About Gary David Gillen
About Gary David Gillen. Gary was born in Cleveland, Ohio. He earned a bachelor’s degree in Chemistry from Hiram College in Hiram, Ohio and a Master’s degree in Chemistry from John Carroll University in University Heights, OH. Gary has been an industrial chemist for more than twenty years. He currently resides in the Cleveland, OH area.

The first novel that he read for pleasure was The Land that Time Forgot by Edgar Rice Burroughs. He has been reading Science Fiction and Fantasy ever since. He began writing stories based on characters created in a Dungeon and Dragons campaign while in high school. Those early writings led to his current adventures in Science Fiction and Fantasy.
2020 Recap (In Progress on 07-12-20)
I wrote 26 posts for my blog in 2020 so far. (182 Total posts)
I wrote 5 stories in 2020 so far.
The stories were named; All Potions Sold Greenhouse, Hannibal Washington’s Fall, Dear Allie, Principled Rogue, and Am I Going Insane?
I attended 1 convention in 2020 so far. (27 total)
2019 Recap
I wrote 50 posts for my blog. (156 Total posts)
I wrote 9 stories in 2019.
The stories were named; Popular Mechanics Rebrewed, Through Space and Time, First and Last Scene, Time Traveler Uncle Jim, Poison Apple Killer, Wormhole Generator, Runs With Scissors, A Trio of Time Travelers, and The Past Under Glass.
I attended 7 conventions. (26 total)
2018 Recap
I wrote 37 posts for my blog. (106 total posts)
I wrote 8 stories in 2018.
The stories were named; Sleeping Sickness, Memorial Board, A Yacht at Midnight, Tales of the Sacred Band, Much Like the Dodo, Great White Buffalo, Caliburnus, and Inspired by True Events.
I attended 6 conventions. (19 total)
Link to Anniversary Website Report August 26, 2018.
Website Second Anniversary Report August 26, 2018
On August 26, 2016, I created my website at garydavidgillen.com. Making a website was part of my plan to become a social media experienced writer. I had written a novel and a few short stories over the years, but I had stopped writing in 2012. In December of 2015, I decided to start writing again. I finished the story I was writing in 2012 (called Dystopia then, now called Kay-Eye.) in that month and created a plan for 2016. My 2016 plan called for writing four short stories, begin attending conventions, creating Facebook and Twitter accounts, and starting a website. I wanted to become a better writer and then expand the short novel that I had written in 1995 (it was called A Gathering in New Marl in 1995 and I have renamed it Assassin in New Marl City). I joined a writer’s workshop group at the South Euclid-Lyndhurst Public Library and two at the Parma-Snow Library. It has been a busy two years and I expect a busier year in 2019.

2017 Recap
I wrote 47 posts for my blog. (69 Total posts)
I wrote 6 stories in 2017.
The stories were named; Get to the Point, a story about the body continued, LARP Film Noir, Chemithurgy (unfinished), Torso Secret History, and Space-Dog Confession
I attended 7 conventions. (12 total)
2016 Recap
I wrote 22 posts for my blog.
I wrote 4 stories in 2016.
The stories were named; Four Humors, Space Station Sunyata, White Bracer, and Mage Squad.
I attended 5 conventions.
2015 Recap
I wrote no posts for my blog this year.
I wrote 1 story in 2015.
The story was named Kay-Eye.
I attended no conventions this year.