Ghost Brigades by John Scalzi is the second book in the Old Man’s War series. The Colonial Defense Forces created Jared Dirac for a specific purpose. He is a member of the Ghost Brigades who are the elite troops of the CDF. Jared is a clone of the mad evil scientist Charles Boutin and was made because Boutin has betrayed humanity enabling three alien civilizations to ally against humanity. The CDF wants to understand Boutin’s motivations by studying Jared and defeating Boutin and the aliens. Will Jared help the CDF when Boutin’s memories become his own memories?
Ghost Brigades by John Scalzi starts with Lieutenant Sagan interviewing a captive alien. The alien gives its view on humanity. He sees three kinds of humans. There are the unmodified humans that colonize unclaimed planets. The main members of the Colonial Defense Forces are older unmodified humans who have their minds transferred to young clone bodies. The CDF creates the third human from human DNA. They are the Ghost Brigades of the CDF. They make Jared Dirac from Boutin’s DNA. When he gains consciousness he doesn’t have any of Boutin’s memories. The CDF trains him in the Ghost Brigades and sends him out on missions. On his missions, his memories are triggered, and he has memories of being Boutin. He must understand why Boutin did what he did and Jared must forge his own path to save humanity.
This novel is a great sequel to Old Man’s War. Old
Man’s War was about the second humans, the members of the CDF. Adding the Ghost
Brigades ratcheted up the tension in the sequel. Jared Dirac was a great character
to show the reader the methods of the Ghost Brigades. Charles Boutin seems like
a mad scientist from an old school space opera but he is more than that. I
appreciate that the author took an old trope and made it new. The author sets
up the next novel in the series at the end of this novel. I am looking forward
to reading book three of the series, The Last Colony.
This is the link to the Goodreads
page of Ghost Brigades by John Scalzi.
In Redshirts by John Scalzi, they assign Ensign Andrew Dahl to the starship Intrepid. Crew members on away missions die at an alarming rate, but not the officers. Dahl must discover the unbelievable truth, or he will die like the other Redshirts. This is the link to my review.
Worlds of Wonder by David Gerrold is his non-fiction book on the craft of writing, subtitled how to write science fiction and fantasy. The most famous work that he wrote was the episode of Star Trek (the original series) called “The Trouble with Tribbles”. He also wrote scripts and directed episodes of other Star Trek series. He wrote novels in the science fiction and fantasy genre. This book tells about his writing path and gives examples from his works to help aspiring writers. Where should you start as a new writer? Use this book.
Worlds of Wonder by David Gerrold starts with two of his college instructors who taught him valuable lessons. The first instructor told him he would never make it as a writer. That rage against failure fueled him to do well. The other instructor stressed the importance of structure. David Gerrold took that advice to mean he should learn from the masters of his chosen genre of science fiction and fantasy to see how they were successful. He realized that a story is about a person’s problem solving and the lessons learned through that experience.
Ask yourself If questions to invent the wonder of your story.
Find your hero and your hero’s problem. Your hero will face crises and challenges.
Set the stage and build your world. The first line is important to hook the
reader and keep them reading. He gives examples of love scenes from his novels When
Harlie was One and A Method for Madness. He goes over each structural
device for writing. Discipline is important because real writers write. Use the
idea that your first million words are for practice. If you end up selling any
of your first million words, then that is a bonus for you. He ends the book
with ten pieces of good advice.
Worlds of Wonder by David Gerrold is a useful book about writing. It is short and easy to read. The author has a conversational way of writing. The advice is sound but like other books I have read. I remember reading the author’s novel The Man Who Folded Himself when I was in high school. I also remember that he was the writer of “The Trouble with Tribbles”. David Gerrold was a panelist and an interviewee at Marcon in Columbus Ohio on May 11, 2019. I had planned to read this book but because of the conference, I read it sooner than I planned. I am glad that I did.
is the link to the Goodreads page of Worlds of Wonder
by David Gerrold
Recap for SF Conference Marcon Columbus on May 11, 2019. They held it at Crowne Plaza – Columbus North. I also attended Marcon in 2017 and 2018. This year I attended four panels, a performance, and an interview. My star of the con was David Gerrold. He was engaging in the panel and the interview that I attended with him.
Save the Cat Writes a Novel by Jessica Brody takes the books of Blake Snyder and applies his teachings to writing novels. She presents complete beat sheets and genre breakdowns of current and past novels. This is the link to my review.
Another similar book on writing is How to Write Best Selling Fiction by Dean Koontz. This is the link to my review. It’s from 1981, but the advice is still great.
Raven Tower by Ann Leckie is a fantasy novel from an award-winning science-fiction novelist. The Raven Lease is the speaker for the god known as the Raven and the Raven Lease is missing. Mawat is the heir to the Raven Lease and returns from wars in the south with his aide Eolo. Eolo learns secrets about the Raven and must decide what to do with that knowledge. The novel’s one-line preface is “there will be a reckoning”. What reckoning will take place?
Raven Tower by Ann Leckie begins
with an unknown narrator speaking in the second-person to Eolo. The narration
is like the narrator telling a story to Eolo after the events have occurred. Eolo
is returning to Vastai, the capital of Iraden. Eolo is the aide to Mawat, and they
have been at war in the south but must return to Vastai because Mawat is the
heir to the Raven Lease. The Raven
Lease is the speaker for the god known as the Raven and the Raven Lease is
missing. Mawat tries to figure what happened to his father and what is going on
in Vastai. Eolo can learn about the situation easier than Mawat could. The
narrator influences Eolo and helps Eolo learn secrets. As the novel proceeds,
the narrator tells stories that may or may not be told to Eolo. The stories
read like parables. Eolo must decide what to do with the secrets learned. There
will be a reckoning.
It was ambitious to write a second-person story in a novel-length. I was skeptical of this choice as I read the novel, but I understood the choice and the necessity to write the novel this way after I read to the end of the novel. The identity of the narrator is the whole point of the story. There will be a reckoning. I thought there were unanswered questions that a sequel could answer, but the author has tweeted that she intended the novel as a standalone novel.
I enjoyed reading the Raven Tower and think it was the best book I read
in 2019.
This is the link to the
Goodreads page of Raven Tower by Ann Leckie
I attended the Gotham Writers Conference in New York City, New York on October 25, 2019, sponsored by Gotham Writers Workshop. This was the first year for this conference. It was at the Ace Hotel on 20 West 29th Street, New York City. There were five panels and presentations at the conference. Day two of the conference on October 26, 2019, was for pitching roundtables. The roundtables had a group of picked authors pitching their work to two agents in their genre. I did not get picked for the roundtables, so I did not participate.
The Gotham Writers Conference opened with a welcome from Gotham President Alex Steele. He related the story of how the genesis of the conference occurs. Josh Sippe’s job is to go to other writer’s conferences and report back to Alex. Josh asked why don’t we do a con? Alex replied that it was a “terrible” idea, so of course, they put on a conference.
This is the swag
bag we received at the conference. It said “Write” on the back of the bag.
This was the badge
I used at the conference.
before Lunch
October 25th at 10 AM
Writer’s View: If I can do it, you can too, a panel with Seth Fried, Kody
Keplinger, Joselin Linder, and David Seigerman (moderator)
authors had different backgrounds. Kody is a fiction novel writer, Seth started
with Literary Magazines, and Joselin writes non-fiction using proposals. The
moderator asked questions about their process and experience. There were many
interesting comments. I will detail three of them here that I found
particularly helpful. Use comp titles that have been released in the last
twelve months for your queries. Social media is part of your job as a writer.
Being a professional means you meet deadlines because writing is a job.
They held the presentation
in the Basement of the Ace Hotel with about 160 attendees
October 25th at 11:25 AM
Rejection, a lecture by Kim Liao
She said to shoot
for rejection instead of acceptance because that puts your fears in a box. Then
you won’t be paralyzed by fear to submit your work.
She asked the
attendees to take three minutes to answer two questions and put our answers
down on paper. What are your biggest hopes and dreams as a writer? What stops
you from achieving those hopes and dreams?
She then asked a
series of five questions to the attendees. Five things to do in the next year
to accomplish your goals or dreams. Four things to do in the next six months.
Three things to do in the next two months. Two things to do in the next month.
One thing to do before next Friday. The questions were helpful to help
prioritize tasks to be completed.
They held the presentation
in the Basement of the Ace Hotel with about 160 attendees
October 25th at 12:25 PM
Weike Wong is
interviewed by Gotham President Alex Steele
had Weike read a passage from her novel Chemistry. In the passage, the unnamed
main character is given a proposal of marriage from her boyfriend. That event
starts off the novel leading to the main character’s dilemma and change.
wanted to write a novel without shocking turns of events. She wanted a
character-driven story and chose to find other ways to create tension in the
had Weike read another passage from the novel. The main character is a grad
student in Chemistry. She a psychologist to help her understand why she feels
the way she does.
was Weike’s choice to write a first-person novel with no names except for the
boyfriend, Eric. It is a short novel with no chapters. Weike’s advice is to
have a vision and stick to it.
They held the presentation
in the Basement of the Ace Hotel with about 160 attendees
after Lunch
October 25th at 2:45 PM
The Agents View:
What We Talk About When We Talk About You, a panel with Kurestin Armada, Suzie
Townsend, Jim McCarthy, and Susan Breen (moderator)
asked a series of questions to the panel and they responded. Who was the latest
client you signed and why? They talked about searching the slush pile and
related that it feels like panning for gold. What do you like to see with a
platform? They said it is essential for non-fiction writers but is up to the
author for fiction writers. How quickly do you know you love the book you are
reading? They say within the first few pages. She asked about pay and they said
the going rate for agents is 15%. Is finding an agent only the first step? They
talked about the agent must be a partner you trust and trusts you and that it
is some kind of magic when a book works.
panel ended with a question and answer session with the attendees.
They held the presentation
in the Basement of the Ace Hotel with about 160 attendees
October 25th at 4:10 PM
The Agent Game
Show with J. L. Stermer, Noah Ballard, Alec Shane, Jeff Kleinman (host), and
Alex Steele (fill-in host)
Jeff was late
because of a time mix-up to Alex filled in as host of the panel. Alex ran the
Game Show by having the agents answer questions and having the attendees vote
on their favorite responses.
Alex’s questions were
the most awkward situation, most uplifting experience, most challenging book
you sold, worst pitch for a book, and name an author you would love to represent.
At this point, the audience favored Noah’s answers.
Jeff continued the
questioning. He asked about elements of a great query letter, is platform
important to you, and after the sale is made what do you do as an agent. Jeff
gave out gag gifts to the panelists at the end with input from the audience.
They held the presentation
in the Basement of the Ace Hotel with about 160 attendees
– Conclusion
I enjoyed attending the Gotham Writers Conference.
Thanks to Josh Sippe for getting me into the conference at the last minute due
to a late cancellation. The Conference was packed with eager writers looking
for advice from the pros. I wish I had gotten my novel presentation completed
in time to try to earn a spot at the pitching roundtables conducted on October
26, 2019. Hopefully next year there will be another conference and I could
submit my novel then. My star of the Con was Alex Steele. He gave a great welcome
speech, conducted an interesting interview with Weike Wang, and filled in admirably
at the Agent Game Show. The conference was well worth the time invested and I
would like to attend next year.
A similar conference I attended this year was the Indie Author Conference in Parma, Ohio on October 12, 2019, at the Parma-Snow branch of the Cuyahoga County Library at 2121 Snow Road Parma, Ohio 44134. The Cuyahoga County Library sponsored the conference for the fourth time. There were three presentations in the morning and a local author fair in the afternoon. The focus of the conference was for writers and authors to learn more about self-publishing. They featured thirty-one authors in the showcase. The listed authors all had at least one published book in either 2018 or 2019 for sale.
I bought and used the editing program Pro Writing Aid
to edit my novel, Assassin in New Marl City. I edited and typed Assassin Chapters
30, 32, and 33 in August 2018, reviewed Chapters 34, 35, and 36 in September 2018,
and I completed the review in February 2019. Reduced the total chapters to 30.
Reviewed Chapters 1 to 22 using Pro Writing Aid and submitted it to my novel-writing
class. I submitted Chapter 21 and 22 in November.
In July 2018, I completed the first draft of Assassin
in New Marl City totaling 99,981 words. Completed pre-draft two (30 chapters
long) in December 2018 at 89,072 words. Finished draft two edits for Chapters 26
and 27 in August, chapters 28, 29, and 30 in September, and chapters 19 and 20
in October. I reviewed chapter 21 in November. Plan to review chapter 25 in December
to complete the draft two edit. I will start the third draft edits after draft
two is completed.
In November, I submitted the story “A Trio of Time
Travelers” to the Introductory Writing
Workshop at Parma, Ohio library.
I made three posts on my Goodreads account in November.
In the past, I submitted the stories The Four Humors, Space Station Sunyata, Grognard, Get to
the Point, LARP Film noir, and Sleeping Sickness to magazines.
Statistics of magazine submissions for 2019 are; 1
different story submitted 1 time with 0 accepted, 0 pending, and 1
from November 2019
The next conference I plan to attend is ConFusion in Novi, Michigan from
January 16 to 19, 2020. ConFusion is sponsored by the Ann Arbor Science Fiction
I plan to write seven blog posts for
including my Writing Progress Report for December 2019.
I plan to work
on second draft edits for Chapters 25, 29, and 30 of Assassin in New Marl City
using Pro Writing Aid to complete the second draft.
After the second draft is complete, I plan to work on third draft edits for Chapters 1
to 22 of Assassin in New Marl City using comments from the Advanced Writing
Workshop at Parma, Ohio. I started the third draft edit for Chapter One used at
the first pages workshop at Confluence 2019 in July. I plan to complete third
draft edits for chapters 1, 2, 3, and 4 in December.
Polish and submit the stories Caliburnus, Space-Dog
Confession, White Bracer, Mage Squad, I Shall Not Return, Prisoner of Tarnal, and Kay-Eye for submission to short
fiction magazines.
Submit The Four Humors,
Space Station Sunyata, Grognard, LARP Film noir, Sleeping Sickness to other
short fiction magazines.
Put the novel, Assassin in New Marl City, into the
writing program, Scrivener.
Buy an e-book cover for Assassin in New Marl City from
Write a story for the Introductory
Writing Workshop at Parma, Ohio library.
Work on a story for the Wednesday Writing Workshop at
the South Euclid-Lyndhurst Library to submit in December.
I plan to make five posts on my Goodreads account;
update the information on my Facebook and Twitter accounts and update all the
pages of my website in December.
Events for December 2019
The next conference I plan to attend is ConFusion in Novi, Michigan from
January 16 to 19, 2020. ConFusion is sponsored by the Ann Arbor Science Fiction
Reckoning by John Grisham is a combination of a family
saga and a courtroom drama novel. Pete Banning is a World War II war hero and
the owner of a large plantation in Mississippi in 1946. He has been planning a deadly
crime. One morning he wakes up and knows he must commit this crime despite the
dire consequences. Can his family learn why he committed his crime and save the
plantation from those who will take it from them?
The Reckoning by John Grisham has three parts.
Part One, The Killing describes the deadly crime that Pete Banning committed. He tells no one why he did it. The section ends with a courtroom drama.
Part Two, The Boneyard tells the story of Pete Banning’s history. He meets and marries his wife Liza Sweeney. It tells the backstory about how Pete’s family bought their plantation in Mississippi. Since Pete was an army reservist, the army calls him up in 1941 and the army assigns him to the Philippines. Pete is one of the prisoners who suffered the Bataan Death March. The Army calls Pete missing in action and presumed dead to his family. He survives, becomes a war hero, and returns home, wounded but alive.
Part Three, The Betrayal follows the events immediately after Part One. Florry, Pete’s sister, lives next door and owns half of the acreage of their father’s original plantation. Joel is Pete’s son is Joel and Stella is his daughter. Liza, Pete’s wife, is committed to the insane asylum. His family must learn why he committed his crimes and save the plantation in a second courtroom drama.
I enjoyed this novel. It had aspects of a family drama, a war story, a courtroom drama, and a mystery. It was ambitious to put all these elements into a novel that wasn’t very long. The central mystery for The Reckoning was why did Pete do what he did. This question concerns every character in every part of the novel from the beginning to the end. So, it is extremely important that the reason was logical and unavoidable to make the novel the best it could be. My issue with the novel is that I don’t believe that Pete would do what he did considering what he knew at the time he committed his crime.
This is the link to the Goodreads page of The Reckoning by John Grisham.
I bought and used the editing program Pro Writing Aid
to edit my novel, Assassin in New Marl City. I edited and typed Assassin Chapters
30, 32, and 33 in August 2018, reviewed Chapters 34, 35, and 36 in September 2018,
and I completed the review in February 2019. Reduced total chapters to 30. Reviewed
Chapters 1 to 20 using Pro Writing Aid and submitted it to my novel-writing
class. I submitted Chapter 19 and 20 in October.
I completed the first draft of Assassin in New Marl City totaling 99,981 words in July 2018. Completed pre-draft two (30 chapters long) in December 2018 at 89,072 words. I completed draft two edits for Chapters 26 and 27 (in August), Chapters 28, 29, and 30 (in September), Chapters 19 and 20 (in October), and plan to review chapters 21 and 25 (in November). I will start the third draft edits after draft two is complete.
In October, I submitted the story “Runs with Scissors”
to the Introductory Writing Workshop at
Parma, Ohio library.
I made five posts on my Goodreads account in October.
In the past, I submitted the stories The Four Humors, Space Station Sunyata, Grognard, Get to
the Point, LARP Film noir, and Sleeping Sickness to magazines.
Statistics of magazine submissions for 2019 are; 1
different story submitted 1 time with 0 accepted, 0 pending, and 1
from October 2019
I attended the Indy Writer’s
Conference in Parma, Ohio on October 12, 2019, sponsored by the Cuyahoga County
I plan to write five blog posts for
including my Writing Progress Report for November 2019.
I plan to work
on second draft edits for Chapters 21, 25, 28, 29, and 30 of Assassin in New
Marl City using Pro Writing Aid.
After the second draft is complete, I plan to work on third draft edits for Chapters 1
to 18 of Assassin in New Marl City using comments from the Advanced Writing
Workshop at Parma, Ohio. I started the third draft edit for Chapter One used at
the first pages workshop at Confluence 2019 in July. I plan to complete third
draft edits for chapters 1, 2, 3, and 4 in December.
Polish and submit the stories Caliburnus, Space-Dog
Confession, White Bracer, Mage Squad, I Shall Not Return, Prisoner of Tarnal, and Kay-Eye for submission to short
fiction magazines.
Submit The Four Humors,
Space Station Sunyata, Grognard, LARP Film noir, Sleeping Sickness to other
short fiction magazines.
Put the novel, Assassin in New Marl City, into the
writing program, Scrivener.
Buy an e-book cover for Assassin in New Marl City from
Write a story for the Introductory
Writing Workshop at Parma, Ohio library.
Work on a story for the Wednesday Writing Workshop at
the South Euclid-Lyndhurst Library.
I plan to make five posts on my Goodreads account;
update the information on my Facebook and Twitter accounts and update all the
pages of my website in November.
Events for November 2019
The next conference I plan to attend is ConFusion in Novi, Michigan from
January 16 to 19, 2020. ConFusion is sponsored by the Ann Arbor Science Fiction
Blood of Cayn by
Jason McDonald, Alan Isom, and Stormy McDonald, Book
#3 of the Cayn Trilogy
Blood of Cayn by
Jason McDonald, Alan Isom, and Stormy McDonald is the thrilling conclusion of the Cayn Trilogy. The plague has returned.
It almost killed everyone in the known world thirty years ago and it is threatening
to do it again. Xandor, a
ranger for the Kral’s secret service, and his crew investigate the source of
the plague. They search the orc city of Cherigov for the legendary Tear of
Havel which is rumored to have the power to cure the plague. Will they find it
before their loved ones die from the plague or will everyone die?
In the previous two novels, Xandor and his crew have
tracked the source of the plague to shipments of soap going to the orc city of
Cherigov. Windrider Yana surveys the orc fortifications at Cherigov with her
glider. She reports her findings to Lord Commander Geoffrey Ferguson of the Iron
Tower. Ferguson plans to attack the keep outside the city and send a rescue
force to recover Sabe’s men who are looking for the Tear of Havel in Cherigov. Sehraine
the elf is Yana’s friend and knows more about the plague than what she has told
Xandor’s crew are in Cherigov looking for Sabe and the
Tear of Havel. Xandor crew are Grendel, the half-orc, Chert, the dwarf healer, Sacha,
the princess of the enemy country of the Kral, and Skyld, Sasha’s bodyguard. They
are opposed by Bregu Kraagor, The Orc King of Cherigov. His helpers are Marko the
prince, Sasha’s brother, Kourash, a dragon kin, and Gregori, a powerful mage.
Sacha’s plan is to have Grendel take the Rite of
Passage, defeat King Kraagor in single combat and have Grendel take over as the
Orc King to open the city to the allies. Sacha’s plans, Xandor’s plans, and
Ferguson’s plans do not go as planned. There are many reversals of fortune in
Cherigov. The key to stopping the plague is found at Sabe’s estate and at
Sehraine’s elf village. It will take all our heroes might to defeat the power behind
all the events that have happened so far. This is the conclusion of the Cayn
The Cayn trilogy combined fantasy, mystery, and
military action well. I liked all the heroes and despised the villains. The
action never lets up. I understood who each of the characters was, though it
would have helped to have a written cast of the many characters for the series
since I did not read the novels back to back. My only issue was the ending. I
feel like I missed something or the last mystery remaining will lead to a
sequel. It didn’t feel complete to me.
The Goodreads page for Blood of Cayn by Jason McDonald is through this link.
My review of Son of Cayn Book #1 of the Cayn Trilogy. Xandor the ranger’s mission is to infiltrate a caravan that is smuggling soap. Soap? Yes, soap. Xandor’s crew must determine where and why the soap is being smuggled.
My review of City of Cayn Book #2 of the Cayn Trilogy. It’s a suspenseful adventure. The plague story begun in the first book takes our heroes to Cherigov, a human city overrun by orcs. They must defeat the orc king, or the plague will devastate the land.
I attended the Indie Author Conference in Parma, Ohio on October 12, 2019, at the Parma-Snow branch of the Cuyahoga County Library at 2121 Snow Road Parma, Ohio 44134. The Cuyahoga County Library sponsored the conference for the fourth time. There were three presentations in the morning and a local author fair in the afternoon. The focus of the conference was for writers and authors to learn more about self-publishing. They featured thirty-one authors in the showcase. The listed authors all had at least one published book in either 2018 or 2019 for sale.
Understanding presentation with J. Thorn
goal of his presentation was to show how to best sell a self-published book on Amazon.
The slides to this presentation can be found at
J. Thorn also offers a free book on how to self-publish on his website
The first important point to understand is that your cover must tell your
genre. He became a bestseller when e-books just began in 2012 with his book, The
Seventh Seal, which had 34 thousand downloads that year. After writing the book
and looking at reviews, he realized that you need an editor to make your book the
best you can make it.
Amazon is algorithmically driven. It isn’t like the library, Kobo, or Barnes & Noble. Amazon shows the potential buyer selections based on the algorithm. In the others, purchasers select the books to be displayed. The order of importance in selling a book is the cover, then title, then description. Know and target your ideal reader to cater to the algorithm. Amazon cares about the reader, not the author. Think like them to sell the most.
Using these methods, his book, Dawn, had one million page reads in 100 days. He thinks it is better to keep writing instead of chasing reviews since he gets one review per 1000 reads of his books. To help to find your ideal reader, he suggests the book by Chris Fox, Write to Market: Deliver a Book That Sells. Be a part of the community you want to serve. Engage your audience through social media or other means. Get to be a super fan of your genre to learn the conventions of the genre. Write what you read, don’t write the flavor of the month. Your readers will know if you understand them.
This talk was
about protecting your work. The ISBN captures the information for your book. It
is necessary to have an ISBN to sell your book online. Book barcodes are
created from the ISBN which is needed for print books. You should own your own
ISBN. ISBNs can be bought from Bowker at
If you want to Copywrite your book, get a Library of Congress number at for $55.
They held the presentation
in the Administration Building Auditorium with 50 attendees.
Saturday, October
12th at 12 PM
How My Self-Published
Book Sold Over 100K Copies presentation with Dustin Brady
Dustin Brady Self-Published his children’s book, Trapped in a Video Game, in 2016. He had the idea to write the book that he would have liked as a ten-year-old boy. Watching the Nickelodeon Arcade inspired him to write his book with the protagonist playing inside a video game. The book has sold 250K copies to date. He said his secret was that he got lucky. His marketing strategy is to promise something that someone wants, then overdeliver on that promise.
The someone is your target audience which should be small and definable. He discovered his audience were the parents of small boys who hate reading. The promise starts with the cover. He learned that parents and teachers are the ones who buy his books, not the boys themselves. The cover should tell what the book is about and how it meets their needs. Over-deliver by putting in the work, it’s the only way to succeed. He found that the author’s guild helped him by giving lawyer advise about reviewing contracts.
They held the presentation
in the Administration Building Auditorium with 50 attendees.
Saturday, October
12th from 1 PM to 4 PM
Showcase with 31 Authors.
The authors set
their tables up to sell their books. Willie and Rachel Scott and Dustin Brady ha
tables set up. The authors gave five-minute readings of their work.
They held the showcase
in the Parma-Snow Auditorium.
Recommendation – Conclusion
The Indie Author Conference at the Parma-Snow library was interesting and well run. The presenters each gave a personal and relatable story with their lectures. They didn’t know what they didn’t know when they started but persisted with luck and perseverance. J. Thorn made navigating the jungle easier, the Scotts made protecting your information crystal clear, and Dustin Brady showed how he made his book series a success. You can find proof of the possibility of success at the independent author showcase. My Star of the Con was J. Thorn. His presentation was the most interesting. It was another excellent conference at the library, and I intend to return next year.
I attended the Indie Author Conference and Showcase on November 12, 2016, at the Parma-Snow branch of the Cuyahoga County Public Library in Parma, Ohio. This is the link to my recap.
I attended the Indie Author Day on October 14, 2017, at the South Euclid-Lyndhurst branch of the Cuyahoga County Public Library in South Euclid, Ohio. This is the link to my recap.
Falling Free by Lois
McMaster Bujold, Book #4 of the Vorkosigan series
Falling Free by Lois
McMaster Bujold is book four of Vorkosigan series. They published the book fourth
in the series but the events happen two hundred years before the earlier books,
so it is possible to read this book first. GalacTech assigns Engineer Leo Graf to
the Cay Habitat at the farthest edge of inhabited space. He came to the habitat
to teach space workers but becomes involved in his students’ struggles with the
company supervisors of GalacTech. Leo must decide between retiring or risking
his life protecting his students.
In Falling Free, space engineer Leo Graf arrives at the Cay Habitat to teach his short course on advanced welding and non-destructive testing. His students are called quaddies. Quaddies are genetically engineered humans designed to work in free-fall. They were created by the recently deceased Chief of the Project, Dr. Cay. Leo meets his new boss, Bruce Van Atta, the current Chief of the Project and Leo’s former student. Leo’s best quaddies student is Tony. Tony has a quaddie girlfriend Claire and their infant son, Andy. After talking to GalacTech psychologist Dr. Sondra Yei and to Bruce, Leo realizes that GalacTech is using the quaddies as slaves in a high-tech disguise.
When Bruce changes assignments in the habitat which mains that Tony and Claire will be separated, Tony and Claire plan to escape the habitat. They get Silver, another quaddie, to help them stowaway on a shuttle to the surface. Bruce is preoccupied with the inspection tour of GalacTech Operations VP Apmad. Leo and Sondra find out Tony and Claire are missing and try to get to them before Bruce finds out. Bruce and Apmad consider terminating the Cay Habitat project, but Leo realizes that the solution is an engineering problem. He plans a daring escape for the quaddies and the experience changes him.
Falling Free by Lois McMaster Bujold is a fun self-contained space opera romp. Leo Graff and his quaddie friends are easy to like and to root for. The science is believable, and it’s interesting that the solution was an engineering problem. The biggest issue in the story is the villains. Bruce and Dr. Curry are to one dimensional. Their focus is to defeat Leo and the quaddies at all costs, logic not applied. I will continue to read the Vorkosigan series. The first three books are about Miles Vorkosigan’s parents and the rest of the series is about him. They published this novel in Analog magazine in four parts; December 1987, mid-December 1987, January 1988, and February 1988. I kept the magazines for 31 years unread. I’m glad I read the story now but wish I had read it back then.
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