This is my Writing Progress Report September 2023.

Ollie surveying his territory.
Writing Progress from August 2023.
I wrote two blog posts for my website, One post was my writing progress report for August 2023, which is linked below.
In August 2023, I did not submit a story to the Advanced Fiction Writing Workshop on a Zoom call.
I submitted my short story, named Google Chat, to the Fiction Writing Workshop at the Parma, Ohio, library in August 2023.
Writing Progress from August 2023 Continued
I made five posts on my Goodreads account in August 2023.
In the past, I submitted the stories; Four Humors, Space Station Sunyata, and Grognard to magazines.
The seven Flash Fiction Stories I submitted in 2020 and 2021 were Space-Dog Confession, Sleeping Sickness, Caliburnus, Popular Mechanics Re-brewed, Wormhole Generator, Runs with Scissors, and Principled Rogue.
Magazine submissions for 2021 were 4 unique stories submitted 4 times, with 0 accepted, 0 pending, and 4 rejections. No submissions for 2022. None for 2023.
Events from August 2023.
I attended the virtual Gotham Writers Conference for genre writers on Saturday, August 12, 2023. I attended three panels and an interview with the author, Ken Liu. The panels were on finding the stakes in speculative settings, exploring real lives through fantastical plots, and navigating pre-query research.
Writing Goals for September 2023.
In September 2023, I plan to write four blog posts for including my Writing Progress Report for September 2023.
I plan to submit a story to the Fiction Writing Workshop at Parma, Ohio, library in September 2023.
In September 2023, I plan to submit a short story to the Advanced Fiction Writing Workshop at the Parma, Ohio, library.
In September 2023, I plan to work on third draft edits for Assassin in New Marl City using comments from the Novel Writing Workshop at Parma, Ohio. I plan to split Chapter 1 into two chapters and add a scene to the new Chapter 1.
Submit the stories Space-Dog Confession, Four Humors, Space Station Sunyata, Grognard, LARP Film Noir, Sleeping Sickness, Popular Mechanics Re-brewed, and Caliburnus. to other short fiction magazines.
Polish and submit the stories White Bracer, Mage Squad, I Shall Not Return, Prisoner of Tarnal, and Kay-Eye for submission to short fiction magazines.
Writing Goals for September 2023 continued.
In September 2023, I plan to make five posts on my Goodreads account.
Put the novel Assassin in New Marl City into the writing program, Scrivener.
Buy an e-book cover for Assassin in New Marl City from Fiveer.
Planned Events for September 2023.
The next event I plan to attend is the Cleveland Inkubator at the Cleveland Public Library on September 10, 2023. Literary Cleveland sponsors it. It is a one-day writing conference.