homeworld, we hear Dr. Chef’s backstory, we go to Sissix’s homeworld, there is a planet where Corbin has a run-in with the inhabitants. Each episode is self-contained and resolved. It’s a fun book to read, but there is no conflict. They do what they do, they look and sound cute, but nothing happens that challenges them. Rosemary is the narrator and the summation of her story is that she finds a home on the Wayfarer.
I’m not used to a novel that doesn’t have any conflict and has no opposition character. The opposition in the novel consists of two groups. A group of aliens hijack the ship and get what they want. They leave before the next chapter starts, and don’t reappear. The other group is the Toremi, who owns the small, angry planet and wants the wormhole desperately. That conflict is too little and too late and of course, resolved in one chapter. This was not my kind of novel. I will not be reading the next book in the series.
This is the link to the Goodreads page of The Long Way to A Small, Angry Planet by Becky Chambers.
A similar novel, Leviathan Wakes by James S.A. Corey, book #1 of The Expanse, is a space opera set in the near future when the solar system is settled. Jim Holden becomes the captain of the Rocinante and Detective Miller is on a missing person case. Their paths cross and the fate of the solar system lies in their hands. This is a link to my review.
Harry Potter and the Cursed Child by JK Rowling, Jack Thorne, and John Tiffany.
Harry Potter and the Cursed Child by JK Rowling, Jack Thorne, and John Tiffany, Book #8 of The Harry Potter series.
This book is billed as the eighth story in the Harry Potter series. It is actually a copy of a stage play. The play was co-written by the play’s director and staged in London. It is set nineteen years after the events of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows, right after the epilog of that book. It follows the relationship of Harry Potter and his son, Albus, as he becomes a student at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Albus must deal with the legacy of being Harry Potter’s son and challenges of his own making.
In the course of the play, we follow Albus during scenes set at different times during his first few years at Hogwarts. Reading the play felt like hearing an oldies rock band replaying their hits. The sorting hat was from book 1, except Albus was sorted into Slytherin and his best friend became Scorpious Malfoy. Albus and Scorpious use the polyjuice potion from book 2. The time-turner they will use is from book 3. The main plot is derived from book 4’s Tri-Wizard Tournament. Cedric Diggory’s father, Amos, wishes to rewrite history. Albus and Scorpious attempt to do so with disastrous results. Was this play an homage or a fanfiction? You be the judge.
It was a fun, short read. I greatly enjoyed reading them playing their hits, but on reflection, I don’t feel that this book should be a canon part of the series. I did not believe the twist at the end was earned or made any sense based on the previous seven books. However, if you have read the first seven books then you must read this one.
This is the link to the Goodreads page of Harry Potter and the Cursed Child by JK Rowling, Jack Thorne, and John Tiffany.
A similar novel in the fantasy genre is the Promise of Blood by Brian McClellan. Adamat, Tamas, and Taniel fight gods and men in this gunpowder fantasy. This is a link to my review of the novel.
A Fire Upon the Deep by Vernor Vinge, Book #1 of The Zones of Thought series.
Johanna and Jefri’s parent’s spaceship has crashed on a planet ruled by the Tines. The Tines are a dog-like race that has communal minds. Two rival groups of Tines capture each kid. On the other side of the galaxy, Ravna and her crew race to get to the kids. Ravna believes that the kids have the clue needed to fight the super-intelligent being called the Blight. She hopes to get that clue before the ships controlled by the Blight intercept her or get to the kids first.
A Fire Upon the Deep by Vernor Vinge is set in the far future when humanity has gone to the stars and mingles with the beings found there. The world-building is the star in this novel.
There are four areas of the galaxy that are called zones of thought. Knowledge, speed of thought, and speed of travel all increase as one go from the inner core to the outermost edge of the galaxy. The Unthinking Depths have the least of all. The Slow Zone, where the old earth is located, is limited to sub-light travel. The Beyond has faster than light travel. It is where humanity has expanded to and the area where the kid’s spaceship came from. When civilizations become extremely advanced, they head to the final zone called the Transcend.
Researchers in the low Transcend release the superintelligence called the Blight. Only the kid’s spaceship escapes. The plot alternates between the story on the Tines world and Ravna’s crew.
While the world-building of the Ravna plot was intriguing, the actual interaction between Ravna and Pham Nuwen was less so. The better stories were about Johanna’s interaction with the Tine called Woodcarver and the melding of Jefri with the Tine called Amdi. The background is difficult to understand, but the characters make it an interesting read.
This is the link to the Goodreads page of A Fire Upon the Deep by Vernor Vinge.
A similar novel, Leviathan Wakes by James S.A. Corey, book #1 of The Expanse, is a space opera set in the near future when the solar system is settled. Jim Holden becomes the captain of the Rocinante and Detective Miller is on a missing person case. Their paths cross and the fate of the solar system lies in their hands. This is a link to my review.
The Confluence 2016 Conference was held on from July 29 to July 31, 2016, in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
I attended the Confluence 2016 Conference on July 30 and July 31, 2016. I drove from Cleveland, Ohio to the conference that was located at the Sheraton Pittsburgh Airport Hotel. The conference is run by the Parsec organization of Pittsburgh. It is a literary science fiction, fantasy, and horror conference. The events included panels, readings, interviews, writing workshops, and filk concerts. I was focused on attending as many panels as I possibly could on Saturday and Sunday. I attended 15 panels and the U.S.S. Improvise improv sketch comedy routine.
Ancient Wonders was a talk about the earliest science fiction and fantasy writings.
Communicating with Aliens Panel
Communicating with Aliens was a talk about how communicating with aliens can be written about in science fiction. The nature of determining intelligence is not always clear. How the author describes the communication is determined by if humans have gone to find the intelligent life or the intelligent life has found humans on earth.
The Basics of Ancient Warfare Lecture
Next, Timons Esaias gave an interesting lecture on The Basics of Ancient Warfare. He began talking about local soldiers using their locally available weapons. Professional armies were a threat to the local king, so wars were fought by mercenaries, who were paid and then dismissed after the war was over. This did not change until the development of the heavy infantry of the Greeks, which was called the phalanx. There are three types of warriors; on foot, on animals, and on a ship. Other topics in the talk were the Welsh longbow, Roman artillery, and the Huns and Visigoths use of horses to defeat the Romans.
The How (Not) to Sabotage Your Writing Panel
How (Not) to Sabotage Your Writing was a panel where the panelists gave their unique advice on how they persevered in becoming writers. That advice included; be okay with criticism, collaborate with your editor, engage your audience, know your tools as a writer, and take the time to learn to be a better writer.
Alien Worlds and Races Panel
In the Alien Worlds and Races panel, the panelists talked about they designed alien lifeforms. The P.E.R.S.I.A. acronym for determining a race’s culture was discussed. It stands for political, economic, religious, social, intellectual, and artistic institutions.
What the U.S. Navy Taught me About Starfleet Lecture
Christopher Weuve gave a lecture on What the U.S. Navy Taught Me About Starfleet. He started with giving three points about the U.S. Navy. First point, the history of the U.S. Navy starts with battleships. The torpedo and then the airplane drastically changed naval warfare. Second point, a surface ship uses hiding to avoid enemies. Third point, hydrodynamics affects the ship’s maximum speed. The, he gave three points about Starfleet. First, Starfleet is really not like the navy. It is more like the coast guard because it has multiple missions including law enforcement. Second, Starfleet has a really hard problem. Space is really big. The ships do not have shore support and there is no international law in space. Third, Starfleet has it easy because no one is incompetent and stuff doesn’t break. A final observation was that rank is not a job description.
Promoting Your Writing Panel
The next panel explored how you should be Promoting Your Writing. The panel advises starting promoting a book at least six months before it comes out. The rule of thumb is to spend 80% of your time writing and 20% on marketing. The work does not end when you turn in the manuscript. You are your brand. Plan to attend cons, do readings at bookstores and libraries, participate in anthologies, and also use targeted Facebook and Twitter ads. Create publicity by having a newsletter, an author’s website, a mailing list, a blog, make guest posts on other blogs, and create podcasts.
Mapping the Fantastic Panel
Mapping the Fantastic was about how authors invent worlds that make spatial sense. A map is a perception. Geography dictates much about the plot of a story.
U.S.S Improvise Sketch Comedy Show
The only event at this time was held in the ballroom, where many conference goers arrived to see the sketch comedy show called U.S.S Improvise. I thought that the cast was engaging and funny. Most of their riffs were from Star Trek: The Original Series and Star Trek: The Next Generation. It was a welcome change to hearing seven panels and lectures.
Writing Alternative History Panel
The next panel described how they were Writing Alternate History. It’s important to do the research. There are many pivotal historical events, when changed for fiction lead to interesting stories.
Game of Thrones Panel
The last panel I went to on Saturday was on Game of Thrones. The moderator was unable to attend, so the audience became the panel. We debated different topics on the books and the HBO show. I was exhausted at the end of the day, so I went home after the abbreviated discussion.
Sunday: July 31, 2016
The Crystal Palace Exhibition of 1851 lecture
The first lecture on Sunday was on The Crystal Palace Exhibition of 1851 presented by Timons Esaias. The Industrial Revolution led to Iron, Steel, the Steam Engine, and the Railroad Engine. In 1851, an exhibition was planned to showcase the technology of the times. Joseph Paxton designed a huge modular greenhouse to hold the exhibit in Hyde Park in London, England. It was called the Crystal Palace. The event brought people, technology, and ideas from all over the world. In effect, the exhibition was the first World’s Fair.
Indistinguishable from Magic Panel
The next panel asked when do advanced technologies become Indistinguishable From Magic? This panel takes its premise from Arthur C. Clarke’s Third Law, which states that any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. In other words it was suggested that magic is technology that we do not understand yet.
Near Term Technology Panel
The panelists described what Near Term Technology is available.
Getting There Panel
The next topic was on the technology of space propulsion called Getting There. In non-manned flight laser propelled sails are being researched. The biggest change in manned flight has been the beginning of commercial means of getting to space. In the NASA approach, failure must be avoided because failure leads to review boards. Commercial flight companies are willing to fail because eventual success will pay off well. Nuclear rockets are needed now, electro propulsion should be seen in the near term, and wormhole technology is a long term option.
The Economics of Self-Publishing Panel
The last scheduled panel was on The Economics of Self-Publishing. All four of the panelists have self-published and related their experiences to the audience. Authors who self-publish must design, edit, publish, and market their work. They suggest that it is vital that the author spends money on a professional editor. Book covers sell the product, so money spent on a cover designer is necessary to promote the book. Purchase multiple ISBN codes, one for each format used such as hardcover, paperback, e-book, and audiobook.
Self-publishing is easier now because of print on demand. Self-published authors no longer must pay for a print run of books and then sell them one by one. There are two main print-on-demand formats, Ingram-spark and Createspace (An Amazon Company). I was inspired so much by the panel that I purchased a book from the panel’s moderator, Chris Kennedy. The book is called Self-Publishing for Profit. He details how he became a best-selling self-publishing author.
I had a great time at the Confluence 2016 Conference. It the first conference that I have ever attended. I learned many things and was glad that I made the time to take the trip. I plan to go to the next Confluence. It is scheduled for August 4 to August 6, 2017.
A similar Conference to the Confluence 2016 Conference was the Western Reserve Writers Conference 2016. Winter Fiction Fest is sponsored by Literary Cleveland while the Cuyahoga County Public Library sponsors a similar event called the Western Reserve Writers Conference 2016.
This is my recap for the Western Reserve Writers Conference 2016 on September 24, 2016. It was located at the South Euclid-Lyndhurst branch of the Cuyahoga County Public Library at the new William N. Skirball writer’s center which is located at the branch. It was a one-day event with an introduction, a keynote speaker, three breakout sessions, and one Q & A panel.
This is my October 2016 writing progress report. Normally I would state my work completed from September, events from September, my planned work for October, and planned events for October. Since this is my first report, I will also include information prior to September 2016.
June, July, and August 2012
On June 10 2012, I purchased Blake Snyder’s book Save the Cat. I had written a screenplay in 2007 and had studied screenwriting over the years. I was inspired by Snyder’s book to take the lessons of screenwriting and apply them to writing short prose fiction. Screenplays are typically about 24000 words long and I figured that I could tighten my narrative to 6000 word short stories. In a manic brainstorming session, I came up with the basic framework for six short stories.
The first story I planned to write was The Prisoner of Tarnal. It was an easy choice since it was a prequel story to the three Gahrn series stories that I had written in 1993, 1994, and 1995. I had the background and an ending which set up some things I paid off in the other stories. I worked on that story and finished the first draft on August 5, 2012. Since I felt good about completing the story I started the second story. Its working title was Dystopia. I progressed on it but life intervened in October and I stopped writing halfway through.
December 2012
I typed up what I had for Dystopia. By then, I had renamed it C. A. T. because of an idea I had in a dream and put into the story. C. A. T. was 3767 words but only half finished. I stopped writing. C. A. T. and the other four stories remained unfinished.
November and December 2015
I returned to the unfinished C. A. T. story and finished it on December 12, 2015. It was three years later, but I had finally finished the first draft.
January 2016
My 2016 new year’s resolution was to write the four unfinished stories from 2012. The next story I planned to write was the story I had called Time Bomb. I made the story sheets this month and came up with eight scenes for the story. The story had a new name, it was now called 4 Humours. On a plane ride to Orlando for the Harry Potter Celebration at Universal Orlando, which was held on January 29 to 31, 2016, I started writing the first scene.
February and March 2016
I felt like I was ready to knock it out, but by the end of February, I had only completed the first scene. On March 25th, Good Friday, I wrote the second scene.
April 2016
I started the third scene on April 1st, April Fool’s Day. At that point I was frustrated. I had not put writing at the top of my list of things to accomplish, so I didn’t write much. My plan was to write one story every three months to get the four done by the end of the year. I had to come up with a way to get that done. It must have been my upcoming birthday that motivated me. I had to find a way to get a reliable number of words written each week.
What was a reasonable amount to write each week? I had to find a minimum amount that I could achieve. It takes about four hours for me to write the first draft of a scene. The scenes are about 800 words long. It came down to deciding that it was worth taking four hours a week to write. So I planned to write scenes three to eight in the next six weeks. I thought that I could do that if I made it my highest priority. I finished scene three and part of scene four in April. That was much better progress.
May and June 2016
I finished 4 Humors on June 5, 2016. One scene was harder to write so it took seven weeks to write six scenes. I felt very successful compared to taking sixteen weeks for two scenes. I could do this. The fourth of the six stories was originally called L5. I would retitle it Space Station Sunyata. Wrote the story sheets, scene one and half of scene two in June. I also typed up two of eight scenes for 4 Humours. In nine of ten weeks, I wrote what was planned.
July 2016
On Space Station Sunyata I wrote the rest of scene two, scene three, and part of scene four.
I also typed rest of 4 Humours
In 11 of 15 weeks I wrote what I planned.
I attended Ohio Readers and Writers Expo held by on July 23, 2016. Wrote a separate post on it on 09-28-16.
Attended Confluence in Pittsburgh on 07-29-16 through 07-31-16. I will write a separate post covering the convention.
August 2016
I wrote scenes five, six, seven, and eight of Space Station Sunyata. It was completed.
I also prepared the story sheets for A Simple Request.
In 15 of 19 weeks I wrote what I planned.
Writing Progress from September 2016
I wrote six blog posts for including my Welcome to my Website post linked below.
For A Simple Request I decided to change my format. I had planned 12 scenes at 500 words each. The plan was to write two scenes per week, which would increase my output from 800 up to 1000 words per week. My future plan is to up my output in 2017 to 2000 words per week.
I took a week off from work and finished the first eight scenes of A Simple Request. I finished scenes nine, ten, eleven, and twelve in the next two weeks. A Simple Request was complete. From start to finish, it took 23 days.
I typed all eight scenes of Space Station Sunyata.
In 19 of 23 weeks I wrote what I planned.
Events from September 2016
I attended the Western Reserve Writers Conference on 9-24. The Cuyahoga County Public Library. sponsored the conference. I wrote a separate post on it on 10-16-16.
Wrote the amount that I intended 22 out of 26 weeks between 04-18-16 and 10-16-16. I think the plan I created in April was a success.
Created a website called by using Bluehost for my web hosting and writing it in WordPress.
Goals for October 2016
I came up with another plan for a format change. I wanted to write shorter stories that could be used in different markets than the five stories that I had completed. The stories are The Prisoner of Tarnal, Kay-Eye (The new name for C. A. T.), 4 Humours, Space Station Sunyata, and A Simple Request. The plan was to write two stories with four 500 word scenes, which makes the story lengths 2000 words.
Complete the story sheets for Dogman and Time Bomb (this story follows the original idea I had for Time Bomb, not the rewrite I used for 4 Humours).
Go live with my website. The content on my website involves my writing journey, book reviews, convention recaps, and monthly progress reports. Make one post per week, rotating on the four topics. Read two novels per month and write a post on each. Post the monthly progress report once a month. So, the fourth post will be about conventions or my writing journey.
The Western Reserve Writers Conference was held on September 24, 2016, at Lyndhurst, Ohio
I attended the 33rd annual Western Reserve Writers Conference on September 24, 2016. It was located at the South Euclid-Lyndhurst branch of the Cuyahoga County Public Library at the new William N. Skirball writer’s center which is located at the branch. It was a one-day event with an introduction, a key note speaker, three breakout sessions and one Q & A panel.
The conference is sponsored by the Cuyahoga County Public Library.
The day began at the large meeting room which contained chairs for over 100 attendees and the tables for the presenters’ book sale. We were first welcomed by Laurie Kincer, the librarian for the writer’s center, and Deanna R. Adams, the conference coordinator. They detailed how the conference would proceed. The conference was previously located at Lakeland Community College located in Kirtland, Ohio. This is the first year that the conference has been held at this location. The keynote speaker, John Ettorre, was introduced. He spoke about his relationship with writer and editor William Zinsser. Zinsser was a mentor of his who had passed away last year. He described how Zinsser had encouraged him and many others in the craft of writing. Zinsser’s most famous book is On Writing Well.
Summary – Organizing Your Novel
At the first breakout session, I chose to listen to Julie Anne Lindsey who commented on organizing your novel. She writes young adult novels and cozy mysteries. She said that she finds that what helps in her writing is to create outlines. That way she knows that every writing day she has one chapter to write and what that chapter will contain. I thought that it was interesting that she mentioned Stephen King’s On Writing as a great resource since he advocates writing as you feel. George R. R. Martin comments on his Not a Blog that writers are either gardeners or architects. King and Martin are certainly gardeners while I would put Lindsey as an architect. Both are valid ways to write. Every writer has their own process and it was an invaluable insight to learn Lindsey’s process.
Summary – Query Letter
I listened to Deanna R. Adams at the second breakout session. Her presentation was about how to draft a winning query letter. She showed us examples straight from her book, The Writer’s GPS. In fiction writing, the author must finish and edit the work before sending out a query letter. The query letter goes to agents and not to publishers. The agent will submit the work to publishers. The query letter is a business letter, double spaced with four sections. Those sections are the lead (a hook), the body (a synopsis), the author’s credentials, and a short conclusion. Her information was clear and to the point.
Summary – Q and A
Next was a Q & A panel with three panelists. Steve FitzGerald handed out a list of upcoming Ohio writers retreats. His meet-up group is called Island Writers club found at Deanna R. Adams talked about perfecting your first pages. Lastly, Diane Taylor talked about the benefits of belonging to a writers group.
Summary – Les Roberts
In the last breakout session, I chose to attend Les Roberts’s talk about “Using Red Herrings in Mystery Writing.” His thesis was that every character must be a suspect. All must be in some way corrupt. The reader must be surprised on every page. The writer needs to shock the reader. He advises writers to write what they want to write since he writes the books that he wants to read. He also believes that the most important writing that a writer does is the re-write. His latest novel is Speaking of Murder, the 19th novel in his Milan Jacovich series. His session was fun with his anecdotes and informative on his thoughts about being a writer.
In conclusion, I was very much impressed with the content and variety that was found at this conference. I will be sure to attend next year.
The Confluence 2016 Conference was a writing conference similar to the Western Reserve Writers Conference. I attended the Confluence 2016 Conference on July 30 and July 31, 2016. I drove from Cleveland, Ohio to the conference that was located at the Sheraton Pittsburgh Airport Hotel. The Parsec organization of Pittsburgh runs the conference. It is a literary science fiction, fantasy, and horror conference. The events included panels, readings, interviews, writing workshops, and filk concerts. I attended as many panels as I possibly could on Saturday and Sunday. I attended 15 panels and the U.S.S. Improvise improv sketch comedy routine.
The Gunslinger by Stephen King, book #1 of The Dark Tower series.
This book starts with one of the most iconic first lines from any novel. “The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed.” The protagonist is in pursuit of the antagonist which promises action. The words gun and desert suggest a western. The word black suggests something sinister. All these images appear from just twelve words.
The gunslinger walks the desert coming upon a homesteader Brown and his raven Zoltan. He stays for the night and remembers what happened to him in the town of Tull. The gunslinger meets Alice and later Jake in his pursuit of the man in black. He follows the man in black, searching for revenge which may end up destroying his own humanity.
In the first chapter, the gunslinger meets Alice. She has a sad and doomed arc that felt right. I am not sure what I should think about Roland, the gunslinger. He debates good and evil in his head but doesn’t seem sympathetic to me. I suppose that is the way that King wants me to feel about him.
For me, the book seemed to set up for a climax that never happened. I liked the stories about Alice and Jake. I found Roland’s backstory in the third chapter to be interesting. The fourth chapter was a dull travelogue, but then we get to the last chapter. I wanted a thematic close to the story, but that did not happen. What is there is a trippy and metaphysical non-ending. What a disappointment. I see from King’s afterward that he used this story to set up the novels that follow and I get that, but I was hoping for a good ending that would make me want to read the next book. I don’t feel that way.
This is the link to the Goodreads page of The Gunslinger by Stephen King.
My review of Promise of Blood by Brian McClellan a book like The Gunslinger. They are both fantasy novels focusing on the protagonist’s use of guns. Adamat, Tamas, and Taniel fight gods and men in this gunpowder fantasy.