This is my Writing Progress Report November 2023.

Ollie is a sleepy puppy!
Writing Progress from September 2023 and October 2023.
I wrote one blog post for my website, The post was my writing progress report for September 2023, which is linked below.
In September 2023, I submitted Chemithurgy Chapter Three (Scene One) to the Advanced Fiction Writing Workshop on a Zoom call.
I submitted my short story, named Three Stories, to the Fiction Writing Workshop at the Parma, Ohio, library in September 2023.
In October 2023, I submitted a revision of Three Stories entitled Three Stories and an Epilogue to the Advanced Fiction Writing Workshop on a Zoom call.
Writing Progress from September 2023 and October 2023 Continued
I made no posts on my Goodreads account in September 2023 and two posts in October 2023.
In the past, I submitted the stories; Four Humors, Space Station Sunyata, and Grognard to magazines.
The seven Flash Fiction Stories I submitted in 2020 and 2021 were Space-Dog Confession, Sleeping Sickness, Caliburnus, Popular Mechanics Re-brewed, Wormhole Generator, Runs with Scissors, and Principled Rogue.
Magazine submissions for 2021 were 4 unique stories submitted 4 times, with 0 accepted, 0 pending, and 4 rejections. No submissions for 2022. None for 2023.
Events from September 2023 and October 2023.
I attended no events in September 2023 or October 2023.
Writing Goals for November 2023.
In November 2023, I plan to write four blog posts for including my Writing Progress Report for October 2023.
I plan to submit a story to the Fiction Writing Workshop at Parma, Ohio, library in November 2023.
In November 2023, I plan to submit a short story to the Advanced Fiction Writing Workshop at the Parma, Ohio, library.
In November 2023, I plan to work on third draft edits for Assassin in New Marl City using comments from the Novel Writing Workshop at Parma, Ohio. I plan to split Chapter 1 into two chapters and add a scene to the new chapter 1.
Submit the stories Space-Dog Confession, Four Humors, Space Station Sunyata, Grognard, LARP Film noir, Sleeping Sickness, Popular Mechanics Re-brewed, and Caliburnus. to other short fiction magazines.
Polish and submit the stories White Bracer, Mage Squad, I Shall Not Return, Prisoner of Tarnal, and Kay-Eye for submission to short fiction magazines.
Writing Goals for November 2023 continued.
In November 2023, I plan to make five posts on my Goodreads account.
Put the novel Assassin in New Marl City into the writing program, Scrivener.
Buy an e-book cover for Assassin in New Marl City from Fiveer.
Planned Events for November 2023.
The next conference I plan to attend is ConFusion in Novi, Michigan, from January 19, 2024, to January 21, 2024. The Ann Arbor Science Fiction Association Sponsors ConFusion.
The con theme this year is Labyrinth of Confusion.