Rooster Bar by John Grisham
Rooster Bar by John Grisham is a thriller about a group of four law students entering their last semester before graduation at Foggy Bottom Law School. Gordon discovers Foggy Bottom is a diploma mill making their hope to pass the bar exam and to get a job after graduation slight. They all have about $200,000 in debt. Gordon has followed the money to a ruthless hedge-fund operator behind the ruse. When Gordon dies, will Mark, Todd, and Zola expose the scandal or flee the country?

The main characters and viewpoints for Rooster Bar are Mark, Todd, and Zola. Mark Frazier went to law school expecting to get rich as a lawyer. He works as an intern at a firm which says they will hire him after he passes the bar exam, but it is not in writing and Mark is skeptical that they are telling him the truth. Todd Lucero is a bartender at the Rooster Bar and has gone to law school through the advice of his bar patrons. Zola Maal is a US citizen, but her parents are undocumented workers from Senegal. Her parents and brother face deportation and she wants to use her knowledge of the law to free them. Zola is the girlfriend of Gordon Tanner who has a fiance back in his hometown but he doesn’t want to marry her.
Gordon goes off his meds, fights with his fiance, and returns to Washington. The four law students meet at the Rooster Bar and then go to Gordon’s apartment to see his research on the Great Law School Scam. After Gordon dies, the three must decide what to do with the information. They decide that their prospects of getting out of debt are slim so they create an unlicenced law office and start practicing law for cash from people on the fringe of society. They face loan collectors for their debts, the prospect of discovery of practicing law without a license, and the wrath of the hedge fund operator. Zola’s parents and brother are deported to Senegal. They must figure out a plan that will fix all their problems.
Rooster Bar by John Grisham was a frustrating book. The writing is clear and the plot moves quickly. The idea of the Great Law School Scam was interesting, especially how it affected the main characters. Zola’s dilemmas stemming from her parent’s deportation intrigued me. Mark and Todd are two knuckleheads who I wasn’t compelled to root for. Their solutions for their conflicts were increasingly terrible. If their motivations made sense, then I would have liked this book more.
This is the link to the Goodreads page of Rooster Bar by John Grisham.
I reviewed Camino Island also by John Grisham.
Two other recent thrillers I have read and reviewed are like Rooster Bar.
This is the link to my review of Bleak Harbor by Bryan Gruley.
This is the link to my review of The Speed of Sound by Eric Bernt.