
Writing Progress Report May 2017

This is my Writing Progress Report May 2017.

“Ollie, where’s the squirrel?”
“Ollie, where’s the squirrel?”

“Ollie, where’s the squirrel?”

“Bark, Bark, Bark.” Ollie says.

Writing Progress from April 2017

I wrote three blog posts for including my writing progress report for April 2017 linked below.

Reread Chapters 2 and 3 of An Assassin in New Marl City.

The story Space Station Sunyata is still in review at a short fiction magazine.

The stories 4 Humours and Grognard can be sent to other magazines.

Events from April 2017

Attended ConCoction Volunteer Meeting on 04-25-17 at Critical Hit Games 13433 Cedar Rd, Cleveland Heights, OH 44118

Writing Goals for May 2017

Continue to work on An Assassin in New Marl City. I want to expand the novel from 20 chapters to 36 chapters (100000 words total). Write chapters  4 and 11 of the novel this month.

Polish and submit the stories White Bracer, Mage Squad, Time Traveller One, Prisoner of Tarnal, and Kay-Eye for submission to short fiction magazines.

Submit 4 Humors and Grognard to other short fiction magazines.

Planned Events for May 2017

Attend Marcon from 05-12-17 to 05-14-17 at the Hyatt Regency in Columbus, Ohio.

Purchase an e-book cover for An Assassin in New Marl City from Fiveer.

Put the first ten chapters of An Assassin in New Marl City into the writing program Scrivener.

Work on completing a Query letter to use to find an agent for An Assassin in New Marl.

Stories of Your Life and Others by Ted Chiang

Stories of Your Life and Others by Ted Chiang

Stories of Your Life and Others by Ted Chiang


Stories of Your Life and Others by Ted Chiang is an eight-story short story collection. The story called Story of Your Life was adapted into a movie called Arrival. The title of the newest edition is Arrival and the book cover depicts the movie poster. I read the 2002 edition of this book and include that picture in this review. These stories were all published in anthologies or magazines over a span of twenty-two years. Story of your Life might be the best story in this collection, but the other stories all interesting and well worth reading.

Stories of Your Life and Others by Ted Chiang


Notes about the eight stories follow in the order that they were published in the collection.

The Tower of Babylon follows Hillalum on his journey up a fantasy version of the Tower of Babel. What he finds at the top will change his view of the world.

In Understand, Leon Greco gets an experimental treatment using hormone K, which increases his intelligence exponentially. The story is a variation of Flowers for Algernon by Daniel Keyes. Leon tries to comprehend the implications of his expanded mind.

Renee is a mathematics professor who must come to terms with the ramifications of a successful proof of Division by Zero.

In the Story of Your Life, Louise Banks is a linguist who is attempting to decipher an extraterrestrial language. Discovering the heptapod’s language will have a major impact on Louise’s future.

Robert learns the Seventy-Two Letters that will bring a golem to life. What he does with that knowledge will impact the future of the human race.

The Evolution of Human Science is a very short story about the role of humans after super-intelligent metahumans have taken the lead in all new research in science.

Neil Fisk finds out that Hell is the Absence of God after he experiences trials like the biblical Job when angels come to earth and randomly bestow miracles and catastrophes. The story explores the true nature of devotion.

The last story is called Liking What You See: A Documentary. It explores the unexpected problems developed when it becomes possible to have a procedure called calliagnosia, where the patient can no longer judge people by the way that they look.


Clearly the star in this collection is Story of Your Life. I can understand why it was turned into a movie. The visual medium brought an extra layer of depth to the audience by them being able to see the alien language and follow Louise’s dilemma. The other story that stands out to me is the Tower of Babylon. I liked how Chiang mixed the biblical story, a historical story, and a fantasy story together. I am glad that I read this collection, because each story raised an intriguing point to ponder.


This is the link to the Goodreads page of Stories of Your Life and Others by Ted Chiang.

My review of Red Mars by Kim Stanley Robinson. Red Mars is an SF novel about the struggle early explorers have in colonizing Mars. It is a hard SF novel like Stories of Your Life.

Red Country by Joe Abercrombie

Red Country by Joe Abercrombie

Red Country by Joe Abercrombie, First Law World Series Book #6


Shy South has many problems. Her farm was burned by bandits and the bandits took her younger sister and brother away across the Far Country. Their farmhand, Gully, was hung until dead. She must decide if she is up to the task to track down and rescue her siblings. Her only help comes from her cowardly stepfather named Lamb, though he has secrets that could help her in her quest. She must fight tribal members who live in the Far Country who are called Ghosts, a mercenary captain bent on obtaining the rumored treasure of the Ghosts and the remnants of an ancient empire as well if she is to achieve her objectives.



The author brings his grimdark mentality to a mix of fantasy and western tropes in this novel. The story starts in Shy’s hometown of Squaredeal. Her and Lamb search for Shy’s siblings, Pit and Ro, in the town of Averstock. They join a sort of wagon train, called a Fellowship, that’s headed to the mountains where there are rumors of gold. They try to avoid the Ghosts hunting them and the mercenary force lead by Nicomo Cosca, who is employed by the Union to seek out the rebel named Conthus.

Cosca’s lawyer named Temple joins the wagon train as it heads to the mining town of Crease. They must pass the Old Empire bridge that crosses the Sictus river. Cosca follows them and believes that the Ghosts are hiding a huge treasure. The final showdown is at the Ghost city of Ashranc where Shy gets the chance to achieve all that she wants.


I question whether Shy should be the main viewpoint character in this novel. Lamb is the character who changes the most. He is the one who drives the action. Maybe my opinion is colored by having read the previous book in the First Law World called Best Served Cold. In that book, the main viewpoint character was named Monza. She seeks revenge against the men who left her for dead. Her character was more intriguing to me than Shy and in comparison Shy is a pale shadow of her.

I would have liked to read the book with Lamb as the main viewpoint character, but Red Country is about Shy’s journey to save her siblings. It was an interesting attempt at putting western themes into the First Law World and well worth reading.  However, I am more looking forward to reading the second First Law Trilogy, which the author is working on at this time.


This is the link to the Goodreads page of Red Country by Joe Abercrombie, First Law World Series Book #6

This is a link to my review of Promise of Blood by Brian McClellan, The Powder Mage Series Book #1.

This book is similar in tone and grittiness to Red Country. The book is a gunpowder fantasy. There are three main characters. The book opens with the story of Adamat. He is a retired detective. His magical gift is a perfect memory. Tamas is the second main character, a wise leader of men. He is a powder mage, a person that can use gunpowder as magical dust to heal oneself or to manipulate bullets. The third main character is Tamas’s son Taniel. Taniel is a powerful powder mage, the action hero of the story. He uses gunpowder as a narcotic. His reaction to snorting gunpowder is a cross between snuff and cocaine. This is a link to my review.

Writing Progress Report April 2017

Writing Progress Report April 2017

This is my Writing Progress Report April 2017.

Writing Progress Report April 2017

“Hey Ollie. Squirrel!!!”

“Bark, Bark, Bark.” Ollie says.

Writing Progress from March 2017

I wrote three blog posts for including my writing progress report for March 2017 linked below.

I completed 12 of the 21 exercises to complete the exercises from Sarah Domet’s book called 90 Days to Your Novel.

Completed a draft for a new Chapter 1 of An Assassin in New Marl.

Submitted the story 4 Humours to a short fiction magazine.

The stories 4 Humours and Space Station Sunyata are still in review at other magazines.

The story Grognard can be sent to another magazine.

Events from March 2017

Attended ConCoction from March 10 to March 12, 2017, at the Sheraton Cleveland Airport 5300 Riverside Drive, Cleveland, OH 44135. I volunteered for 12 hours at the event in the Con Suite.

I purchased a map for An Assassin in New Marl City from created by renflowergrapx.

The map was beautiful and turned out exactly how I imagined it.

I purchased a new banner for my website from Fiveer from gigblast.

Downloaded the free trial of Scrivener.

Writing Goals for April 2017

Continue to work on An Assassin in New Marl City. I want to expand the novel from 20 chapters to 36 chapters (100000 words total). Write four more additional chapters of the novel.

Polish and submit the stories White Bracer, Mage Squad, Time Traveller One, Prisoner of Tarnal, and Kay-Eye for submission to short fiction magazines.

Submit Grognard to another short fiction magazine.

Planned Events for April 2017

Planning on purchasing an e-book cover for An Assassin in New Marl City from Fiveer.

Put the first nine chapters of An Assassin in New Marl City into the writing program Scrivener.

Work on completing a Query letter to use to find an agent for An Assassin in New Marl.

Lock In by John Scalzi

Lock In by John Scalzi

Lock In by John Scalzi, Book #1 of the Lock In Series


Twenty-five years after a global pandemic virus, Chris Shane’s second day on the job as an FBI agent includes a complicated murder as the first order of business. The thing is, Chris cannot physically examine the murder scene. Chris has Haden’s Syndrome. It is a disease that has a slim chance that the person affected cannot physically move their body anymore and become what is known as locked in. The person affected can, however, have their brain fitted with a neural net that lets them either manipulate a specially attuned person called an Integrator or an automaton called a threep. Chris uses a threep and the murder appears to be Haden related. Chris must discover the perpetrator or everyone that has Haden’s Syndrome will be in jeopardy.



The novel is an interesting mix of a sci-fi thriller and a police procedural. The best part is the world-building on the effect that Haden’s Syndrome could have on society. It felt like it could have been a multi-episode arc of NCIS. If that is the story that you like to read, then this novel hits that spot.


I think that Scalzi was trying to play with two things with this novel; developing the ramifications of Haden’s Syndrome and to play around with writing gender and race. The world-building worked for me. It is never specified whether Chris is a male or a female. I have my opinion, but nothing written has changed that opinion. Chris’s race is not specified until later in the novel, so thinking about that revelation is thought-provoking.

Chris’s FBI partner Leslie Vann appears to think like a man, but I took it as a woman surrounded by males in law enforcement and taking their phrases as her own. I appreciated that Scalzi chose to explore these subjects, even though it might not have been totally successful because at times the writing felt forced. I am glad that the novel promotes discussion about gender and race. That does mean something. I would recommend this book if only for that.


This is the link to the Goodreads page of Lock In by John Scalzi.

This is the link to my review of Red Mars by Kim Stanley Robinson. It is also a near-future science fiction novel.

The Kinshield Legacy by K. C. May

The Kinshield Legacy by KC May

The Kinshield Legacy by KC May, Book #1 of The Kinshield Saga


The Kinshield Legacy by KC May begins the story of Gavin Kinshield. The fantasy kingdom of Thendylath has been without a king for many years. The previous king has decreed that whoever solves the runes of the five magical gemstones on a tablet in a cave will become the next rightful king. Kinshield is a descendant of the previous king’s second in command, who may or may not have caused the previous king’s downfall.

Kinshield has had visions of solving the runes and has obtained two of the five gems. He does this anonymously so that no one knows he is the riddle solver. The solver of the last rune will become king. The sorcerer Brodas Ravenkind wants to find out who has been solving the runes and wants to take over the kingdom. Only one man will become king. Kinshield does not want the responsibility and Ravenkind will do anything to become the next king including murder.

The Kinshield Legacy by KC May


Gavin Kinshield is a warrant knight. Warrant knights are part sheriffs and part bounty hunters. He goes around the kingdom dispensing justice. Without a king, the petty lords need warrant knights to keep the peace. The blacksmith Risen Stronghammer is beholden to Kinshield because he had heroically saved his wife from drowning in the river. The Stonghammer’s are from a small of stature race from Farthan. Risen fashions a magical sword for Kinshield using the gems Kinshield had obtained and some magic from a Farthan enchantress. Kinshield encounters Daia Saberheart of the Viragon Sisterhood. The Sisterhood is a warrior and monk mercenary company. Kinshield charms her with his selfless personality despite his uncouth manners. Kinshield enlists her aid in his mission to find a man worthy to be king. Risen and Daia helps Gavin in his efforts to defeat Ravenkind and find a king for the kingdom.


Gavin Kinshield is a likable character. Maybe he is too much the charming rogue with the bulging biceps. The kingdom is a somewhat generic medieval fantasy world with a sort of dwarves in the Farthans. Risen is a fun character in short bursts. Daia and the Sisterhood were good for the story. I wanted Gavin and Daia to become more romantically involved, maybe in the sequel. Ravenkind should have been more than the mustache-twirling villain. Despite my reservations, I enjoyed this novel very much and would like to continue to read the rest of the saga.


This is the link to the Goodreads page of The Kinshield Legacy by KC May.

My review of Chronicles of the Black Company by Glen Cook. It is a novel like The Kinshield Legacy. The Black Company is a medieval fantasy mercenary group and Croaker tells their tales.

Writing Progress Report March 2017

Writing Progress Report March 2017

This is my Writing Progress Report March 2017.

The old stump in the snow.

Writing Progress from February 2017

I wrote three blog posts for including my writing progress report for February 2017 linked below.

I completed 9 of the 21 exercises from Sarah Domet’s book called 90 Days to Your Novel.

Submitted the story 4 Humours to a short fiction magazine.

The stories 4 Humours and Space Station Sunyata are still in review at other magazines.

The story Grognard was not accepted.

Events from February 2017

I attended the Winter Fiction Fest on February 18th that was held at Loganberry Books at 13015 Larchmere Blvd. Shaker Heights, Ohio 44120 and was sponsored by Literary Cleveland. There were four panels presented which featured Mary Doria Russell, Casey Daniels and Shelly Costa, DM Pulley, Geoffrey Landis, and Mary Turzillo.

Attended the volunteer meeting for Concoction on February 21, 2017, at Critical Hit Games 13433 Cedar Road Cleveland Heights, Ohio 44118. Learned about the convention and signed up to help.

Writing Goals for March 2017

A Gathering in New Marl (New name is An Assassin in New Marl City) is a 55000-word short novel I wrote many years ago. I want to expand the novel from 20 chapters to 36 chapters (100000 words total). I intend to follow the method described in Sarah Domet’s book called 90 Days to Your Novel.


This is a link to Goodreads page for the book.

The book starts with 21 exercises that I plan to complete. After that I will write the 16 new chapters of the novel in an additional 20 weeks. My March plan is to finish the exercises and write three of the additional 16 chapters.

Polish and submit the stories White Bracer, Mage Squad, Time Traveller One, Prisoner of Tarnal, and Kay-Eye for submission to short fiction magazines.

Submit Grognard to another short fiction magazine.

Planned Events for March 2017

Planning on purchasing a map and an e-book cover for An Assassin in New Marl City from Fiveer.

Download the trial of the writing program Scrivener and use it on my novel to see if I like it.

Work on completing a Query letter to use to find an agent for An Assassin in New Marl.

Attend ConCoction from March 10 to March 12, 2017, at the Sheraton Cleveland Airport 5300 Riverside Drive, Cleveland, OH 44135. I will volunteer for 12 hours at the event. Role unknown at this time.

Winter Fiction Fest

Winter Fiction Fest 2017


The Winter Fiction Fest was held on February 18, 2017, at Loganberry Books in Cleveland, Ohio.

Loganberry Books Logo

The event was sponsored by Literary Cleveland. Literary Cleveland’s mission is to create and nurture a vibrant literary arts community in North East Ohio. The group sponsors writing workshops, author interviews, and a monthly group meeting mixer.

This is a link to the Literary Cleveland Website.

Summary – Conference Set-Up

The events started with an interview. Susan Petrone interviewed the author, Mary Doria Russell.

Next, three different workshops were offered. Conference participants picked one workshop to attend. After the first workshop was completed, the Conference participants chose one of the other two workshops to attend.

The three workshops were as follows:

A: Beyond Motive, Means and Opportunity: How to Plot Your Mystery with Casey Daniels and Shelly Costa.

B: Turning History into Fiction with DM Pulley

C: Science Fiction: Not just for kids anymore! With Geoffrey Landis and Mary Turzillo

Everyone attended the interview first. There was about 30 people at the conference.

Summary – Interview

Mary Doria Russell has published six novels. The first two were science fiction and the other four were historical fiction. Her latest novel is called Epitaph. It details the events at the O. K. Corral.


She gets her ideas from reading biography books. She then researches her subject and looks for the moment that works as a novel. When she hears the voices, then she begins to write. Sometimes the research works like saving Italian Jews in World War II (A Thread of Grace), the 1921 Cairo Peace Conference (Dreamers of the Day), the early life of Doc Holliday (Doc), and the events at the O. K. Corral (Epitaph). Sometimes it doesn’t work like when she researched the relationship between Edgar Allen Poe and Sarah Elmira Royster. Another that didn’t work was Abe Lincoln and Mary Todd Lincoln.

She is currently researching a novel about the 1913 Copper Country strike in Michigan that will be called Unremembered Lives. Questions went to the audience at that point. Someone asked about agents. She has used the same agency for all her work, but she has had a dozen editors for her six novels. The novels were all published by Random House, but since she takes years to research and write each book, she has never had an editor start and finish any of her books. She doesn’t believe in outlines.

Summary – Science Fiction

I went to the C Workshop first. Nine people attended this session.


Mary had the flu so she skyped into the conference. First was a review of the subgenres of Science Fiction and Fantasy. What makes it SF or F is a speculative element. Talked about the markets and the tradition that SF and F writers start in the short fiction magazine route. Two websites that help in finding markets are and Stories have five elements including people, prose, plot, particulars, and prose.

A characterization handout was given, which encourages the writer to ask questions about the main protagonist. Another handout on character traits found at Plot makes the character interact with the world. The inciting event shatters the main character’s place in the world. The plot is about the main character’s failures in trying to solve problems.

Three possible premises are What If, If Only, and If This Goes On. The last part of the workshop was a brainstorming session about the premise. We went with If This Goes On. It started with global warming and ended with The Waterlords of Cleveland. I should have taken a picture of the brainstorming whiteboard.

Summary – Mystery

I finished the Conference at the A Workshop. About 20 people at this session.


They presented a slideshow presentation and took turns explaining each slide. Most mysteries follow the conventions in one of these subgenres; cozy, police procedural, medical/legal thriller, suspense, romantic suspense, thriller, historical mystery, PI, Noir, Forensic, or YA. Setting is where the mystery starts. Your sleuth may be a member of law enforcement, have ties to law enforcement, or is an amateur. Make it matter, raise the stakes. The victim has secrets. There is an apparent reason and a real reason for the murder. The killer must be a worthy opponent of the sleuth. Everyone in the story must be s suspect. The plot is the search for the truth. In most stories, but not all, the reader discovers the clues as the sleuth discovers the clues. The solution of the crime must be surprising, plausible, and satisfying. The last twenty pages must have a resolution.


In review, I felt that all the authors presented their subjects with expertise, knowledge, and humor. I am glad that I attended the conference. I wish that I had been able to observe the workshop I missed. But the two workshops I attended were excellent. I am sure that it was just as informative as the others. I am looking forward to attending other events that are sponsored by Literary Cleveland in the future.


A similar Conference to the Winter Fiction Fest 2017 was the Western Reserve Writers Conference 2016. Winter Fiction Fest is sponsored by Literary Cleveland while the Cuyahoga County Public Library sponsors a similar event called the Western Reserve Writers Conference 2016.

This is my recap for the Western Reserve Writers Conference 2016 on September 24, 2016. It was located at the South Euclid-Lyndhurst branch of the Cuyahoga County Public Library at the new William N. Skirball writer’s center which is located at the branch. It was a one-day event with an introduction, a keynote speaker, three breakout sessions, and one Q & A panel.

Which Websites Do I Frequent Daily?


There are six websites that I frequent daily. I detail why I have picked these six and what information I am looking for on each site.

Daily Break


The reason that I check out daily break every day is that it is a place where I can get what’s happening currently in a fun fashion. A half dozen or so posts are created every day. The posts can be a quiz on weekly events, matching puzzles, interesting pictures, or lists about some topics. You can earn points by reading a whole post, you can earn points by spinning for points up to five times a day, and you can also earn points by completing breaker badges.

The points are used in sweepstakes for prizes or for items in the daily break store. I have used points on sweepstakes but have not won any. I have also received an Amazon gift card. The breaker badge that I have not received, but really want is the 15000 points for the grand slam, which is earned by coming back to the site for 365 straight days. I have missed only a few days since the site went to this format a year and a half ago. I’m at 97 days right now and 41417 total points earned.

The Plain Dealer

Image result for the plain dealer logo

I subscribe to The Plain Dealer and read the paper daily online. It is the only paper for Cleveland, Ohio and covers the sports teams in town. I get my Cavs, Indians, and Browns news from the paper. My favorite column is written by Terry Pluto in the Sunday Paper called Terry’s Talking… He goes over the latest news of the sports teams in his column.

Eleven Warriors

Image result for eleven warriors logo

Eleven Warriors covers all sports at the Ohio State University. I especially like their coverage of the football team. They write about recruiting (the daily Hurry Up feature is impressive), game day features, and commentary about the team.

The Wertzone

The Wertzone is the blog of Adam Whitehead. He covers Science Fiction and Fantasy in Print and on Screen. Adam posts on current SF and F news as it happens. He comments on upcoming SF and F books, movies, and TV shows. There is also a large backlist of his reviews available on the site. I respect his opinions and have picked books and shows based on his recommendations.

Winter is Coming

Winter is Coming

Winter is coming is my go to site for news about Game of Thrones books and the HBO Show.

Blizzard Watch

I go to Blizzard watch for my World of Warcraft news.


This was my post on which websites do I frequent daily? My next post in this series will be: Which websites do I frequent weekly?


This is the link to my Goodreads page.

This is a link to my review of The Land That Time Forgot by Edgar Rice Burroughs, which is a fun quickly-paced science fiction/fantasy adventure story. It has the lost world theme and an interesting method of alternative evolution included in this world. It is just the perfect story for that pre-teen boy to read.

Writing Progress Report February 2017

Writing Progress Report February 2017

This is my Writing Progress Report February 2017.

Writing Progress from January 2017

I wrote four blog posts for including my writing progress report for January 2017 linked below.

Polished and submitted the stories 4 Humours and Space Station Sunyata to two different short fiction magazines. Grognard is still in review at another magazine.

Worked on polishing and readying the stories Time Traveller One and Prisoner of Tarnal for submission to short fiction magazines. Not ready yet.

I had also planned on polishing and readying the stories White Bracer, Mage Squad, and Kay-Eye for submission to short fiction magazines, but did not do so.

I wrote a scene from my proposed Torso novel as a proof of concept. Interesting but way down on my list of projects.

Events from January 2017

Created a Twitter account.

Created a Facebook Account.

Changed my wordpress theme to Twenty Sixteen. It’s better than Twenty Fifteen, but I need to find something better.

Started a Fiveer account. Looking for a map and an e-book cover for A Gathering in New Marl. I’m thinking of re-titling the novel because I know what a gathering means in the context of the novel, but a potential reader would not know what it means. An Assassin in New Marl would fit the plot of the novel better.

The story Grognard is still in review at another magazine.

Writing Goals for February 2017

A Gathering in New Marl (An Assassin in New Marl) is a 55000 word short novel I wrote many years ago. I want to expand the novel from 20 chapters to 36 chapters (100000 words total). I intend to follow the method described in Sarah Domet’s book called 90 Days to Your Novel.


This is a link to Goodreads page for the book.

The book starts with 21 exercises that I plan to complete in the month of February. After that I will write the 16 new chapters of the novel in an additional 20 weeks.

Polish and submit the stories White Bracer, Mage Squad, Time Traveller One, Prisoner of Tarnal, and Kay-Eye for submission to short fiction magazines.

Submit 4 Humours to another short fiction magazine.

Planned Events for February 2017

Order a map from Fiveer.

Work on completing a Query letter to use to find an agent for An Assassin in New Marl.

I will attend the Winter Fiction Fest on February 18th that is being held at Loganberry Books at 13015 Larchmere Blvd. Shaker Heights, Ohio 44120 and is sponsored by Literary Cleveland. There will be four panels presented which will feature Mary Doria Russell, Casey Daniels and Shelly Costa, DM Pulley, Geoffrey Landis and Mary Turzillo.