A Little Hatred by Joe Abercrombie
A Little Hatred by Joe Abercrombie, Age of Madness Trilogy Book #1
A Little Hatred by Joe Abercrombie is the first book of the Age of Madness Trilogy, a follow-up trilogy of the First Law World Trilogy. The Trilogy occurs thirty years after the First Law Trilogy. This Trilogy follows an additional set of characters; some are the children of characters from the First Law books. First Law characters also appear in secondary roles in this series. There is a war brewing in the North as the Northmen invade Angland, the northern province of the Union. The Industrial Revolution has arrived in the Union and civil unrest increases following unfair labor practices. The city of Valbeck is the center of the unrest. Will they destroy Angland and Valbeck or will they survive?

A Little Hatred by Joe Abercrombie features seven points of view characters from both sides of the Angland and Valbeck conflicts. The characters meet and part in this complex narrative.
Summary Angland
Leo dan Brock, the first character, is about to come into his inheritance as the Lord Governor of the province of Angland, a part of the Union. His mother is his regent. Angland ally is the Protectorate, ruled by the Dogman, the chieftain of the city of Uffrith. Rikke, the second character, is the Dogman’s daughter. She has the Long Eye, a way of seeing images from the past or the future. Leo and Rikke meet and renew their childhood relationship.
The Northman invade the Protectorate and Leo’s mother command their troops to fall back toward Angland. The king of the Northmen is Iron Scalehand. His brother is Black Calder and Calder’s son is Stour Nightfall. Stour is the king’s heir. Jonas Clover, the third character, was a famous warrior but is now an observer of the Northmen’s court. The two armies face either other, leading to a confrontation between Leo dan Brock and Stour Nightfall.
Summary Valbeck
Savine dan Glokta, the fourth character, is the daughter of Sand dan Glokta, the head of the King’s Closed Council and the head of the Inquisition. She has substantial wealth and invests in new businesses at the beginning of the Industrial Revolution of the Union. She lives in Adua, the capital of the Union. The fifth character is Crown Prince Orso. He is the do-nothing, wastrel son of the King. He wants to make a name for himself and he has a romance with Savine.
Victarine (Vic) dan Teufel, the sixth character, is an undercover agent for Sand dan Glokta’s Inquisition. She is infiltrating the group called the Breakers. The Breakers want to destroy the factories and bring sweeping change to the Union. The revolution is brewing in Valbeck. Gunner “Bull” Broad, the seventh character, brings his family to Valbeck looking for work and becomes involved with the Breakers.
Savine, Orso, Vic, and Bull all have roles to play in the Valbeck plot.
A Little Hatred by Joe Abercrombie is a fabulous start to the Age of Madness Trilogy. The action runs smooth and the characters bounce between the two plots. Most chapters follow either a single viewpoint or two sequential viewpoints of the seven main characters The exceptions are the chapter titled The Little People where a series of people react to the revolution in Valbeck and the chapter titled The Battle of Red Hill where a series of people react to the conflict in Angland. Those chapters were my highlight of the book.
I liked the arc of the two sets of lovers; Leo and Rikke; Savine and Orso. I’m looking forward to their struggles in the next book of the trilogy, The Trouble with Peace, publishing on September 15, 2020.
This is the link to the Goodreads page of A Little Hatred by Joe Abercrombie, Age of Madness Series Book #1
This is a link to my review of Red Country by Joe Abercrombie, First Law World Series Book #6
Bandits burn Shy South’s farm and kidnap her sister and brother. She must fight tribal members who live in the Far Country who are called Ghosts, a mercenary captain bent on obtaining the rumored treasure of the Ghosts and the remnants of an ancient empire to rescue them.