Blood Mirror by Brent Weeks.
Blood Mirror by Brent Weeks is the fourth book of The Lightbringer series. The three main characters set up their roles for the final book in the series. Gavin has lost his powers, must escape his prison, and face the god Orholam. Teia must become a master assassin and destroy the Order of the Broken Eye. Kip must prepare his army to face the White King and defeat him, or risk the colors going out of balance leading to their destruction. Their missions lead to one ultimate question. Who is the Lightbringer and will the Lightbringer bring balance to the world?

Chromaturgy is the magical system of the Seven Satrapies. They call magicians who use Chromaturgy drafters and the best drafters live on the Chromeria, the seat of the Satrapies government. Drafters can take a part of the spectrum of light and make a substance called luxin. They can shape luxin into items, with the color of the luxin determining the properties of the item. Most drafters can draft one or two colors, while the Prism can draft all the colors. There is only one Prism alive at one time and the Prism is the military, spiritual, and political leader of the Satrapies.
Summary for Principal Characters
There are three principal viewpoint characters and three minor viewpoint characters.
Gavin was the Prism but has lost his powers. He is imprisoned in the special cells he made to hold a special prisoner. He must get help from an unlikely person to break out of his cell and to go on an important mission in the last book of the series.
Kip is fighting against the forces of the White King. The Color Prince has taken a new name, the White King, and he increases his power by taking half of the satrapies. The White King wants to take the Blood Forest because if he succeeds then the Chromeria’s ability to wage war against him will be damaged. Kip’s goal is to defeat the White King’s lieutenant, who is trying to take the Blood Forest. Kip has his exiled group named the Mighty and various motley troops from the Blood Forest. It helps that Tisis Malargos, his wife, has contacts in the Blood Forest.
Teia is tasked by Karris, the new White, to infiltrate the secret Order of the Broken Eye. It is a dangerous mission, complicated by her interaction with the assassin named Murder Sharp. The Order sends her on an important mission, and she must succeed or face her death.
Summary for Minor Characters
Karris White Oak is the new White. She must marshal her forces against the White King with the help and hindrance of Andross Guile. Corvan Danavis has become the satrap of Seer’s Island and is married to the Third Eye, a woman who knows the future. Liv Danavis serves the White King and has come into a significant power.
In Blood Mirror by Brent Weeks, the three principal characters have important tasks to perform. The tasks are straightforward but are not complete by the end of this novel. It feels like the characters are spinning their wheels leading up to the last book of the Lightbringer series. Gavin’s story seems redundant. Kip’s story leads up to him fighting a mini-boss before taking on the White King in the last book. Teia has a dramatic mission to complete. The stories were interesting, but I’m ready for the next book now. The last novel in the series is named the Burning White and was published on October 22, 2019. I plan to read the book soon.
This is the link to the Goodreads page of Blood Mirror by Brent Weeks.
Review of The Broken Eye by Brent Weeks, book 3 of The Lightbringer series. Gavin, Kip, Teia, and Karris fight the Color Prince and the Order of the Broken Eye. They face a climactic confrontation at the Chromeria. Another excellent book in the series.
This is the link to my review of the Blinding Knife by Brent Weeks.
This is the link to my review of Black Prism by Brent Weeks.