Project Hail Mary by Andy Weir is the author’s most recent novel. Ryland Grace wakes up alone on a spaceship flying to a destination unknown. He has no memory of his past, of why he is on this interstellar mission, or why his crewmates are dead. He must discover the nature of his mission. If Ryland doesn’t solve these problems, the human race will perish.

In Project Hail Mary by Andy Weir, Ryland Grace wakes up to a feminine computer voice. They hooked him up to monitors, and he was tired, so he goes back to sleep. They locked him in a room with two more patients who are dead in their hammocks. Ryland doesn’t remember his name or where he is located.
Ryland tries to get up, and the trauma causes a flashback. In the flashback, he gets an email from a Russian scientist urging him to help her with a problem involving an unusual IR emission headed toward Venus. He drops out of the flashback.
Ryland discovers they connected his chamber to a laboratory. He examines the equipment and performs tests that convince him he is not on Planet Earth.
Ryland must put these revelations together to understand his mission. His life and all the lives of the people on Planet Earth depend on him solving the problems put before him.
I thought this was a great novel. Ryland Grace was an engaging, smart, and resourceful character. He used the resources available to him to try and solve a difficult problem. I was surprised and pleased when the story turned from a problem-solving story to a story about first contact. I thought the ending fit the character and was happy with how it turned out.
This is the link to the Goodreads page of Project Hail Mary by Andy Weir.
My book review of Artemis by Andy Weir. Jazz, a poor smuggler & thief on the moon colony of Artemis, dreams of being rich. A little sabotage and she can retire with a million slugs. She must improvise or face death. How can she survive and get her money too?