
Barrayar by Lois McMaster Bujold

Barrayar by Lois McMaster Bujold

Barrayar by Lois McMaster Bujold, Book #7 of the Vorkosigan saga.


Barrayar by Lois McMaster Bujold is Book seven of the Vorkosigan saga. It is the direct sequel to Shards of Honor, Book #1 of the Vorkosigan saga. Cordelia Naismith of Beta Colony married Aral Vorkosigan of Barrayar. She moves to Barrayar as Lady Vorkosigan. The Emperor of Barrayar has died and named Aral as the regent for his young grandson, Gregor. Assassins target Aral and Cordelia to gain control of the Empire. Will Cordelia survive the regency and give birth to her son?

Barrayar by Lois McMaster Bujold
Barrayar by Lois McMaster Bujold


In Barrayar by Lois McMaster Bujold, Cordelia marries Aral Vorkosigan and is pregnant with his son. Emperor Ezar Vobarra names Aral as his Regent for his underage grandson, Gregor Vorbarra. An aristocracy rules Barrayar with each family holding its districts of the planet. The ruler of each district is a Count and they use the honorific preface of Vor. Aral’s father, Piotr Vorkosigan, heads the Vorkosigan family. Piotr doesn’t like that his son has married a woman from outside of the Empire and worries about his only living descendant being their unborn son. The other aristocrats dislike the Emperor’s choice of Aral as the regent. Aral and Cordelia face assassination attempts and must unite the people of Barrayar or face destruction.

Many people help Cordelia in her quest to protect her husband and unborn son. Captain Vaagen if the Barrayaran Military Hospital helps with Cordelia’s son using a uterine replicator. A deadly mission to the Imperial Palace includes Cordelia, Aral’s bodyguard Sergeant Bothari (Konstantine Bothari), Cordelia’s bodyguard Drou (Ludmilla Droushnakovi), and Aral’s personal secretary Kou (Clement Koudelka). Imperial Security officer Simon Illyan provides information for them on their mission. Cordelia’s goals are to protect her husband by preserving the Regency and for a healthy birth of her son, Miles Vorkosigan.


Barrayar by Lois McMaster Bujold is a space opera mixed with a romance. I enjoyed following Cordelia and Aral on their adventures. There was plenty of adventure and plotting leading to the daring raid on the Imperial Palace. I liked Cordelia as the protagonist. I liked the parallels of the different types of love displayed by these pairs of characters; Cordelia/Aral, Drou/Kou, Padma/Alys, and Bothari/his daughter Elena. Barrayar won the Hugo and Locus awards for best novel.


This is the link to the Goodreads page of Barrayar by Lois McMaster Bujold.

In Shards of Honor (Book#1 of the Vorkosigan saga) by Lois McMaster Bujold, Barrayaran Captain Aral Vorkosigan takes Betan Commander Cordelia Naismith prisoner. They take a hike in the jungle. What happens when they fall in love?

In Falling Free (Book #4 of the Vorkosigan saga) by Lois McMaster Bujold, space engineer Leo Graf must decide between retiring or risking his life protecting his students. The novel is a fun, self-contained space opera romp.

Writing Progress Report August 2020.

Writing Progress Report August 2020.

This is my Writing Progress Report August 2020.

You can almost pet the deer in my neighborhood.

Writing Progress from July 2020.

I wrote four blog posts for including my writing progress report for July 2020 linked below.

Updated eight posts on my website to improve their SEO rating to good, to leave 35 posts to update.

In July 2018, I completed the first draft of my novel Assassin in New Marl City, totaling 99,981 words and 36 chapters. Completed pre-second draft (30 chapters long) in December 2018 at 89,072 words. Finished second draft edits in December 2019 to complete the second draft edit. I started writing a new Chapter 1 in February 2020 and finished it in April 2020. The third draft will have 32 Chapters and I finished third draft edits on Chapter 3 in July 2020.

In July 2020, I submitted Chapter 1 of my novel named Cuba Liberto to the Novel Writing Workshop at Parma, Ohio library.

In July 2020, I submitted the story “Patient X” to the Introductory Writing Workshop at Parma, Ohio library.

Writing Progress from July 2020 Continued

I made five posts on my Goodreads account in July 2020.

In the past, I submitted the stories; Four Humors, Space Station Sunyata, and Grognard to magazines.

Flash Fiction Stories I have submitted are Get to the Point, LARP Film noir, Space-Dog Confession, Wormhole Generator, Sleeping Sickness, Caliburnus, and Popular Mechanics Re-brewed to magazines.

I submitted “Wormhole Generator” to Strange Horizons in July 2020.

Also, I submitted “Space-Dog Confession” to Flash Fiction Online in July 2020.

Magazine submissions for 2020 are 6 unique stories submitted 12 times with 0 accepted, 1 pending, and 11 rejections.

I created an Instagram account linked to my Facebook account.

Events from July 2020.

I planned to attend is the Confluence Conference from July 24 to July 26, 2020, at the Airport Sheraton in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

They canceled the conference because of COVID-19. I plan to go to Confluence July 23 to July 25, 2021.

They will hold a virtual conference called C’monfluence the Novelization 2020, from October 2 to October 4. The Guest of Honor is Martha Wells. I plan to attend the conference virtually.

Link to Confluence’s website.

Writing Goals for August 2020.

I plan to write two blog posts for including my Writing Progress Report for August 2020.

The name of my next novel is Cuba Liberto. I plan to write Chapter 2 in August 2020 and submit it to the Novel Writing Workshop at Parma, Ohio library.

In August 2020, I plan to submit a story to the Introductory Writing Workshop at Parma, Ohio library.

I plan to work on third draft edits for Assassin in New Marl City using comments from the Novel Writing Workshop at Parma, Ohio. I plan to complete third draft edits for Chapter 4 in August 2020.

Submit the stories Space-Dog Confession, Four Humors, Space Station Sunyata, Grognard, LARP Film noir, Sleeping Sickness, Popular Mechanics Re-brewed, and Caliburnus. to other short fiction magazines. Three submissions planned for August 2020.

Polish and submit the stories White Bracer, Mage Squad, I Shall Not Return, Prisoner of Tarnal, and Kay-Eye for submission to short fiction magazines.

Writing Goals for August 2020 continued.

Put the novel, Assassin in New Marl City, into the writing program, Scrivener.

Buy an e-book cover for Assassin in New Marl City from Fiveer.

In August 2020, I plan to make five posts on my Goodreads account and update eight posts on my website to improve their SEO rating up to good leaving 27 posts left to update.

Planned Events for August 2020.

I planned to attend is the Confluence Conference from July 24 to July 26, 2020, at the Airport Sheraton in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

They canceled the conference because of COVID-19. I plan to go to Confluence July 23 to July 25, 2021.

They will hold a virtual conference they are calling C’monfluence the Novelization 2020, from October 2 to October 4. I plan to attend the conference virtually.

Link to Confluence’s website.

I planned to attend the Ice and Fire Conference in Mount Sterling, Ohio on April 23 to 26, 2020.

They postponed the conference because of COVID-19. They plan to hold the conference from October 29 to November 1, 2020, and I plan to attend.

This is a link to the Ice and Fire Conference website.

A Little Hatred by Joe Abercrombie

A Little Hatred by Joe Abercrombie

A Little Hatred by Joe Abercrombie, Age of Madness Trilogy Book #1


A Little Hatred by Joe Abercrombie is the first book of the Age of Madness Trilogy, a follow-up trilogy of the First Law World Trilogy. The Trilogy occurs thirty years after the First Law Trilogy. This Trilogy follows an additional set of characters; some are the children of characters from the First Law books. First Law characters also appear in secondary roles in this series. There is a war brewing in the North as the Northmen invade Angland, the northern province of the Union. The Industrial Revolution has arrived in the Union and civil unrest increases following unfair labor practices. The city of Valbeck is the center of the unrest. Will they destroy Angland and Valbeck or will they survive?



A Little Hatred by Joe Abercrombie features seven points of view characters from both sides of the Angland and Valbeck conflicts. The characters meet and part in this complex narrative.

Summary Angland

Leo dan Brock, the first character, is about to come into his inheritance as the Lord Governor of the province of Angland, a part of the Union. His mother is his regent. Angland ally is the Protectorate, ruled by the Dogman, the chieftain of the city of Uffrith. Rikke, the second character, is the Dogman’s daughter. She has the Long Eye, a way of seeing images from the past or the future. Leo and Rikke meet and renew their childhood relationship.

The Northman invade the Protectorate and Leo’s mother command their troops to fall back toward Angland. The king of the Northmen is Iron Scalehand. His brother is Black Calder and Calder’s son is Stour Nightfall. Stour is the king’s heir. Jonas Clover, the third character, was a famous warrior but is now an observer of the Northmen’s court. The two armies face either other, leading to a confrontation between Leo dan Brock and Stour Nightfall.

Summary Valbeck

Savine dan Glokta, the fourth character, is the daughter of Sand dan Glokta, the head of the King’s Closed Council and the head of the Inquisition. She has substantial wealth and invests in new businesses at the beginning of the Industrial Revolution of the Union. She lives in Adua, the capital of the Union. The fifth character is Crown Prince Orso. He is the do-nothing, wastrel son of the King. He wants to make a name for himself and he has a romance with Savine.

Victarine (Vic) dan Teufel, the sixth character, is an undercover agent for Sand dan Glokta’s Inquisition. She is infiltrating the group called the Breakers. The Breakers want to destroy the factories and bring sweeping change to the Union. The revolution is brewing in Valbeck. Gunner “Bull” Broad, the seventh character, brings his family to Valbeck looking for work and becomes involved with the Breakers.

Savine, Orso, Vic, and Bull all have roles to play in the Valbeck plot.  


A Little Hatred by Joe Abercrombie is a fabulous start to the Age of Madness Trilogy. The action runs smooth and the characters bounce between the two plots. Most chapters follow either a single viewpoint or two sequential viewpoints of the seven main characters The exceptions are the chapter titled The Little People where a series of people react to the revolution in Valbeck and the chapter titled The Battle of Red Hill where a series of people react to the conflict in Angland. Those chapters were my highlight of the book.

I liked the arc of the two sets of lovers; Leo and Rikke; Savine and Orso. I’m looking forward to their struggles in the next book of the trilogy, The Trouble with Peace, publishing on September 15, 2020.


This is the link to the Goodreads page of A Little Hatred by Joe Abercrombie, Age of Madness Series Book #1

This is a link to my review of Red Country by Joe Abercrombie, First Law World Series Book #6

Bandits burn Shy South’s farm and kidnap her sister and brother. She must fight tribal members who live in the Far Country who are called Ghosts, a mercenary captain bent on obtaining the rumored treasure of the Ghosts and the remnants of an ancient empire to rescue them.

Ancillary Sword by Ann Leckie

Ancillary Sword by Ann Leckie

Ancillary Sword by Ann Leckie, Book #2 of the Imperial Radch series


Ancillary Sword by Ann Leckie is the second book of the Imperial Radch series. Breq is appointed Fleet Captain by the Lord of the Radch, Anaader Mianaai. Breq’s mission is to secure the Athoek system for the Lord’s side in the civil war that broke out in the Radch, Breq discovers a plot related to disappearing Athoek transportees. Can Breq solve the mystery or will Breq lose the system to the Lord’s rival?



Ancillary Sword by Ann Leckie follows the exploits of Breq, who was once the starship Justice of Toren a thousand years ago but is now limited to one body. Breq confronted Anaader Mianaai, the Lord of the Radch in the novel Ancillary Justice. Afterwards, the Lord appoints Breq as Fleet Captain and assigns Breq to the ship, Mercy of Kalr. Breq’s mission is to secure the Athoek system for the Lord’s side in the civil war that broke out in the Radch. Breq’s senior Lieutenant on the Mercy of Kalr is Seivarden Vendaai, who assisted Breq in the novel Ancillary Justice.

Upon entering the Athoek system, they encounter the Sword of Atagaris commanded by Captain Hetnys. The Captain is suspicious of Breq, but Breq pulls rank on the Captain and docks the Mercy of Kalr with the Athoek Station, a space station orbiting the system’s habitable planet. Breq knows that Basnaaid is on the station. She is the sister of Lieutenant Awn, someone who Breq loved but was unavoidably killed by Breq. Breq wants to make amends but doesn’t know how. Basnaaid is a horticulturist in the garden area of the station.

Breq learns of the deplorable conditions in a part of the station called the Undergarden. Breq discovers a plot related to disappearing Athoek transportees. A death complicates Breq’s investigation and Breq goes to the planet’s surface at a tea plantation to continue the investigation. The workers are exploited by the Athotek overseers. After an assassination plot against Breq is foiled, Breq discovers the leaders of the transportee plot and acts.


Ancillary Sword by Ann Leckie is a completely different kind of book than Ancillary Justice. Ancillary Justice had a revenge plot interspersed with flashbacks that illuminated the story. It was tight and brilliant. I suppose any plot after that would be a comedown, but this novel is sneaky good. Breq’s mission is vague, and maybe that is the point. Go to Athoek and secure it for the Radch. Freeing the repressed Undergarden residents and the exploited transportees are excellent plot ideas. The looming threat of the technologically advanced Presger race adds tension. The assassination attempt and the concluding showdown in the garden add action to the end of the novel. It feels like these plot points are building to an epic conclusion in the third novel, Ancillary Mercy.

There are a lot of narratives devoted to tea services. The Radch nobility is addicted to tea, and the planet of Athoek is their main source for tea. That whole idea comes out of the left-field for me. It turns the middle of the book into a Victorian English story of manners. If a reader reads this book without an expectation related to the first book, then the reader will be rewarded with an interesting exploration of the nature of the self, how to relate to oppressed people, and the absence of gender.


This is the link to the Goodreads page of Ancillary Sword by Ann Leckie

In Ancillary Justice, by Ann Leckie, Breq plans her revenge on the Lord of the Radch. Her plans are in jeopardy when Breq befriends the disgraced former Captain Seivarden Vendaai.  Will Breq carry out her goals or will the powerful Lord defeat her? This is a link to my review.

A similar book in the space opera category is Nemesis Games by James S. A. Corey. This is the link to my review.

A similar book I have read in the Hard Science Fiction category is All Systems Red by Martha Wells. This is a link to my review.

Fifth to Die by JD Barker

The Fifth to Die by JD Barker.

The Fifth to Die by JD Barker, 4MK Thriller Book #2.


In the Fifth to Die by JD Barker, the hunt for Anson Bishop the Four Monkey Killer has gone cold. The rest of Metro Chicago detectives of Sam Porter’s group are investigating other murders. They find a girl frozen under a lagoon and Porter’s fellow detectives and the FBI wonder if the 4MK has returned. Porter doesn’t think it is 4MK and searches for Bishop’s mother. His actions get him suspended. What will Sam Porter do when the answers he finds are more disturbing than he could have ever realized?

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Fifth to Die by JD Barker starts with the Chicago Metro detectives investigating a murder of a girl found under the ice of a lagoon. There are multiple viewpoints in the novel with Porter as the main viewpoint. Sections of the novel end with a recap of the detective’s Evidence Board. The kidnapped girls have viewpoints to increase the reader’s tension until a viewpoint called The Man in the Black Knit Cap appears. Porter’s fellow detectives Clair Norton and Brian Nash also have viewpoint chapters as they investigate the recent murders. Edwin Klozowski (aka Kloz), the information tech guy helps them.

The recent murders have some similarities as the 4MK murders such as the actions of the murdered girl’s parents make them targets. But the differences in the cases lead Porter to conclude that 4MK is not the culprit. The FBI sends Special Agent Frank Poole to take over the investigation, and he has viewpoint chapters.

The plot splits when the captain suspends Sam Porter. Sam follows his lead about Anson Bishop’s mother that he discovered in the diary that Bishop gave him during the first novel. Detective Norton, Detective Nash, and Agent Poole follow their leads in the recent murders. The stories coincide until they are one step behind Porter. The solution goes back to Bishop’s diary. Porter finds out how and why Bishop ended up the way he did. A confrontation between Porter and Bishop ends this novel setting up the third and final novel of the trilogy.


Fifth to Die by JD Barker continues the 4MK story. It’s not clear at first how The Man in the Black Knit Cap and 4MKare connected, but that connection in time. I felt a juicy twist coming at the end of the novel, but Anson Bishop and his mother fooled me. Well done. The novel ends in a cliff hanger. The reader should treat books two and three as parts of one novel. I’m certain that the answers are coming in the next book and the answers will not be what I expect. That is an excellent thing. The Sixth Wicked Child is book three of the trilogy, published on August 27, 2019.


This is the link to the Goodreads page of The Fifth to Die by JD Barker, 4MK Thriller Book #2.

This is the link to my review The Fourth Monkey by JD Barker, 4MK Thriller Book #1

Detective Sam Porter is on the trail of the Four Monkey Killer. See no evil, Hear no evil, Speak no evil, Do no evil. An eye, an ear, a tongue, and a body. Will he find the killer’s latest victim before it’s too late? Read and find out.

Writing Progress Report July 2020

Writing Progress Report July 2020.

This is my Writing Progress Report, July 2020.

Looking at the Manor house across Punderson Lake in Newbury, Ohio.

Writing Progress from June 2020.

I wrote three blog posts for including my writing progress report for June 2020 linked below.

Updated eight posts on my website to improve their SEO rating, to leave 43 posts to update.

In July 2018, I completed the first draft of my novel Assassin in New Marl City, totaling 99,981 words and 36 chapters. Completed pre-second draft (30 chapters long) in December 2018 at 89,072 words. Finished second draft edits for Chapters 26 and 27 in August, chapters 28, 29, and 30 in September, and chapters 19 and 20 in October. I reviewed chapter 21 in November and chapter 25 in December to complete the second draft edit. I started writing a new Chapter 1 in February 2020 and finished it in April 2020. The third draft will have 32 Chapters and I worked on third draft edits on Chapter 3 in June 2020.

In June 2020, I submitted a new Chapter 1 of Assassin in New Marl City to the Novel Writing Workshop at Parma, Ohio library.

In June 2020, I submitted the story “Am I Going Insane?” to the Introductory Writing Workshop at Parma, Ohio library.

Writing Progress from June 2020 Continued

I made five posts on my Goodreads account in June 2020.

In the past, I submitted the stories; Four Humors, Space Station Sunyata, and Grognard to magazines.

Flash Fiction Stories I have submitted is Get to the Point, LARP Film noir, Space-Dog Confession, Wormhole Generator, Sleeping Sickness, Caliburnus, and Popular Mechanics Re-brewed to magazines.

I submitted “Wormhole Generator” to Fireside in June 2020.

Also, I submitted “Runs with Scissors” to Flash Fiction Online in June 2020.

Magazine submissions for 2020 are 6 unique stories submitted 10 times with 0 accepted, 1 pending, and 9 rejections.

Events from June 2020.

I planned to attend the Ice and Fire Conference in Mount Sterling, Ohio on April 23 to 26, 2020.

They postponed the conference because of COVID-19. They plan to hold the conference from October 29 to November 1, 2020, and I plan to attend.

This is a link to the Ice and Fire Conference website.

Writing Goals for July 2020.

I plan to write four blog posts for including my Writing Progress Report for July 2020.

My next novel is named Cuba Liberto. I plan to write Chapter One in July 2020 and submit it to the Novel Writing Workshop at Parma, Ohio library.

I plan to work on third draft edits for Assassin in New Marl City using comments from the Novel Writing Workshop at Parma, Ohio. In July 2019, I started the third draft edit for my earlier Chapter One and used it in the first pages workshop at Confluence 2019. I plan to complete third draft edits for chapters 3 and 4 in July 2020.

Polish and submit the stories White Bracer, Mage Squad, I Shall Not Return, Prisoner of Tarnal, and Kay-Eye for submission to short fiction magazines.

Submit the stories Space-Dog Confession, Four Humors, Space Station Sunyata, Grognard, LARP Film noir, Sleeping Sickness, Popular Mechanics Re-brewed, and Caliburnus. to other short fiction magazines.

Writing Goals for July 2020 continued.

Put the novel, Assassin in New Marl City, into the writing program, Scrivener.

Buy an e-book cover for Assassin in New Marl City from Fiveer.

In July 2020, I plan to make five posts on my Goodreads account and update eight posts on my website to improve their SEO rating to leave 35 posts left to update.

Planned Events for July 2020.

I planned to attend is the Confluence Conference from July 24 to July 26, 2020, at the Airport Sheraton in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

They canceled the conference because of COVID-19. I plan to go to Confluence July 23 to July 25, 2021.

Link to Confluence’s website.

Shadow Rising by Robert Jordan

Shadow Rising by Robert Jordan

Shadow Rising by Robert Jordan, Book Four of the Wheel of Time series.


Shadow Rising by Robert Jordan is the fourth book of The Wheel of Time series. Our heroes leave the city of Tear and split into groups. Min learns about the volatile situation at the White Tower of the Aes Sedai at Tar Valon. Perrin, Faile, and Loial travel to liberate Emond’s Field. Nyneave and Elayne follow the Black Ajah to Tanchico. Rand, Mat, and Egwene head to the Aiel Waste to confront their destinies. Can Rand learn enough about his powers in time to defeat the Shadow Rising?



Shadow Rising by Robert Jordan begins soon after the Dragon Reborn by Robert Jordan ended. Tear has been taken and Rand wields the sword that is not a sword, Callendor. The first chapter of the book serves as a prologue, covering four different points of view.

Chapter One starts with Min arriving at the White Tower of Tar Valon. During the Dragon Reborn novel, Moiraine sent Min to explain the events that occurred in Falme to Siuan Sache, the Amyrlin Seat, the leader of the Aes Sedai. This introduces the reader to one of the four main plots of this novel, the volatile political situation of the Aes Sedai.

Chapter One continues with short scenes introducing three of the opposition characters in this book. Elaida is from the Red Ajah of the Aes Sedai. She is located at the White Tower in Tar Valon. Dain Bornhald is a Whitecloak. He is at Taren Ferry in the Two Rivers near Emond’s Field. High Lady Suroth is a leader of the Seanchan. She regrouped the Seanchan at Cantorin Harbor after their defeat at Falme.

Three groups leave Tear at different times. Perrin, Faile, and Loial follow the Ways to liberate Emond’s Field from Shadowspawn and Whitecloaks We meet the citizens of Emond’s Field for the first time since book one. Nyneave and Elayne take a Sea Folk ship to get to Tanchico to search for the Black Ajah. They meet a Seanchan ship’s captain named Egeanin, who is different than she seems. Rand, Mat, and Egwene head to the Aiel Waste to confront their destinies.

The four stories each conclude, setting up the events for the next novel in the series, The Fires of Heaven.


Shadow Rising by Robert Jordon is a great novel, but it is different than the first three novels in the series. The first three novels all ended with most of the main characters achieving success together in a specific location. Eye of the World ended at the Eye of the World, The Great Hunt ended at Falme, and Dragon Reborn ended at Tear. This novel is like the breaking of the Fellowship of the Ring by J. R. R. Tolkien. There are four groups followed in this novel and each group comes to a climax at the end of the novel, but they will remain apart to pursue their individual goals in the coming novels. That is disappointing but necessary to tell the greater story. This world is big and now the readers will see more of it by following multiple storylines.

There are two parts of this novel I thought were brilliant. The whole series of chapters about Perrin’s journey and struggle against the Shadowspawn and the Whitecloaks at Edmond’s Field come to a satisfying conclusion. Chapters 25 and 26 cover the Aiel Ancestor History Sequence. The stories were complicated and resonated.

The first season of the Amazon Prime Video will adapt the first two novels of the series in 2020 or 2021. I will be interested to see how they adapt this novel in a few years.


This is the link to the Goodreads page of Shadow Rising by Robert Jordan.

This is the link to my review of Dragon Reborn by Robert Jordan, Book three of the Wheel of Time.

This is the link to my review of Great Hunt by Robert Jordan, Book two of the Wheel of Time.

This is the link to my review of Eye of the World by Robert Jordan, Book one of the Wheel of Time.

Plot and Structure by James Scott Bell

Plot and Structure by James Scott Bell


Plot and Structure by James Scott Bell is a book in the five-book Write Great Fiction series published by Writers Digest Books. The subtitle of this book is techniques and exercises for crafting a plot that grips readers from start to finish. The author did not become a novelist until he learned how to create plots for his novels. A plot is a design for a novel. In the book, the author gives his advice about how to develop a satisfying plot for your novel.



I will detail my top three points raised in this book.

In chapter one, the LOCK system is how the plot is made simple.  L means create a compelling Lead. O means create a compelling Objective that the character wants or desires. C means your lead needs Confrontation from an opposition. K means it is necessary for the book’s ending to create a satisfying Knockout for the reader.

In chapter seven, scenes are the essential building blocks of the plot. There are four chords or beats in writing a scene. The chords are action, reaction, setup, and deepening. The chords are mixed to create the scene.

In chapter nine, the character arc is what deepens the plot. The plot causes the character to change, and that change is what the reader desires. Change attacks the character’s core self. The layers of self are beliefs, values, dominant attitudes, and opinions. The deeper the change, the more profound the difference.

Each chapter ends with suggested exercises to expand on the chapter’s lessons. Appendix A has a helpful checklist of the critical points raised in the book. The sections are about plot, structure, plot ideas, beginnings, middles, endings, scenes, complexity, plotting systems, and revision.


Plot and Structure by James Scott Bell is a useful book about writing. It is short and easy to read. I found three points that were the most interesting to me. The checklist in Appendix A is also helpful. His advice is sound but like other books I have read. The author has many books on the craft of writing and I plan to read more of them.


This is the link to the Goodreads page of Plot and Structure by James Scott Bell—plot-structure

Worlds of Wonder by David Gerrold is his non-fiction book on the craft of writing, subtitled how to write science fiction and fantasy. Where should you start as a new writer? Use this book.

Save the Cat Writes a Novel by Jessica Brody takes the books of Blake Snyder and applies his teachings to writing novels. She presents complete beat sheets and genre breakdowns of current and past novels. This is the link to my review.

Another similar book on writing is How to Write Best Selling Fiction by Dean Koontz. This is the link to my review. The book from 1981, but the advice is still great.

Writing Progress Report June 2020

Writing Progress Report June 2020.

This is my Writing Progress Report June 2020.

What’s going on, Ollie?

Writing Progress from May 2020.

I wrote three blog posts for including my writing progress report for May 2020 linked below.

Updated eight posts on my website to improve their SEO rating to leave 51 posts to update.

In July 2018, I completed the first draft of my novel Assassin in New Marl City, totaling 99,981 words and 36 chapters. Completed pre-second draft (30 chapters long) in December 2018 at 89,072 words. Finished second draft edits for Chapters 26 and 27 in August, chapters 28, 29, and 30 in September, and chapters 19 and 20 in October. I reviewed chapter 21 in November and chapter 25 in December to complete the second draft edit. I started writing a new Chapter 1 in February 2020 and finished it in April 2020. The third draft will have 32 Chapters and I completed third draft edits on Chapter 2 in May 2020.

In May 2020, I submitted chapters 29 and 30 of Assassin in New Marl City to the Novel Writing Workshop at Parma, Ohio library.

Writing Progress from May 2020 Continued

I made five posts on my Goodreads account in May 2020.

In the past, I submitted the stories; The Four Humors, Space Station Sunyata, and Grognard to magazines.

I have submitted Flash Fiction Stories; Get to the Point, LARP Film noir, Space-Dog Confession, Wormhole Generator, Sleeping Sickness, Caliburnus, and Popular Mechanics Re-brewed to magazines.

I submitted “Runs with Scissors” to Daily Science Fiction in May 2020.

Also, I submitted “Wormhole Generator” to Flash Fiction Online in May 2020.

Also, I submitted “Sleeping Sickness” to Strange Horizons in May 2020.

Magazine submissions for 2020 are 6 unique stories submitted 8 times with 0 accepted, 3 pending, and 5 rejections.

In May 2020, I wrote the Flash Fiction, “Principled Rouge” from a computer-generated prompt.

Events from May 2020.

I planned to attend the Ice and Fire Conference in Mount Sterling, Ohio on April 23 to 26, 2020.

They postponed the conference because of COVID-19. They plan to hold the conference from October 29 to November 1, 2020, and I plan to attend.

This is a link to the Ice and Fire Conference website.

Writing Goals for June 2020.

I plan to write three blog posts for including my Writing Progress Report for June 2020.

I plan to work on third draft edits for Assassin in New Marl City using comments from the Novel Writing Workshop at Parma, Ohio. In July 2019, I started the third draft edit for my earlier Chapter One and used it in the first pages workshop at Confluence 2019. I plan to complete third draft edits for chapters 3 and 4 in June 2020.

Polish and submit the stories White Bracer, Mage Squad, I Shall Not Return, Prisoner of Tarnal, and Kay-Eye for submission to short fiction magazines.

Submit the stories Space-Dog Confession, Four Humors, Space Station Sunyata, Grognard, LARP Film noir, Sleeping Sickness, Popular Mechanics Re-brewed, and Caliburnus. to other short fiction magazines.

Add submissions to Fireside Magazine in June 2020.

Writing Goals for June 2020 continued.

Put the novel, Assassin in New Marl City, into the writing program, Scrivener.

Buy an e-book cover for Assassin in New Marl City from Fiveer.

In June 2020, I plan to make five posts on my Goodreads account and update eight posts on my website to improve their SEO rating to leave 43 posts left to update.

Planned Events for June 2020.

I planned to attend Marcon in Columbus, Ohio from May 5 to 8, 2020.

They canceled the conference because of COVID-19. I plan to go to Marcon from May 7 to May 9, 2021.

This is a link to the Columbus Marcon website.

I planned to attend is the Confluence Conference from July 24 to July 26, 2020, at the Airport Sheraton in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

They canceled the conference because of COVID-19. I plan to go to Confluence July 23 to July 25, 2021.

Link to Confluence’s website.

Network Effect by Martha Wells

Network Effect by Martha Wells

Network Effect by Martha Wells, Murderbot Diaries Book 5


Network Effect by Martha Wells is the first novel of the Murderbot Diaries Series. The earlier stories are a series of four novellas that complete a self-contained single story. The protagonist of the diaries is a SecUnit (Security Unit), a part organic and part mechanical cyborg, or as she calls herself a Murderbot. In this story, Murderbot must solve a complex mystery or risk the deaths of her human clients.

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In Network Effect by Martha Wells, Murderbot has completed her mission as described in the earlier four books for the PreservationAux Group. Murderbot looks to Dr. Mensah as its primary client. It serves as a Survey Security Consultant to members of the group. On a survey, unknown hostiles attack them and Murderbot names them as Targets, but only to itself. Murderbot had hacked its governor module so can ignore the programming the Company used to create it. Murderbot eliminates the Targets, but there will be more. The Survey ship ends up in a mysterious solar system. Who are the Targets and why does someone summon the Survey ship are the mysteries that Murderbot must solve? The lives of its clients depend on finding answers.


It was worth the wait for a Murderbot novel. The book was enjoyable and hit all the marks a reader could expect. Murderbot was snarky, compassionate to her clients, and resourceful. The plot of the novel was hard to figure out at the beginning, but explained later. There are passages where Murderbot recounts old events, sometimes as transcripts. The reason for this makes sense. The book comes to a satisfying conclusion and sets up the next adventure for Murderbot. Fugitive Telemetry will be Book 6 of the Murderbot Diaries and published on April 27, 2021. The series continues, and I plan to stay on the ride.


This is the link to the Goodreads page for Network Effect by Martha Wells.

This is the link to the Goodreads page for Fugitive Telemetry by Martha Wells.

This is a link to my review of All Systems Red by Martha Wells, Book 1 of The Murderbot Diaries.

Book Review of Murderbot Diaries by Martha Wells, a series of four novellas. SecUnit calls herself Murderbot. She has feelings of companionship for her human employers. What lengths will she go to protect them?